Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 319 Goodbye Dragon Gang!

"Oh, what a coincidence!"

After hearing Witt's words, noticing Witt's eyes that kept scanning his body, and his excited look, Scott instantly stepped back a few steps and covered his body with his wings.

"Don't mess around, this is the central area of ​​Sky City, not a place where you can do whatever you want. If you dare to fight, I will yell!"

Hearing this, Qian...Xingchen looked at Witt with a strange face.

"What did you do to him?"

Witt was a little speechless.

"I want to know, after all, it's not too much to do it."

As he said, Witt looked at Scott again.

"What kind of image does 놖 have in your mind? You can't blame 놖 last time. You provoked 놅놖 first, and 놖 just fought back!"

After hearing the previous words, Scott was still a little angry. After all, it was not excessive to force him to buy all the diamonds on him, plus two dragon scales, with a message?

But when he heard the latter words of Witt, he showed a trace of embarrassment on his face.

Don't say it, it was really him who followed the other party first.

What's more, that incident has passed. Thinking of this, Scott relaxed and retracted the wings that covered his body.

"You said you were nervous, it turned out that it grew again. Although it looks a little small, but..."

Hearing this, Scott trembled all over, and his wings suddenly opened, covering his body again.

But before he could say anything, Witt couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, stop blocking, stop blocking, I won't rob you of your diamonds in the street, not to mention, looking at the size of those diamonds, it's not easy for them to grow so fast.

You're too nervous, just make a joke to liven up the atmosphere."

Xingchen looked at Witt, then at Scott, grinning, the atmosphere is indeed quite lively now.

After hearing what Witt said, Scott hummed for a long time, but couldn't say a word.

How can there be such a bad character dragon in this world!


With a cold snort, Scott stopped looking at Witt, but walked around the two dragons and walked towards the library.

If this wasn't a library, he would have to fight with the other party!

Yes, it's the venue factor, definitely not cowardice!


Scott secretly glanced at Xingchen and thought about it in his heart.

Another dragon I haven't seen before. It seems that the other side's power development is quite smooth!

Damn, why aren't there so many suitable dragons around the second block!

"Hey, your face changes quickly, what are you thinking about?"

Hearing the voice beside him, Scott replied consciously: "Oh, I'm thinking..."

Before he finished speaking, Scott immediately realized that Candice and the others were in the library, so the dragon who was talking to him...

Turning around, as expected, Witt didn't treat himself as a strange dragon at all. He followed him naturally and looked at him curiously at this time, as if waiting for his answer.

Scott moved sideways a few steps consciously.

"Hey, don't come over, we are not familiar with each other!"

"Not familiar, right..."

Witt muttered, and his eyes began to wander around Scott.

Facing Witte's gaze, Scott felt as if there was a pair of invisible hands constantly caressing him, especially on his back with diamonds.

After a moment of silence, Scott whispered, "Well, it's actually quite familiar."

That being said, Scott felt a surge of grief and anger in his heart. Why couldn't he control his mouth!

Fight him!

This is the center of the Sky City. Even if he fights the other party, what can the other party do!

No breath!

Witte didn't know the struggle and torment in Scott's heart. After hearing Scott's words, he showed satisfaction on his face.

"What are you doing here?

You look reluctant, obviously you don't like books."

After hearing this, Scott was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but complain: "Who said it wasn't!

But Candice said that knowledge is the second greatest wealth in a dragon's life, and knowledge is an important means to improve strength. If you want to become stronger, you have to learn knowledge.

After that, he forced the three of us to come to the library every few days, and we had to participate.

You said it's easy!

For this gang, I work hard every day to find suitable dragons outside..."


Scott's eyes twitched, then pretended not to hear, and then said: "After finding them, I will find out their news..."


Scott continued to pretend not to hear.

"Sometimes, you can't meet a suitable dragon for half a month, but that doesn't mean you're not busy. You still have to help them do this and that, and you're busy all the time.

Besides, the three of them don't have the personality to get along with other dragons easily. Without you, this gang would have disbanded long ago!"

Witt nodded and concluded: "I can't find other dragons, and I can't get any results. I feel embarrassed to continue to be idle, so I do something within my ability to let other dragons know that I'm really busy!"


Scott was silent, then paused, and then turned his head sharply to look at Witt.

"Are you looking for trouble? Are you looking for trouble? I'm telling you, I'm not a vegetarian. If you continue to insult me, I'll... I'll... I'll blame your store and cry every day that you're a profiteer."

Hearing this, Witt's eyes lit up.

"Warmly welcome. This way, your family will have an inexhaustible diamond mine."


Scott held back his tears and continued to walk towards the library silently.

Damn it!

I can't beat him, I can't talk him out. Dragon life is so hard!

Seeing that Scott really ignored him, Witt hurried to catch up.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're not taking my words seriously, are you? I'm just joking with you, don't be silent!"

Hearing Witt's words, Xingchen glanced at Scott, who had a bit more world-weariness on him, and was speechless in his heart.

He really wanted to ask Witt, do you really know what a joke is?

Just then, a milky white dragon flew into the library.

After seeing Scott, a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

"Scott, you... Witt?"

Hearing a dragon calling his name, Witt looked in the direction of the voice, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Hey, Candice, how have you been recently?"

Hearing Witt's enthusiastic voice, Candice scratched her head in confusion.

Are they so familiar?

Thinking so in her heart, a decent smile appeared on her face.

"Not bad, but you, why are you here? This place is not close to you..." However, before Candice finished speaking, Scott jumped behind him and looked at Witt with a sad and angry face. "Candice, this guy is bullying you again! Saying that you are looking for Long is idle, asking for information is tracking, and helping you is a way to cover up your idleness! You go! Let him know that it is absolutely not enough to just bully you!" "..."

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