Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 291 Oger, please help me!

Randomly encountering a giant dragon infected by the power of the abyss, he thought that the abyss had begun a massive attack.

Dare to love the ice and the ice. It turns out.

Then it'll be fine.

There is a legendary ancient dragon over there, called Tyrant Ace.

The big ice field is the other side's territory.

As long as Ace is here, nothing will happen to the Great Icefield. If something happens to Ace, not to mention the Great Icefield, the entire Fast Continent will be affected.

The opposite is true as well. As long as this continent is quiet, there will be no problem on the other side of the ice sheet.

However, the multi-point and multi-line invasion of the abyss is not good news.

The dragon world is huge!

If the abyss happened to find a place where no dragon had set foot, and started to invade from that place, it would be troublesome.

"You actually know about the Great Icefield?"

Just as Werther was thinking about it, Xiao Bing looked at Werther in surprise.

Although the Big Icefield is indeed relatively famous in Fast Continent, few dragons generally know about this kind of place. Anyone who knows the Big Icefield has rich experience.

After hearing what Pao Bing said, Werther sighed.

“Do you know the Yaka Hills?”

Kuo Bing was stunned, and then said in surprise: "I heard that you came from the Yaka Hills?"

Werther shook his head.

"That's not true. I came from the Warren Rift Valley in the south of the Yaka Hills. I also experienced the Great Icefield Change more than ten years ago. That was also the first time I encountered the power of the abyss.

I don’t know what’s going on over there now? "

Hearing this, Kuo Bing sighed.

“What else can we do? It won’t stop snowing, and the temperature won’t rise.

Although I like ice and snow, but in this situation, even in the big ice field, it can only mean that the person's anger has not subsided and the matter has not been resolved.

However, there have been changes in recent years. Although the temperature is higher as you go south, which is normal, if the difference is more obvious, it means that the temperature in the affected areas has been rising. "

Hearing this, Werther was relieved.

The rising temperature means that Ace is condensing his strength, which also means that the things that made him angry are gone, at least for the time being.

A rare piece of good news.

I don’t know what’s going on with Desidero.

In fact, Whyte didn't want Desidero to send a dragon to pick them up.

After being attacked, it was impossible for Desidero to fall asleep again, and with Desidero's power, seven days would definitely be enough time to pick them up, even if they couldn't be found for a while. .

What's more, Desidero must have sensed Guluo's aura.

Not picking them up for such a long time can only show that in Desidero's opinion, it is safer outside than in the Dragon's Nest.

This is not good news.

This means that Desidero should be more serious when faced with the abyss invasion than Ace's side.

After sighing, Witte came back to his senses, and then saw Redeker and the others, looking at him and Xiao Bing with strange expressions. Just thinking about it, he knew what they were wondering about.

"Desidero was in the Warren Rift Valley before the change in the Great Ice Sheet!"

Hearing this, all the dragons suddenly realized!

Then Antavanna looked at Celine next to her in shock.

When the latter saw this, he was a little embarrassed and said: "I only know that Desidero is in the Warren Rift Valley. I don't know that the Great Rift Valley is south of the Yucca Hills, and I don't know that the Yucca Hills are on the other side of the Great Icefield. "

Hearing this, Antavana glanced at Celine strangely. No wonder magic is so powerful. She spends all her time practicing magic!

On the other side, Werther also looked at Celine speechlessly, and then he looked at Aobing again.

"Tell me again how the power of the abyss tortures you!"

Hearing this, Kuo Bing scratched his head.

"Um... Actually, it's better to say torture than trouble!

Ever since this power infected me, every once in a while, a voice would come from nowhere and echo in my mind.

At the beginning, this power was just a thought, and it had little impact on me, so I became a little annoyed.

But as time passed, the sound became louder and louder.

Although I couldn't understand the meaning of those words, I could feel the madness and chaos hidden in those words.

It's trying to turn me into what it is.

Fortunately, although its power is increasing, it is still controllable for me.

When that sound sounded, I just felt a little irritable. "

Werther nodded thoughtfully.

Dragon beasts have no intelligence, so the power of the abyss can easily spread within them. Such crazy and chaotic thoughts can quickly take over their instincts, thus affecting their behavior.

But in the body of a wise dragon, it is obviously not like this.

Pei Bing describes the process as somewhat similar to provoking emotions. First it makes you upset, then it makes you irritable, and then it makes you manic. To this extent, your emotions are already in an unstable state.

It is possible to vent this emotion at any time. At first, it may be purely venting, and then it may become destructive, until it finally becomes crazy!

By that time, the dragon infected by the power of the abyss may not even be as good as the innate dragon beast.

They will go crazy and destroy everything they can see.

"Is there anything else you want to know?"

Pao Bing's voice brought Werther back from his thoughts.

Shaking his head, Witte turned to look at Redecker and joked: "It seems that you are a successful merchant, but you are so successful that you have suppressed the spirit that the consul should have!"

Redecker rolled his eyes.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with it!"

Witte smiled, then turned to look at Kuo Bing.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see Boredia. He is a legendary level dragon. He should be able to help you. However, I don't know if you want a reward!"

Hearing this, Kuo Bing shook his head.

"The reward is easy, as long as it allows me to get rid of these troublesome powers."

"Then let's go!"

With that said, Witte said something to Redecker, and then flew outside.

"Thank you!"

Kuo Bing thanked Redeker, then turned around and left with Witte.

Watching the four dragons leave, Reddock touched his chin and muttered in a low voice: "Is my merchant aura too strong?

Uh...forget it, that's it! "

After leaving the "Wind Dragon Dining Table", Witte and the others flew towards Boredia Pharmacy with Pei Bing.

The distance is not too far and we will arrive soon.

However, when he entered the Boredia Pharmacy, he met a mature dragon head-on.

"놆You, Oge, do me a favor!"

"Witt, just in time, I'm going to find you and want you to do a favor!"

After saying that, both dragons were stunned, and then Witte said with a smile: "Go to my place later and talk, I will solve the matter at hand first!"

Oge nodded, glanced curiously at Vitte, who was followed by Pei Bing, and then stepped aside.

After taking a closer look at the strange dragon, he basically understood what Witte was doing!

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