Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 308 I finally found you, fellow countryman!

Chapter 308 I finally found you, fellow!


The dragons were confused.

They looked at the way Boredia held his claws, and thought about the other party's desperate action just now. Are you sure it was a rescue?

Seeing that the dragons still looked suspiciously, Boredia snorted coldly.

"Whether you believe it or not, 놖 is saving him anyway."

Feeling the increasingly excited eyes coming from beside him, Werther hurriedly said: "You should explain it!"

He is afraid that the guy next to him will "save" him back to his home!

Hearing Witte's words, Boredia hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I don't know where this stupid dragon came from. Not to mention that there is no elemental breath on his body, and the defense of the dragon scale is also very weak.

In this situation, this guy actually jumped into the thunder sea, and the dragon scales were splashed by the lightning. If he hadn't been in good physical condition, he would have died on it.

The Thunder Sea is not a place where you dragons with affinity to other elements can go. "

Hearing this, the dragons breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out that Boredia is really saving the dragon!

On the other side, Werther also breathed a sigh of relief, and withdrew his greedy gaze with regret.

Afterwards, Witte hurriedly said: "Lei Hai has also finished reading. Let's go talk. When we get to the store, close the door and he will never be able to escape!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Celine slapped the back of Werther's head.

"It's not 'escape', we are saving the dragon!"

Werther looked at Celine with a hint of secret joy in his eyes, but he did not expose the other party's little idea of ​​"taking the opportunity to give him a slap". Anyway, it was definitely not him who was hurting.

With this thought in his heart, he said: "Yes, yes, yes, it's not about 'escaping', it's about preventing him from thinking too hard."

After the words fell, the dragons fell silent for a while.

After a long while, Lin Sida said weakly: "Why do I feel like we are more like bad dragons!"

However, no one paid attention to him, and they all flew towards the other side silently.

Although they feel the same way, can they say this?

At this moment, a thunderbolt struck Olidolph impartially. Olidolph, with thunder sparks flashing on his body, performed a free fall for the dragons on the spot!

Werther was stunned for a moment, then quickly accelerated and flew over, grabbing Olidoff's tail.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Olidolf wanted to cry but had no tears.


Witte looked at the lightning flashing on the other person's body, and the corner of his mouth twitched, can it not be numb!

At this time Boredia flew over and looked at Olidof curiously.

"Who is this unfortunate guy?

After living in the Sky City for several years, I have only heard of unfortunate people being struck by lightning, but I have never seen it with my own eyes.

I’ve learned a lot today! "

After hearing this, Olidolf immediately shut himself up.

He was a little unlucky, but he didn't say it so bluntly!

When Witte saw this, he said helplessly: "This is Olidolph, Antasha's new neighbor. Now he is helping Antasha and learning some alchemy knowledge.

Uh... I am indeed unlucky, but don't say it! "

Hearing this, Boredia was stunned for a moment, and then glanced at Olidolf, with a look of surprise on his face.

"This is……"

At this time, Antasha suddenly interjected: "Boredia, I wanted to talk to you about this before, uh... it's not very convenient now. After we go, we can go to your store to talk!" "

Boredia was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a strange expression.

After just thinking about it for a moment, he understood what Antasha was thinking. She was afraid that Werther would snatch Ollidorf away from her store!

However, this also shows that what he just felt was not an illusion. In addition, he seems to be able to benefit from it.

Werther glanced at Boredia and Antasha in confusion. These two guys had a secret, and this secret was related to Olidolph.

Thinking of this, a strange look appeared on Werther's face.

These two guys don't think so. He can't see that the power in Olidolf is related to the law of fate!

Ordinary dragons cannot think about laws, but for Witte, who has the law of time, as long as he does not have elemental abilities, he will consciously think about rules and laws.

Therefore, when he first met, after listening to Olidolf's self-destruction, he thought of the law of fate.

However, being related to the law of fate does not mean that you will be able to understand the law of fate in the future.

There are many dragons with space abilities, but why there is only one space dragon in the world is not because only Desidero has understood the laws of space.

Other dragons can only use the rules of space.

Moreover, Witte suspected that the Supreme Law could be related to the Supreme, after all, they all bear the name of the Supreme.

He was going to learn more about this information when he met his wife for the first time.

As for Olidorf, just be a superficial friend. As for whether he can become a real friend, it depends on the other party's subsequent performance.

Antasha did not misjudge him on this point. Becoming his friend was easy, just showed kindness and had a personality he liked.

But if you want to become his true friend, it takes time to settle.

Thinking of this in his mind, Werther held up Olidorf's tail and said with a smile: "It seems that when you are in Leiji, you have to go out as little as possible, especially..."

As he spoke, Witte swayed and narrowly dodged a thunderbolt, and then continued: "Don't fly!"

Olidolf nodded helplessly.

"It seems like this is the only way!"

Back on the ground, Olidolf couldn't stand firmly, not only because of the paralysis, but also because Werther dragged him to avoid the thunder all the way, which made him feel dizzy.

The dragons returned to Werther's shop, and after Werther closed the door, their eyes turned to Boredia.

Boredia, on the other hand, let go of his claws.

But what all the dragons didn't expect was that the other party's first reaction after coming out was not to escape from the store, but to rush towards Werther.

"놖Finally found you, fellow!"

Witte was stunned, and so were the other dragons, but Witte was a dragon who had experienced strong winds and waves, and he quickly reacted and dodged the opponent's pounce.

Seeing that the other party was about to pounce again, Witte hurriedly said: "Stop! If you come here again, you won't be polite!"

To the surprise of the dragons, the dragon actually stopped.

"Sorry, I'm a little excited when I meet my fellow countryman for the first time, haha!"

At this time, Boredia suddenly realized.

"Witt, could he also be a dragon from Desidero?"

Hearing this, the other dragons immediately understood. However, when they saw the blank eyes of Werther and Celine, they were confused again. The expressions of the two dragons did not look alike.


"What Desidero, what is that?"

Okay, come on, this dragon is not the one Desidero lost.

Then why did the other party call him fellow Witte?

Thinking like this, the dragons turned their attention to Witte again...

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