Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 305 Sea of ​​Thunderstorm!

"Why haven't you started yet?"

"Didn't you say there was a sea of ​​thunder to watch?"


The dragons had been gathered on the roof of Witt's house for nearly an hour, but the sea of ​​thunder they were looking forward to didn't even have a shadow.

Of course, they weren't complaining about anything. It was a pretty good experience for everyone to get together and talk and laugh like this.

It was just that the sea of ​​thunder didn't appear, which made them a little disappointed.

As for the dragons gathered here, in addition to the five of Witt, there were also Antashya, Ollidolf, Avery and Hess.

As for Avery's tribe, they also gathered on their cubic building at this time, and they could see a large dark area over there from a distance.

Poredia didn't come over, but stood on his own roof, motionlessly looking up at the sky, not knowing whether he was in a daze or thinking about something.

Hearing the discussion of Linsda and the others, Witt turned his head to look at Antashya, and just as he was about to ask, he saw Antashya staring in another direction.

Under the cover of thick clouds, the Sky City is always dark whether it is day or night!

Looking around, the lights are bright and spectacular!

The direction that Antasa is looking at is a tall cliff. On the cliff, there is a black shadow of more than 2,000 meters. It is the ruler of Sky City, the monarch of Sky, Gu Luo.

Just when Witt was wondering why Antasa was looking there, Antasa suddenly said, "Here we come!"

Hearing Antasa's words, the dragons subconsciously looked towards Sky, but there was still no movement in Sky.

The dragons looked at Antasa again, and then looked in the direction of the other's gaze, and then noticed that the monarch of Sky had changed!

A pair of purple spiral dragon horns pointed obliquely at Sky, and the faint blue electric light that was originally lingering around the dragon horns was getting brighter and brighter at this time.

From the perspective of Witt and the others, the blue electric light, like a group of ghost firefly dragon beasts, gradually lit up and slowly illuminated the area around the monarch's body.

The blue electric light wandered around the huge body, and the blue lines on the limbs began to respond to the enthusiasm of these electric lights, emitting a ghostly blue glow.

An indescribable terrifying aura spread from the monarch's body.

The originally lively Sky City suddenly became quiet.

In contrast, after this aura spread, the thunder element in the air suddenly became more active, and strands of purple lightning wandered over the Sky City.

There was an inexplicable stench in the air.

At this time, Witt and the others had already moved their eyes away from the monarch and turned to look at the thunder and lightning that were wandering towards the sky.

In the Sky City, under the gaze of countless dragons, the lightning flashes fell on the dry grass pile like sparks.


The first thunder exploded, followed by thousands of thunders!

The dark clouds, like burning firewood, suddenly burst into lightning, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into an endless sea of ​​thunder.

Countless thunders raged in the sky, dispelling the darkness and dyeing the Sky City white.

The high activity of the thunder element made the dragons, who were friendly to the thunder element, roar wildly.

Thunder season!

Sea of ​​thunderstorms!

This is the kingdom of thunder, a place where the thunder element can vent its own power, and a paradise for thunder dragons!


At this moment, a dull dragon roar sounded from beside Witt and his friends.

When Witt and the others turned around, they saw that Poredia, who had been standing there quietly, had spread his wings and slowly flew up. A terrifying aura was stirring around him.

The dark blue dragon scales, starting from the tail, lit up piece by piece, becoming the purest thunder element. Blue lightning roamed around him, and his dragon body of more than 100 meters began to expand.

When he approached the bottom of the sea of ​​thunder with countless dragon roars, his body had expanded to about 1,200 meters, and his body became translucent, surrounded by terrifying bright blue lightning.

This is the elemental form of the elemental dragon, and it is also their true appearance.


A deafening roar suddenly sounded when Poredia's dragon body sank into the sea of ​​thunder.

The roar was full of warning.

At this time, another roar came from outside the Sky City.

Witt and his companions looked in the direction of the sound, but could only see a small bright spot in the west.

They could not sense the other party's breath, but they could hear the other party's anger and unwillingness from the roar, and even a bit of provocation.

Then, Witt and his companions saw that Poredia's body was wandering in the sea of ​​thunder, rushing towards the west.

Soon, violent thunder element fluctuations came from there.

Witt could not help but look at Antasa.

Antasa naturally understood what Witt meant, and explained: "That's the inland sea, and that dragon is also a giant dragon of the thunder element, but his temper is not as good as Poredia, and his personality is extremely domineering.

He is also unwilling to settle in the Sky City.

But he also covets this thunderstorm sea in the Sky City.

Every few years, he will challenge Poredia like now, trying to monopolize the thunderstorm sea.

Poredia is the strongest thunder dragon (a dragon with affinity to the thunder element) in the Sky City. Although he doesn't like fighting, he doesn't like the other party's monopolistic attitude.

So, every time they beat the other side severely.

In fact, at their level, the activity of the elements is no longer important. What they need to comprehend is the law.

There is no need to monopolize the Thunderstorm Sea.

Therefore, the dragon only needs to restrain his temper and express his attitude, and Poredia will not bother with him.

However, thousands of years of fighting have made them forget their original intentions.

Now they are more like fighting.


As she spoke, there was a touch of weirdness on Antasa's face.

"That dragon is really persistent. For thousands of years, although he has never defeated Poredia, he has never given up challenging Poredia. "

After hearing Antasa's explanation, the dragons looked in that direction with a touch of admiration.

No matter what the dragon's purpose is, the other party's never-give-up spirit is worthy of their treatment.

After nearly ten minutes, the battlefield over there heard the roar of victory from Poredia.

When Poredia returned to the Sky City after wandering in the sea of ​​thunder, his appearance once again brought the atmosphere of the Sky City to a new height.

Thunder dragons flew up from all over the Sky City, with lightning lingering on their bodies, wandering in the sea of ​​thunder.

How many thunder dragons are there in the Sky City... it's impossible to count them!

Not to mention, a group of wind and thunder pterosaurs has at least several thousand dragons.

In fact, wherever you look, there are thunder dragons!


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