Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 285 Calm down!

Chapter 285 Breath!


In the cave, there were constant sounds of heavy breathing, and from time to time, there would be roars full of pain.

"Get out...get out of my head..."

I don’t know how long it took, but the roar in the cave gradually died down.

Suddenly a strong fire broke out inside.

Against the backdrop of the firelight, the scene in the cave was revealed.

A red dragon about fifteen meters long kept spitting its breath towards the ground, and the black abyss power collided fiercely with the lava breath.

In the end, the power of the abyss collapsed and was dispersed by the rich fire element.


After stopping its breathing, the red dragon began to breathe heavily again, its golden pupils full of defiance and humiliation.

After breathing for a moment, his eyes moved to his body, which was covered with marks filled with black aura.

Seeing these marks, his eyes flashed, and then he opened his mouth.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Werther's dimmed eyes showed a hint of helplessness.

That's a dragon beast!

The overall body is similar to an earth dragon, but its size is much larger than most dragon beasts. The old scars on its scales show that it is a genuine adult.

But its size is only about 17 or 18 meters, and its tail is quite long.

There are horizontal bone spurs on the forelimbs, which are the symbol of this kind of dragon beast. When chasing prey, this horizontal bone spur is its weapon.

The whole body is covered with black dragon scales.

The front 꿮 is very sharp!

This is a Fasridramon.

Its crotch can also match the scars on the Avery tribe.

There are many fresh wounds on its body, but it can be seen that it has experienced many battles recently.

Fasridramons live in groups, but this one obviously may live in groups.

On its back, there is a slender sharp stone inserted, which penetrates its body almost vertically downward. The lowest end will be inserted into the ground as long as it lies down.

And that sharp stone is the source they are looking for.

Of course, both are sources at this time, and the breath of the abyss is constantly emerging from both of them, eroding everything around them.

This Fasridramon is dead.

It can be seen from the surrounding environment that this is an extremely brutal battle.

There are traces of abyss power and fire elemental magic everywhere, including the lava breath that Witte is more familiar with.

There were a large number of dragon scales scattered on the devastated ground. There were those of this Fasri dragon beast, and there were also dragon scales that Werther was familiar with.

His relative is barely a red dragon, Winters is also a red dragon, and there are many red dragons in Desidero.

Yes, those scales are from the red dragon!

Judging from the size of the scales, this red dragon is quite old. It is a young dragon, about fifteen meters in size.

Judging from the results, there is no doubt that the red dragon won.

Fasridramon's fatal wound was not on its head or neck, but on a certain indescribable location. There was a big hole there, and nearly one-third of the fallen dragon's body was burned out. part.

Even though the fallen dragon beast has strong vitality, this level of injury still makes it lose its life.

But Witte is now worried about the red dragon!

Such a tragic battlefield has already shown that the opponent suffered a tragic victory.

And the consequence of the tragic victory in the battle with the fallen dragon beast is probably that he has been contaminated with the power of the abyss.

When 놇놊understands this power, Witte can't even imagine what the outcome will be for the red dragon.

What would it be like if a dragon fell?

Witte knows, and he also wants to know, so he must find this red dragon!

If Witte can think of this, other dragons can naturally think of it too.

Therefore, when this idea came to Werther's mind, Antavana, who had always been relatively strong in mobility, had already looked around.

When Werther looked at Antavanna, the latter shook her head.

"There are no clues left. This dragon is the dragon in the Sky City. His behavior reminds me of my past self!"

As a young dragon born in the wild, if he can do it, he can perfectly hide his whereabouts under any circumstances. This dragon will survive beyond its infancy.

Hearing this, Werther's face became even more ugly.

Now we are in big trouble!

At this time, there was a crackling sound from above.

Then, as several giant trees fell, Antasha landed roughly, then frowned and moved her body slightly, and several more giant trees lay down.

"Tsk, it's so narrow!"

While muttering, Antasha turned her attention to their target this time.

Soon, she understood the current situation.

After taking a look at the four crumbling dragons, Antasha said solemnly: "Your mission is completed. As for the red dragon, I will inform Boredia.

Let them handle this kind of thing! "

Although Werther wanted to refuse, he could only nod in the end.

놇When the other party left no trace, let alone him as a dragon, even if Celine and the others were included, 놇Antasha was willing to help, it would be difficult to find traces of the other party in a place like the Evernight Forest.

놇After Antasha destroyed the last source, she returned to the Sky City with Witte and the others, who had been out for nearly three days.

On the way, Witt and the others insisted on staying and fell asleep directly.

When Witt woke up again, he learned through the time rune that he had slept for three days.

After all, young dragons are still young dragons. Their mental strength is no match for dragons that have left the young dragon stage. Aolido, who was as tired as them and fell asleep, recovered in just one day.

And Antawana and Celine have not woken up yet.

After waking up, Witt went directly to Antashya.

After talking with her, he also understood much more about what happened in the past three days.

First of all, the most important thing is the matter of the Evernight Forest.

In three days, the Sky City's cleanup of the fallen dragon beasts in the Evernight Forest has reached the final stage.

Since all three stones fell on the periphery of the Evernight Forest, except for the third stone, only the second stone had the greatest impact, so the strength of the Fallen Dragon Beast was not very strong.

And the harm caused by the third stone was basically cut off by Witt and his team.

After that, it was a long-term monitoring of the Evernight Forest, and Witt didn't need to worry about these.

Secondly, it was the red dragon!

Until now, there was still no news about the red dragon, but it found a cave where the other party had stayed. There was only cooled lava in it, and there was no trace of the power of the abyss.

This news made Witt somewhat relieved, and the other party should be greatly affected.

The last thing that deserved Witt's attention was Aolidao. The other party stayed in the Sky City and lived next door to Antash.


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