Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 279 I don’t know elemental magic either, even if it’s only temporarily!

Chapter 279 I don’t know elemental magic either, although only temporarily!

After hearing Olidolf's words, Werther and Antasha looked at each other.

This dragon is too honest and has a surprisingly good temper. He is too embarrassed to continue to bully him. What should I do?


Look here.

By the way, you will never forget what we are doing here! "

After hearing Antavana's words, Werther and the others looked in the direction of the sound, only to see Antavanna staring at a branch above with a solemn expression.

Before Werther could say anything, Antasha raised her paw a little higher and moved closer to Antavana.

After arriving at the 깊 position, Werther could just see the position where Antavana was observing at this time.

With just one glance, Werther's brows wrinkled.

At first glance, you don't think there's anything wrong with it, but if you look closely, you'll find that the branch is slightly twisted, and it exudes the familiar aura of the abyss.

"This 놆..."

Antavanna pointed to Olidolf in the right direction.

"The thing teleported with Celine should be the stone that was kicked away by him. He should be hit on the head by the stone contaminated with the abyss. I think you should check it out."

Vitality points.

"Solve it more thoroughly. Forget it... Antasha, this tree cannot be left alive. It is contaminated with the power of the abyss. Although it looks fine on the outside, it is not necessarily true on the inside."

As he spoke, Werther flew to the trunk far away from the branch and grabbed a handful.

Sure enough, wisps of black aura emerged from the wounds on the tree trunk, and there was an abnormal gray color inside.

Witte was not surprised by this.

According to Olidof, his genius passed through here.

In other words, during the past three days, the stone stained with the power of the abyss has been staying in this tree.

To be honest, the tree was not completely twisted, which was beyond Werther's expectation.

It should be that the stone itself is not contaminated with too much abyss power.

Just think about it.

As soon as Celine and the others were attacked, they were teleported away by her power.

In such a short period of time, the stone that will be transported along with Celine cannot be contaminated with too much power of the abyss.

But even so, three days of brewing still caused chaos in Yongye Forest.

The dangers of the abyss are evident!

With this thought in his heart, Werther flew towards Olidolf in the direction.

However, when he saw the mud on the other party's body, he stopped.

"You should have heard what we just said. The weird dragon beast you mentioned before is related to the stone that hit you. I have to check whether your head is injured.

If injured but ignored, you may become one of those fallen drakes. "

Hearing this, Olidof suddenly became nervous.

"Then please check it for me quickly!"


Werther was silent for a moment, and then turned his head, looking at Olidof in embarrassment.

"Well, you better take a shower first!"

Just because Olidolph has a good temper does not mean that he is a fool.

In the blink of an eye, I understood what Werther meant.

Think about it, if the other party didn't despise him, the two young dragons wouldn't have pulled him out of the quagmire.

Thinking of this, Olidolf's eyes flashed with sadness.

Sure enough, he is the one who is hated everywhere!

Although he was thinking this in his heart, on his face, he forced himself to keep a smile, chanted a spell a little bitterly, summoned water balls, and washed away all the mud on his body.

Seeing this, Werther leaned over. Maybe he felt that he had gone too far just now, so he smiled and explained: "I'm sorry, I don't really dislike you, I just don't like to touch things like mud.

Right, you can barely use the water polo, so you specialize in the earth element! "

Hearing this, Olidolf glanced at Werther in surprise. Seeing that the other person didn't look like he was lying, the smile on his face became more sincere.

But when he heard Werther asking about his magic, Olidolf's smile became bitter again.

"Actually...I'm not very good at magic!"

Werther was checking the injury on Olidolf's head. After hearing this, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Not very good at magic?"

Ollidorf nodded.

"Although water and earth are compatible with each other, I don't know what's going on... Maybe I know what's going on. In short, I can't use magic above five nodes.

How ironic!

As a giant dragon, I can't even cast magic properly. "

Werther stared at Olidorf for a while, and then while checking, he said: "Magic is not the same thing... Although when I say this, you may think that you can do magic anyway, so you can say whatever you want!"

Hearing this, Olidolph hurriedly said: "As promised in advance, I didn't think so!"

Werther grinned.

"It doesn't matter if you think about it. After all, I don't know elemental magic, even if it's only temporary!"

Olidolf was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but look back at Werther.

"Are you kidding me?"

Werther frowned and twisted Olidolf's head back.

"Don't move, I'm here to help you!

As for the fact that I don't know elemental magic...do I need to lie to you?

Since my birth, I have only inherited one of the dragon's two origin magics: Breath. Until now, my flying relies entirely on my wings.

However, I am luckier than you. After I escape from childhood, I may be able to use magic.

Uh... Sorry, it's rare to meet someone who is also not very good at magic.

You don’t think I’m verbose, do you? "

Hearing this, Olidolf remained silent.

Celine, Antavana and Antasha all looked at Werther in surprise.

That's it, no wonder, Werther just said so much.

Werther didn't know what the other dragons were thinking. Seeing that Olidolf didn't speak, he chuckled and continued to search carefully.

Soon, Werther found a cracked dragon scale on the back of Olidolf's head, with a faint black aura lingering on it.

"Tsk, it's indeed infected!"

As he spoke, Werther looked up at Antasha.

"Antasha, give me a bottle of the advanced healing potion I gave you before!"

After receiving the healing potion handed over by 깊Antasha, Werther first handed it to 깊Olidolph.

"It will be very painful for a while. I'm afraid you may misunderstand. You can check this bottle of healing potion first."

Ollidorf took a look.

"I know the healing potion, please!"

Witte smiled without saying anything. After opening the lid, he poured the advanced healing potion directly onto the cracked dragon scale on the back of Olidolf's head.

A pinprick-like pain came from the back of his head.

Thinking of those weird dragon beasts he had seen before, Olidolf's heart couldn't help but feel a touch of joy!

Fortunately, I met these dragons!

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