Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 31 Mental Magic


The difficult spell came out of Winters' mouth, but it sounded quite clear to Witt.

Because Winters deliberately slowed down the spell.

Witt stared at Winters' claws, where a ball of fire was slowly gathering, and Witt tried to use his pitiful mental power to shake the element nodes built by Winters.

In fact, he had succeeded twice!

According to Winters, lower-level magic normally has three to four magic nodes, and the lower-level magic that Winters chose for Xiaozhi basically has fewer than four nodes.

Just like the fireball, there are only four element nodes.

Witt successfully interfered with Winters' magic release twice, which means that Witt has found the location of two element nodes.

Of course, this is not something that can be successful once or twice!

In fact, it is already evening now.

In addition to practicing for 10 minutes every other magic hour (Vette was quite fortunate that the time measurement method of this world was similar to that of the world in blood inheritance), Witte and his friends have been immersed in the practice of constructing element nodes.

And until now, none of Celine and his friends have been able to release magic.

The construction of element nodes is quite rigorous, and a little mistake will lead to the failure of releasing magic.

This day, Celine and his friends have successfully escaped from the pride of being able to easily use the dragon's breath, and this is what Winters wants to see.

Humility makes dragons progress, and this is also applicable to the study of magic.

At least, Billy's attention is no longer on the matter of putting the magic target into his mouth, but he has been working hard to construct his element nodes.

The scorching temperature suddenly broke out, and a fireball as small as a grain of rice in Winters' eyes was completely formed in Witte's lost eyes!

Seeing this, Winters said softly: "Witt, you have done a good job. Intervening in the formation of magic is much more difficult than casting magic yourself.

Because if you only cast magic yourself, you only need to find the location of the element node in your spell.

But to interfere with the formation of other people's magic, you have to find the location of the element node in other people's spells and use mental power to intervene accurately.

To be honest, I thought you could only successfully intervene once after at least three classes!

Witt, you gave me a surprise!"

Hearing this, the disappointment in Witt's heart was instantly swept away.


"Of course, by the way, haven't you discovered it yet? The foundation of dragon language magic is to construct element nodes, but the constructed nodes are contained in the spell.

That is to say, if you can find the location of the node immediately after hearing the spell, then magic will no longer be a threat to you!

After all... did you use the power of elements in the process of continuous casting?"

Witt was stunned at first, and then his face was ecstatic!

If he can really do what Winters said, then not only fire element magic, but any other element magic will be useless in front of him!


"This should be something that every dragon can do. After all, as you said, in the process of continuous casting, only mental power is used!"

Hearing what Witt said, Celine and the others stopped practicing the spell and looked over.

Of course Winters noticed this, and she smiled and nodded.

"It is indeed something that every dragon can do, but not every dragon is willing to do it!

Witt, the interruption of magic is not as simple as you think. For example, now, you use the method of interfering with the first node to interfere with the use of fireballs!"

As he said, Winters began to chant the spell, and Witt hurriedly used his mental power to interfere with the construction of the first node.

However, this time, Witt did not succeed. Even with his interference, the first node was still constructed steadily.

Looking at the fireball on Winters' claws, Witt was stunned, and then hurriedly asked: "Why is this?"

"Because of the difference in strength!

His mental power is much stronger than yours, so your mental power can't shake Hi's mental power at all, and the element nodes are still constructed.

So, when your mental power is not as good as your opponent's, it is difficult to interfere with the construction of the opponent's element nodes.

In addition, there are various situations.

The fireball is just a low-level magic, with only 1 node, so if you interfere with one node, you can affect the overall structure of the magic.

If the number of nodes is large enough, if you only interfere with one node, it will basically not have much impact on the construction of the magic, and at most the power will be weakened a little.

So, if there are many element nodes in the magic, you need to affect at least one-third of the element nodes at the same time to affect the casting of the magic.

In addition..."

Speaking, Winters turned to look at Celine on the side.

"Celin, suppose you are fighting with magic.

Then, when Ao starts to chant the spell, do you choose to interfere with the magic, or respond with more powerful magic?"

"Of course it's the latter!"

Celin said without hesitation.

Winter looked at Witt.

"This is why few dragons choose to learn how to interfere with the magic released by the opponent.

Magic is a very profound subject. When learning magic, you need to invest a lot of time. Learning how to cast spells continuously is completely putting the cart before the horse!

Only in your special situation will I choose to teach you this skill. When you can't cast spells, you will have a lot of free time.

This is a skill that I have researched randomly before. They jokingly called it spiritual magic. I thought it would never be used, but I didn't expect that I would meet you now. "

Witt suddenly realized, and then looked at Winters gratefully.

Winters smiled indifferently, and then continued: "I am very happy to be able to help you, although I hope you can carry forward this so-called spiritual magic.

But I hope you can use magic normally.

In addition, although practicing magic is urgent, your growth is more urgent. It's getting late, you should go back to the dragon cave to sleep! "

As she spoke, Winters motioned the little one to fly onto her claws.

Witt did not hesitate and flew up directly, but Celine and the others were a little reluctant.

Magic is what every young dragon dreams of, but after a day of learning, they did not successfully perform magic once, how could they be willing to do so!

However, seeing Winters' attitude that could not be refused, Celine and the others hesitated for a while, and finally flew up.

"Just in case, I will rest with you today!"

Hearing this, the dragon, who was originally thinking of continuing to practice magic tonight, instantly lost his energy!


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