Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 363 Dragon Scale!

Entering the ruins, everything you see is silver-white!

"This guy really used that alloy to build this laboratory!"

With a sigh, Witt began to look around.

In front of him was a huge space, with a test bench in the center for dragons, and dozens of cylindrical crystal containers behind the test bench.

Most of those containers were empty, and some of them contained dragon skeletons. Judging from the size of the skull, it should be in the early stage of the Green Dragon.

There were some large metal books scattered on the test bench, and the large books were randomly stacked together.

Witt didn't expect that the laboratory was right after entering the door.

After a moment of hesitation, he flew towards the test bench.

However, Witt was almost certain that Candice's previous guess was wrong.

The notebook in his hand should have been spread from here.

First of all, the metal door was intact before he opened it. If a dragon entered the laboratory through the passage outside, then the metal books placed here would have survived.

As for the dragon beast... that was even more likely. The defense here was barely strict. Without intelligence, the dragon beast had no way to take the book out of here.

Unless Aqfrey was very bored and put the experimental record outside to stimulate the dragon that was chasing him, and then it was taken out by the dragon beast that accidentally came in.

There were no elements outside, so a metal book could indeed survive until now.

Of course, the greater probability is that Aqfrey took the experimental record away and took it to another place, and then that place was looted by the dragon.

The dragon found the notebook, and by chance, brought the experimental record back to the Morton Mountains.

As for which situation it is, there is...his old father knows!

Thinking of this, a flash of heat flashed in Witt's eyes.

"The law of time, I really want to master it as soon as possible..."

Muttering, Witt first checked the test bench to make sure there was no mechanism on it, and then Witt turned over the metal book.

The first book shocked Witt. It was an experimental record full of cruel words.

Witt looked at it with disgust and was about to destroy it, but he thought about it and stopped.

Maybe, I can use this thing to test Candice.

Thinking of this, Witt threw it aside and looked through other metal books.

As Witt read one book after another, the thoughtful look in his eyes gradually became stronger.

Travel notes... Travel notes... or travel notes!

Moreover, they are all travel notes related to a continent called Sekent!

"Yakfrey seems to be looking for something..."

After a whisper, Witt's heart suddenly moved. Could it be related to the Stroka Alchemy Ruins?

But then, Witt shook his head.

Yes, Yakfrey seems to have been to the Stroka Alchemy Ruins a long time ago.

Since he has been there, there is no need for him to...


Witt suddenly remembered that at the end of the experimental record in Candice, it seemed that Aqfrey was provoking the dragon that injured him.

So, what if that was a provocation or a calculation?

Thinking of this, Witt glanced at the many books on the test bench, and then his eyes fell on the experimental record that he had originally left aside.

Witt opened the experimental record again, resisting the urge to destroy it with a mouthful of phlegm, and began to search through it.

Soon, he found the words left by Aqfrey in the last experimental record.


Seeing this, I think you should hate me so much that you want to kill me immediately.

Of course, I know what you think. In fact, sometimes even I hate myself.

But I don't want to die!

I used to think that I was a dragon and had a long life.

But when I saw the path ahead of alchemy, I found that my life was so short, so short that the end of my life would come in the blink of an eye.

I was willing!

I began to frantically look for a way to keep myself alive.

Finally, I found it!


A The greatest alchemist in history, at least I think so. His dragon body alchemy gave me a chance of eternal life.

Exploring the path of alchemy with an endless lifespan, what a dragon!

Let's play a game!

Stroka Alchemy Ruins...

Even without you, I would leave here and go there to find the reason why the experiment has always failed.

Those books are the way I used to find the Stroka Alchemy Ruins. I leave them to you and look forward to meeting you again.

Aqfrey! "

Seeing this, Witt suddenly realized!

But soon, his face became strange.

Although he knew what happened, the arrangements left by Aqfrey did not play any role, and the dragon did not come here at all.


Witt turned his eyes to look at those metal books.

This is a bargain for him.

It just so happened that he was still worrying about how to find the Stroka Alchemy Ruins.

Of course, Witt was not ready to go now.


At least he had to get the legend before he would try to find the Stroka Alchemy Ruins.

What's more, those books have already shown that the Stroka Alchemy Site is not in the Fast Continent, but in a place called Sekent Continent.

With his body, it is difficult for him to move around the Sky City, let alone cross the continent.

Thinking of this, Witt stacked the metal books neatly, ready to let him take them after finding the star.

As for the experimental record, Witt still threw it aside.

After knowing that information, this thing is useless to him.

When Witt picked up one of the metal books, he was suddenly stunned.

A dark red dragon scale was casually placed on the test bench. The dragon scale was very large, just slightly larger than the dragon scale on his body.

When he saw the dragon scale, a feeling of blood connection suddenly surged in his heart.

When he came back to his senses, Witt's eyes suddenly showed joy.


Casually throwing the metal book in his claws aside, Witt couldn't wait to pick up the dragon scale.

This time, he had accumulated too many problems.

Who knows when he will meet his father's dragon scale next time? After all, this thing is under his control.

When Witt caught the dragon scale, the dragon scale suddenly lit up red.

The image that has always existed in his mind appeared in front of Witt as the red light lit up.

Uh... about three or four meters taller than Witt.

It's very funny!

However, before Witt could speak, the dragon smiled and said, "Stop, I know you have a lot to ask me, don't worry, there is enough time this time, I will answer you one by one!"


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