Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 281 Ten years of hard work!

"You hate mud!"

Antasha's face froze when she heard this.

"Tsk, can't you let me think about it for a while longer?

Well, mud will cover up the beauty of things, which is not good news for me who likes exquisite things.

As for the remnants of the breath...

Ignore it, it will become fertile land in the future.

What do you think the breath of the black dragon is?

Although it looks a bit cruel, it is essentially earth and water elements. As for the other kind, it will settle down and melt the rocks."

Hearing this, the other dragon suddenly realized that it was a joke!

Witt glanced at Celine and the others and sneered.


What she said was definitely a lie, but it couldn't be really implemented for various reasons.

However, Witt swore silently in his heart.

I will never let any black dragon breathe at him in the future!


It took nearly 5 minutes for Witt and his team to finally reach the second destination, the location of the first target.

When they saw the stone embedded in the tree trunk, Witt and other dragons could not help but turn their eyes to Olidov.

Although he was an unlucky guy, this guy's strength was really strong.

You know, the 5 minutes here is not the time for searching, but the time for Antasa to fly. Although it is not flying at full speed, it is definitely flying more than 10,000 meters in 5 minutes.

Olidov scratched his head a little embarrassedly when he saw this.

"I was so angry at that time that I kicked with all my strength.

Speaking of which, the stone did not crack even after enduring a full-strength kick. The material of this stone is really good."

Looking at the stone embedded in the tree, Witt's eyes flashed with an inexplicable look.

The stone is an ordinary stone, but its experience is not ordinary. Although it is protected by the formation, it has also endured countless dragons and countless magical bombardments for tens of thousands of years.

Although the Dragon Academy was not built when the Desidero Dragon Lair was first established, it is not much different.

"Antasha, let you clean this stone!"

Antasha doesn't care, but...

"Can you do it?"

Witt chuckled.

"You will know if you try it. If it doesn't work, you can do it again."

Celine glanced at Witt, then lowered her head a little lonely, and suddenly left Desidero. How could her mood be good? It's just that the presence of Witt diluted the emotion a little.

Now seeing something that also came from Desidero, even if it was just a stone, the two dragons couldn't help but be aroused a little emotion.

Antasha stretched out her claws so that Witt could use it.

Looking at the stone not far away, Witt hesitated for a moment, opened his mouth, and spewed out a breath of extreme cold.

However, when the zero-degree cold current collided with the abyss power lingering on the stone, it was instantly at a disadvantage.

After only a few breaths, Witt stopped.


It was different from the abyss power he encountered ten years ago.

It was more contagious and more difficult to remove.

But think about it, this power came from an abyss strongman who dared to attack Desidero.

How could the abyss power carried by those abyss cannon fodder characters be the same as this level of power.


Antasha wanted to say something, Witt shook his head and looked at the stone again.

In fact, he realized before that the zero-degree cold current might not care, but he wanted to try to keep the stone.

Now it seems that he can only go all out.

With this in mind, Witt no longer limited his body temperature. The scorching air waves made the dragon watching next to him subconsciously step back a distance.

Celine looked at Witt, who was emitting high temperatures all over his body, with a hint of helplessness in her eyes.

Even if she tried harder, she couldn't catch up with this figure, and even the gap between the two bodies became bigger.

Antawana looked at Witt in astonishment.

After living together for more than ten years, she didn't know that Witt still had such a terrifying power.

In fact, Witt was also a little confused.

After more than ten years of not using this power, it actually became stronger automatically, and even he could feel the burning sensation brought by the power deep in his throat!

Without time to think about it, Witt opened his mouth wide, and wisps of blazing white flames overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

What Witt couldn't see was that on his chest, bright white cracks similar to the cracks caused by lava melting gradually spread from the center of his chest to his body.

Without any sound, the blazing white flame condensed into a column, instantly gushed out of Witt's mouth, and landed on the stone wrapped with the power of the abyss.

As if feeling threatened, large tracts of black abyss power began to surge out of the stone.

These abyss forces turned into a human-shaped phantom with upright legs, facing Witt's blazing white flame column, roared silently, and then...then they were overturned.

Its owner may be very powerful, but it is just a trace of power left, brewing for only a few days.

How could it be a match for Witt's blazing white breath!

It only lasted for a moment before it was burned to ashes by the blazing white flame.

The stone and the tree it was attached to were also burned directly by the extremely high temperature.

The breath even passed through the big tree and shot out into the distance.

Fortunately, Antasa responded quickly enough and blocked the breath with her other claw.

After taking a look at the slightly burnt dragon scale on her claw, Antasa looked at Witte again with a bit more weirdness.

"Your son should be a young dragon, right?"

Witte took a breath and grinned at the shocked eyes of the dragons.

"Your father may not have given you the orthodox dragon inheritance, but he gave you the pursuit of freedom and the strength to pursue freedom."

Antasa rolled her eyes.

"But you are too outrageous. I dare not guarantee that a dragon beast below the gold level will be killed instantly by your spray, and you are only a bronze."

Witte smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"How can you calculate it like that? Just look at your state. The fire elemental power stored in your body has been reduced by one-half!"

The dragons understood.

Indeed, power does not come out of thin air.

At this moment, Witt was stunned for a moment, then looked down at his chest.

"What is this?"

On his chest, lines like lava flowing were printed on it. The dragon scales at the lines were still silver-white, but the metallic luster was not restored.

Witt stretched out his claws in astonishment and touched it.

The defense power did not decrease, but in this way, he looked even less like a silver dragon.

Whose silver dragon tattoo is it!

Then, Witt looked at Celine and the others for help.

But at that time, Witt had his back to them, so the dragons did not notice where the lines on Witt's chest came from.

"So you didn't bring this with you!"


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