Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 262 The first battle!

"Come on!"

Elmus patted Scott's shoulder, then couldn't help but grinned, and then hurried to the side, he was afraid that he couldn't help laughing.

Chiara's personality was cold, and he was a new member, so he just nodded to Scott.

"Just do your best!"

Facing the "blessings" of the two dragons, Scott rolled his eyes, and then turned his eyes to Candice for help.

Candice smiled slightly.

"Go, show your courage, let him know that you are not easy to bully!"

As he said, Candice looked around.

Because today the wind and thunder pterosaurs finally moved into their new home, they were particularly excited.

Coupled with Avery's "rumors", more than 90% of the wind and thunder pterosaurs knew that there was a dragon who wanted to challenge their old neighbor Witt!

So, they came with their families to cheer for their old neighbor!

Otherwise, they would have to guard the dragon eggs, and the rest would come.

A group of wind and thunder pterosaurs came out in full force, and the "rumors" always spread quickly, so naturally attracted the attention of many dragons.

Various flying dragons and earth dragons gathered around the ring, and even Poredia and Antasa came to join in the fun.

The 800-meter-long body of the first two was so conspicuous among the many dragons watching, even if they only stood far behind.

Seeing so many dragons, especially those two, which were quite famous even in the Sky City, Candice's mouth twitched.

How could things develop to this extent?

In this case, if he wins, he will become famous immediately. If he loses, he will have to be prepared to not appear in the first block for a long time.

In fact, Witt on the other side looked confused.

He didn't know that just a "revenge" battle between young dragons would cause such a sensation.

After knowing how to identify the identity of the managers of the Sky City, Witt looked at the managers who were busy among the dragons, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

I don't know if Oger is there. If he is, he shouldn't talk to him about magic for a few hours because of this matter. Uh... I shouldn't... I don't think so...

After receiving Candice's encouragement, Scott walked towards Witt on the field with a sad and angry face.

However, when he really faced Witt, the expression on Scott's face gradually became serious. No dragon wants to lose, especially under the gaze of so many dragons.

But after Candice's explanation, he didn't think he could beat Witt at all.

In this situation, there is only one way to deal with it.

Then fight well. Even if you lose, you must lose as the most beautiful cub in the whole process!

Thinking of this, Scott roared at Witt, which was a formal invitation to fight.

Watching the changes on the battlefield, the dragons watching the show around them all quieted down. Some dragons have never seen a fight between giant dragons in their lives, let alone two giant dragon cubs.


"Hey, old drunkard, who do you think will win?"

Antasha stood beside Boredia and couldn't help but tilt her head and asked in a low voice.

Although Boredia didn't drink today, he and Antassha were quite familiar with each other. After hearing this, he glanced at Antassha.

"Little Douding is not simple. From the magic circle, we can see that he has extraordinary attainments in magic. From the size, only the milky white young dragon can compete with him.


How come there are so many strange young dragons in the Sky City all of a sudden? Even I can't recognize them."

Hearing this, Antasa shook her head.

"I think that the milky white young dragon will definitely win. Even if there is a size difference, it can't make up for the huge gap between lower-level magic and middle-level magic.

Of course, if Witt uses a magic circle to deal with it, just ignore what I said!"

Poredia looked at Antasa without comment.

"It's about to start. I'm more interested in Witt's strength. How powerful is the young dragon that came out of the old dragon's nest... Let's wait and see!"

Hearing this, Antasa looked at Boredia in surprise.

"Old dragon nest?"

After a pause, the surprise on her face became more intense.

"You said... Desidero?"

"Besides them, which dragon nest has lost a dragon?"

Antasha was speechless. Well, apart from Desidero, there is really no dragon nest that has lost a young dragon.

Thinking of this, Antasa looked at Witt with a little more curiosity. She wanted to know what the difference was between the dragons that came out of the old dragon nest and these dragons.


Witt didn't like being surrounded by so many dragons, especially when there were so many strange dragons around.

So, after hearing Scott's invitation to fight, Witt looked at him apologetically.

He was going to defeat the dragon as soon as possible while retaining as many as possible.

As for whether it would cause psychological trauma to the dragon, that was not something he needed to consider.

He also roared in response.

Then, a magic circle instantly unfolded around Witt, and the acceleration magic circle suddenly lit up, and Witt turned into a velociraptor in an instant.

Ermus' pupils outside the field shrank suddenly.

"There is a shaping magic circle!"

Seeing the other two friends looking over, Ermus smiled bitterly.

"I finally understand what Candice means. It's no wonder that a young dragon that came out of the old dragon's nest actually has this kind of magic circle.

I have studied magic circles for so many years, but I have never heard that there is a corresponding magic circle for shaping magic."

Seeing that the two dragons were still staring at him in confusion, Ermus pondered for a moment.

"Let's put it this way. There is no corresponding magic circle for lower-level magic. This is something that all dragons who study magic circles know, and it has almost become a theorem.

Shaping magic belongs to this category. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a corresponding magic circle to appear!"

"Okay, let's talk about it later. Scott's situation is not good!"

Hearing Candice's words, Ermus and Chiara hurriedly looked towards the field, but saw that although Scott looked calm, he was trying to find Witte who was speeding up.

But from his nervous and confused eyes, it can be seen that he can't keep up with Witte's speed.

In fact, even as bystanders, they couldn't see Witt's movements on the field, they were too fast!

This has already surpassed the scope of lower-level magic!

Suddenly, the dragon's face changed.

But Witt suddenly appeared behind Scott, and then an extremely cold current spurted towards Scott.

Scott turned his head at this time and also spit out a breath.

The rich earth elements gathered into extremely solid diamonds, and then like a dense barrage, they rushed towards the zero-degree cold current.

However, the long-accumulated zero-degree cold current easily tore through the diamond storm and fell directly on Scott...

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