Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 271 Are you interested in seeing the outside world?

Chapter 271 Are you interested in taking a look at the outside world?

After hearing what Werther said, Celine took her daughter back in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I know you are only five years older than us. This... that... is all Werther's fault. He should have made it clear last night!

놊But, your body shape is too 께!

I think I have suffered a lot, but I think I will be full for a long time! "

As she said this, Celine's eyes showed a little heartache.

Like Werther, if you want to truly enter his world, you only need time to settle down, and your personality must match Werther's taste.

Celine is much simpler. If you have a good relationship with Werther, you have a good relationship with me, and her personality is more emotional.

Just like when she first came out, she would care about exhausting herself to practice flying.

Antavana was a little impatient at first, and even had the idea of ​​​​fighting Celine. However, when she saw the distress in Celine's eyes, she sighed helplessly, and her heart disappeared. 놅ideas.

The good-hearted dragon in front of me and the sensible dragon yesterday are totally compatible!

On the other side, Werther saw Celine stepping on the thunder crazily, and was still thinking that when Antavanna proposed a duel, 놚놊놚 blocked her with words. As a result, Antavanna gave up first.

Werther breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time, quickly reminded: "Okay Celine, Antavanna likes to have her figure improved."

Celine realized it later and quickly apologized.

Antavanna could only helplessly say it didn't matter.

Later, Celine paid attention and put it on Lin Sida.

When Lin Sida saw that Celine had such a good temper, her original worries disappeared long ago. When she saw Celine looking over, she nodded with a smile.

As a result, Celine frowned!

"I heard from Werther about your character.

As a giant dragon, such a weak spirit must be 놊行놅, and his whole body exudes an aura of laziness.

What is a dragon?




Always walk on the path of pursuing freedom.

And you have none of it!

If you are a dragon, I can't say anything. After all, every dragon has its own personality and pursuits, and I am not qualified to ask all dragons to meet my needs.

But if you are Werther's friend, then you are my friend.

You may be a bit introverted in character, but in terms of behavior, I will definitely allow you to be so weak and lazy.

Starting from today, you take some time to practice magic with me every day. When will you be able to show the domineering power of the dragon, when will it end! "

Linsida's face froze, and then he hurriedly said: "But I am friendly to natural elements, and the breath itself is relatively mild, so this kind of 놊 is very suitable!"


Celine's eyes sharpened.

"You call this gentleness?

I have never been exposed to natural elements and dragons, but Dinnit is like this. She is usually gentle, but when things happen, she is still decisive and assertive.

This is gentleness. As for you..."

Linstar subconsciously turned his attention to Werther.

Werther made a move.

"I think what Celine said is right. You really need to exercise. In fact, even if Celine brings it up, I am going to ask Celine for help.

Even if there is no Celine, I am still going to train you myself.

Because, I recently discovered that after you settled down, you seem to have slacked off a bit. You have been practicing magic before, but you have also stopped secretly recently.

Although I am very busy, I still have time to pay attention to you! "

Hearing these words, Linsida lowered his head in a little shame. Well, he has indeed been lazy recently.

"Okay, I don't blame you. You were just lazy for a few days. I believe that with Celine's help, you will soon grow into a real giant dragon.

Let’s talk about this first, let’s go eat quickly, I’m a little hungry! "

With that said, Werther flew outside. Seeing this, Celine and the others hurriedly chased after him.

"Have you not walked out of the 꺶 Icefield yet? I should say 놊 is the 꺶 Icefield. This is the real 놅꺶!"

Nasha glanced around.

Everything that comes into view is ice and snow. If it weren't for her special dragon stomach, she would definitely starve to death in this ice and snow, let alone the trial journey.

"I've been walking in the direction Ace said for a long time. Why haven't I seen the Moon Shadow River yet? Do we still have to go forward?"

After muttering something in her voice, Nasha was about to move on, but suddenly, her eyes froze!

Then he quickly spread his wings and left his original position.

And just when she left, a black wind blew past where she was just standing. The ice and snow below were instantly corroded into black water after coming into contact with the wind.

Nasha glanced at where she was standing just now, her brows furrowed, and then she looked towards the place where she had felt the elemental fluctuations.

In the wind and snow, a figure with sharp eyes slowly flapped her wings behind her.

Streamlined body, slightly slender, or to be more precise, thin.

It walks on four legs, and its wingspan is about twice its body length.

The dragon's horns are short, slightly curved backwards, and are wrapped with strands of dark aura. When those auras come into contact with the flying ice and snow, they will soon be corroded.

The dragon's tail is thick and short, only about half the body length, and has a three-edged sharp tail spine at the end.

The navy blue diamond-shaped scales are dense and dense, and there are also faint silver patterns on the body, which appear and disappear.

Nasha didn't know the dragon in front of her.

In her inherited memory, there is no such thing as a dragon in this world.

"Get out of here!"

Mo 눃long spoke, with a hint of vigilance in his arrogant tone.

When she noticed the vigilance in the other person's eyes, Nasha realized something, thought about it, and asked: "This nearby area is your territory, right?"

Sorry for intruding into your territory, but are you interested in taking a look at the outside world? "

Mo 눃long was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes sharpened.


As she spoke, a strong elemental wave began to brew in her mouth.

But Nasha seemed not to listen or see, and continued: "It snows all year round on the ice field. Have you ever seen the starry sky above?

놇It’s hard to have a full meal here!

Along the way, I relied on ice and snow to satisfy my hunger.

I am ready to leave the ice field and go to the outside world for a trial journey.

You 놚놊놚 together?

There is no snow outside, so we can see the stars and have plenty of food.

By the way, my name is Nasha, what about you? "



Apart from the sound of the cold wind whistling by, there was no other sound.

The breath brewing in Mo눃long's mouth gradually subsided.


After a pause, she asked again: "Can I really leave?"

Nasha nodded in agreement.

"Of course, in fact, this is already the edge of the ice field. We just need to continue walking south and find a river, and then we can follow the river and leave the ice field!"


She hasn't found prey for a while. Maybe leaving is the wrong choice...

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