Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 327 It’s snowing today, and the title girl went to see the snow scenery!

Among the three materials of copper, mithril and refined gold, refined gold is undoubtedly the best. During the operation of elements, it not only has low loss and high fluidity, but is also an extremely strong material.

It has a relatively high resistance to elemental erosion, so even after thousands of years, a refined gold alchemy magic circle can still be used normally.

In comparison, mithril is much worse.

Not to mention copper, it is even easily affected by temperature. It will melt if the temperature is too high and freeze if the temperature is too low.

Therefore, the space separated by the red energy film is to prevent this from happening.

However, the lava is separated, but the temperature is difficult to completely isolate.

Today, the temperature is high for unknown reasons, and the magic circuit drawn by copper is faintly glowing red.

If the temperature continues to rise, copper will melt.

Of course, this composite magic circle does not have a real magic core. The magic core is the magic circle of absorption, storage, release, and reception that Witt learned from the ruins.

Once these magic circles are activated, they will continue to operate as long as the magic circuit is not damaged.

But the fact that the alchemical magic circle will not explode does not mean that Witt's house will not have problems.

For convenience, to save materials, and to make this magic circle run for a long time and smoothly, Witt connected it with the defensive magic circle of the house.

Once something happens here, the magic circle of the entire house will be shut down. If the lava is not heated, the thunder sea in the sky will strike a lightning bolt at random, and the house will be gone!

When Witt noticed this, he couldn't help but feel relieved.

Fortunately, he did not ignore the slight increase in temperature.

Otherwise, the house would be gone!

Thinking of this, Witt swam to the outside.

After leaving the lava pool, Witt thought for a moment and flew outside.

It is not a small number to replace all the copper in the lava pool with mithril. If you go to find Redek, it will not work.

Without knowing whether the temperature will continue to be high, Witt must solve this problem today.

The longer he delays, the more likely it is that something will go wrong.

As for Mithril, Redek must have it, but the quantity should not be much.

Selling materials is not Redek's main source of income. He actually does a business similar to that of a middleman.

Recycling materials at a low price, selling them to alchemists, pharmacists or array masters, and then obtaining alchemical creations, potions and magic array products from these dragons at a low price, and then reselling them to other shops.

But it is difficult to squeeze profits from hard currencies such as Mithril and fine gold, and Redek does not like this type of transaction.

So, if he finds Redek, it is okay if the quantity is small, but if the quantity is large, he needs to find other dragons to turn over, and time becomes a problem.

The only dragon that Witt can think of who can come up with a large amount of Mithril in a short period of time is Antash!

Thinking of Antasa, Witt had a headache.

He really couldn't stand the look the other person gave him.

"Alas, why is the temperature so high for no reason? This has never happened before!"

Suddenly, Witt was stunned for a moment, and then looked at himself.

"It can't be my fault!"

He thought that the one who was hotter than the lava pool was himself.

Thinking about it carefully, it's not impossible, but he slept in it for three whole days.

"So, it's not a very serious situation. As long as you don't sleep in it, the temperature of the lava should not continue to rise, and the copper will not melt because of the high temperature..."

After muttering a few words, Witt slapped himself.

"What are you thinking about? Is this a gamble?"

With that, Witt continued to fly outside.

After leaving the room, Witt went straight to the shop. As soon as he opened the door, he met eyes with Gedra who was resting.

"Hey, Witt, you finally woke up!"

Witt replied subconsciously: "I went to the library before and didn't sleep much... Wait, what did you call me just now?"

"Witt, what's wrong?

I always thought that you were about the same age as me, but who knew that you were still a young dragon.


Now you are working for a young dragon!"

That's what he said, but Gedra obviously didn't care about it at all.

Witt said helplessly: "Just call me Witt!"

"Okay, Witt, no problem, Witt!"


Looking at the bright smile on the other's face, Witt was speechless, but he had no way to refute it, because he was really old!

As for being angry... not that much.

The other party had no ill intentions, just a simple teasing, not to mention, he was not Antawana, and was not so sensitive to the word "께".

Poredia even called him 께豆굜!


Witt took a deep look at Gedela, and an inexplicable smile appeared on his face.

In a few years, you won't be able to say such words!

Who will be embarrassed by then.

Thinking so in his heart, Witt didn't say anything else, and simply exchanged a few words, and then left the store.

Watching Witt leave, a smile flashed in Gedela's eyes.

He is no longer a young dragon, and he doesn't have too much survival pressure. This job is not necessary.

This is a simple test.

Before, it was Witt who was interviewing him, and now, it is he who is interviewing Witt.

If Witt didn't have the kind of personality he liked, he wouldn't stay here. After all, he didn't come here to be bullied.

땤At present, Witt's personality is quite to his liking.


"What does the smile that just appeared on his face mean?"


A sound of flapping wings sounded, and Antasa, who was lying on the counter, didn't even bother to lift her eyelids.

The life of an adult dragon is like this, dull, boring and long!

Facing such a life, different dragons have different ideas. Some dragons travel around and explore treasures; some dragons stay in dragon caves and dream about spring and autumn; some dragons quietly enjoy this loneliness.

Most of the dragons who choose to live in the dragon city-state are of the third type.


And become stronger?

Isn't this a matter of time, it will come naturally, why do you need to consider these!

Therefore, in the eyes of adult dragons, the efforts and dreams of young dragons are so naive and ridiculous, and their ambitions have been worn away by time.

Of course, these are dragons without clear goals. There is only one thing left in their dragon life, thinking about how to face the loneliness brought by time.

Antash likes to stay behind the counter like this, close her eyes, and listen quietly to the arrival and departure of customers.

The speed of flight, the frequency of wing flapping, and the subtle breathing sound all reveal the mood of the dragon. She likes to guess these, but it is just a guess.

She will not verify them deliberately, otherwise it will lose a bit of mystery.

Suddenly, she frowned.

Why did this guy who just came in come directly to the counter?

Then, Antash reluctantly opened her eyes.

Are you here to work!

But when she saw the dragon, her eyes suddenly opened, and her mood, which was originally a bit bad because of being disturbed, suddenly improved.

To be more precise, my good mood instantly reached its peak!

“Have you finally figured it out?”

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