Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 265 You are clearly attacking by surprise!

Chapter 265 You are obviously attacking by surprise!

The four dragons are still standing together, but the awkward expressions on their faces have turned into vigilance.

The dragon on the opposite side is more unreasonable than Witt. Just now on the ring, it actually tried to attack them with its breath. If Witt hadn't helped to stop it, one of their dragons would definitely have been hit.

Although it's okay to be sprayed, it will inevitably affect the relationship between the two sides.

This is something that Witt and Candice don't want to see.

And Celine, who is opposite them, is still staring at the four dragons, with undisguised hostility in her eyes, but this time, she has no intention of attacking the four dragons.

Because this is no longer the ring, but Witt's shop.

Antawana, Linstar, Agnar, Avery, Hess, even Oger and Kadi were all in the store. They were lying or standing on the counter, watching the "confrontation" between the six dragons with relish.

Not to mention, without talking, the six dragons on the field looked like the love, hatred and hatred between young dragons, the kind with tens of thousands of words.

Aifu stayed in her father's arms obediently, watching the six dragons on the field with the same curiosity.

Fla kept pulling the dragon scales on Avery's legs, with a hint of anxiety on his face, and occasionally looking outside. Obviously, he just wanted to leave now.

He was taught a lesson by Witt a lot, and in his opinion, the only place where he would not be taught a lesson was by his mother's side.

Besides, they are both your children, why should you hug her and not me!

Fla thought so in his heart, and he had already started to plan. When he returned, he must sue him.

Seeing the two sides on the verge of a fight, Witt had no choice but to insert himself between the five dragons.

“No matter what the result is, the battle is over. Although I really want to keep you as guests, but…”

Hearing this, the vigilance in Candice’s eyes disappeared, and she looked at Witt and chuckled.

"Thank you for your kindness, but, not to mention that your companions don't welcome us, we can't stay here either, because there are still a lot of things to deal with over there!

By the way, if you have time, you can come to Block 2 to find us. The name of our shop is Dragon Gang.

It's an alchemy shop, and it's also quite famous, so it's easy to find.

It's getting late, so we won't stay any longer!"

After saying that, Candice nodded to Witt, then turned around and flew out.

Seeing that Celine was about to say something, Witt quickly covered her mouth.

However, he then remembered something and shouted to Candice and the others, "Scott, do you want to sell the diamonds on you? To be honest, I have a big demand for this, and the price is negotiable!"

However, after hearing this, Scott shook his body in the air, and then flew faster.

Seeing this, Witt shook his head with some regret.

Then, his claws were pulled off by Celine.

"Just let them go like this?"

Celine's tone was full of dissatisfaction.

Witt looked at Celine with a smile and said helplessly: "They are not enemies, why not let them leave? What's more, fighting is not allowed in Sky City!"

"That's what I want to say, Celine, you completely ignored my previous words, it seems I need to tell you the rules of Sky City again!"

At this time, Oger said with a serious face.

Hearing this, Celine's face changed, and then hid behind Witt, whispering to Witt: "He is very nagging, help me get rid of him!"

But she whispered, it was not whispered at all.

Witt nodded to Oger a little embarrassedly, then pulled Celine out from behind him and glanced at the dragons on the counter.

"Let me formally introduce you to you. She was born in the same batch as me. Her name is Celine. Although it is hard to be convincing after what happened just now, she actually has a very good personality."

As he said, Witt turned his head and looked at Celine.

"Except for Kadi, the others are all friends!"

Hearing Witt's words, Celine was stunned for a moment, then glanced at the dragons, and a smile appeared in her eyes.

"I was worried that with your personality, a dragon would be lonely outside. It seems that after so many years, you have changed a lot."

The other dragons were a little confused, but Witt knew what Celine was talking about. He smiled awkwardly and was about to say something when Kadi couldn't help but shout.

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you mean?

Although I really don't want to be friends with you, you can't exclude me so openly!

Also, you should talk about compensation for me!"


Witt looked at Kadi with some confusion.

"By the way, why are you here too?"

Kadi's face was dark, and he stretched out his dragon claws to point at Celine next to Witt.

"Ask her!"

Witt turned his head and looked at Celine in confusion.

"By the way, how did you know I was here?"

Seeing that the dragons' eyes turned to her, Celine lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Out there on the plain, I met that sound dragon. I was afraid that he would harm me, so I knocked him out in advance."

"I was hunting, you know what hunting is?

I am still hungry now, and you are afraid that I will harm you?

I didn't even see you, I saw a flash of white light, and then I fainted. You were obviously attacking by surprise, a shameless sneak attack!"

Celine turned her head away, not daring to face the strange looks of the dragons, and ignored Kadi's words, and then said: "After knocking him out, I dragged the dragon and prepared to find a way to wake him up, wanting to get some information from him.

As a result, the wind-thunder pterosaur surrounded me with a group of dragons, not only snatching my prey, but also talking a lot.

If it weren't for his strong strength..."

"Hey, hey, hey, you just mentioned the prey!"


As she said, Antawana glared at Kadi fiercely.

And Kadi stopped talking without realizing it.

But soon, he responded again. Witt was strong, but the battle with Antawana was definitely an accident.

However, when he saw that the dragons' eyes were focused on Celine, he muttered softly and didn't speak again. "However, it was from him that I learned that the plain was managed by dragons, and the dragon's nest next to the plain was called Sky City.

Uh... a very special dragon's nest.

Here, not only do giant dragons, small dragons and flying dragons live together, but young dragons can also run outside the dragon's nest.

On the plain, you can challenge, but you can't kill."

Hearing this, Witt said helplessly: "I told you to read more books. This is not a dragon's nest, but a dragon city-state, another form of dragon gathering place."

Celine looked at Witt dissatisfiedly.

"What's so good about books? Fighting is the truth. Uh... Now is not the time to talk about these. After all, that nagging dragon told me that I can stay in Sky City, but I need to abide by the rules here.

At first, I wanted to leave directly, but he mentioned your name..."

Speaking, Celine turned to look at Witt, her eyes full of surprise!


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