Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 376 Back to normal life!

"It's almost time, we should go have dinner!"

In the training room, the dragons' attention has long been diverted from the novel magic items.

Dragons are very curious, and similarly, their curiosity is easily satisfied, and after their curiosity is satisfied, those things naturally have no meaning to them.

In this regard, Xingchen could only put everything away helplessly.

"By the way, Xingchen, do you want to go with us?

Although it is not appropriate to hire Redeker again, it is enough to give him food money. We are not short of empty coins. "

Hearing Celine's words, Xingchen was stunned for a moment, then smiled and waved his paws, and then pointed at his back.

"It's too ugly. I have no shame in seeing a dragon!"

Hearing this, Celine glanced at Xingchen's back.

"How can it be ugly? The scars represent honor. Your idea is not quite right. However, since you don't want to go, I won't force you."

With that said, Celine led the dragons towards the training room.

Xingchen watched helplessly as the dragons left.

He is obviously the oldest here, but why does he feel like he is the one being taken care of?

Shaking his head, Xingchen began to clean up the training room.

Broken targets need to be cleaned and replaced, and consumed chemicals need to be replenished.

On the other side, Celine and the others had just left the training room when they saw Werther walking out of the room with a tired look on his face.

"Witt, you 놆..."

Werther smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"It's nothing, I just tried something, uh... although I failed, I don't think I failed completely!"

Due to his spiritual magic practice, Werther's spirit is much stronger than that of dragons of the same age.

Although it still couldn't stop the burning of the blazing white divine flame, it established a slight connection. Although it was nothing, it gave Witte hope.

If you do it a few more times, you will definitely be able to control this power.

The process is just too painful!

Let's wait for a few days. If it continues, Werther is afraid that his spirit will collapse first.

Thinking this in his heart, Witte said on his face: "Let's go, I'm really tired. Let's teach Reddock how to make a dragon!"

Celine rolled her eyes when she heard this.

"Speaking of which, is it not a good idea to be like this?"

Witte said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, as long as you pay for an extra magic circle occasionally, the empty coins Redecker will earn will definitely be more than what we eat.

Otherwise, why do you think that old bug only asked us to eat less every time, but never said that there were not enough ingredients in the kitchen to make it, or anything like that.

Eat with confidence, every food we eat is earned by ourselves.

Even if we take Xingchen to eat, as long as it is not too much, he will turn a blind eye or close one eye.

Uh... Antavana, why are you looking at me like that? "

Hearing this, Antavana shook her head.

"It's nothing, I just feel like I've been spoiled by you. Recently, I found that I sleep very deeply."

Werther was helpless.

"That's a good thing. To be honest, there was something wrong with the light sleep you had before."

Antavanna was noncommittal.


Werther smiled and then led the way.

"Speaking of which, it's time to deal with the trophies we brought back last time. Linsida, I'm going to get you a set of ultra-small puppet army to help you take care of the flowers and plants.

Do you have any additional requirements, such as shape, function or even color? "

Hearing this, Lin Sida's eyes flashed with joy.

"The dragon shape will do, and the color will be black. As for the function... it would be best to be able to collect seeds, spread pollen, etc. To be honest, it would be quite troublesome for me to do this myself."

Werther glanced at Linstar's tail, a flash of regret flashing in his eyes.

Lin Sida seems to be resistant. Although he is not completely neither happy with things nor sad with himself, he has gained some charm. The five leaves are quite firm and have not fallen off at all. mean.

Could it be that in front of him, he "accidentally" stepped on the flowers and plants he planted?

Uh... forget it, it's a bit too much.

Antavana and Agnar, who were also paying attention to Linstar's tail, also showed a look in their eyes. Then, they began to think about how to get the five leaves off.

It has reached this level. If you don’t look at the completely bald Linsida, you will always feel like you have lost.

The most important thing is that if we don't do it, we may not have enough time. The originally bald ground will soon sprout.

Just as Agnar was thinking about this, he suddenly felt his tail being lifted up.

He was startled at first, and then his expression suddenly turned dull.

Werther raised Agnar in front of him.

"Well, why do I feel a lot thinner? Why don't you eat well while we are away?"

Agnar sighed helplessly.

"Witt, this is the size of a normal young dragon. It was fat before!"


I think she looks better if she is fatter.

What about you? "

Antavana looked at Agnar's pleading look and grinned.

"It does look better if you are fatter."

"The best 놆fat늅 balls!"

Linstar added with interest.

He is not stupid. He only needs to go over everything and he will understand that of all the dragons present, Celine is the only one who is good!

Uh... it should be a good dragon!

Thinking about the strict standards Celine set for herself, Linsda was a little uncertain.

Agner panicked when he saw that Witt was interested.


I'm not your toy!

Raising a dragon is not something you can mess around with.

Don't go too far!"

The dragons just laughed and didn't answer, but it was obvious that they really wanted to see what a fat dragon looked like.

Moreover, this was not a big deal.

A dragon in a fast-growing period, even if it is fat, only needs to increase the amount of exercise a little and eat less, and it will recover in a few days.

Seeing this, Agner was silent.

Since it doesn't make sense, then take action to resist.

If he doesn't eat, can Witt and the others force it in?

But the facts prove that Agner is a little young after all.

Witt and his friends really wouldn't force food into his mouth, but they could add some high-energy food to his food.

After a few days, Agnar looked at himself as a fat ball, and the whole dragon was not feeling well.

These guys are really idle!


Of course, this kind of life is only a small part of Witt's life.

After the alchemical ruins incident, Witt's life returned to normal and became calm again.

Magic circles, potions, mental magic, shaping magic, and white divine flames made Witt's life fulfilling.

Occasionally, he would do alchemy, chat with Avery and his friends when he was bored, play with his children, or go to the library to supplement and expand his knowledge.

If he was bored, he would find O'Dolf and Claude to compete.

Occasionally, Lei would come to brush his presence and bring new feelings to Witt's taste buds.

If you want to find excitement, just go to Antasa's shop across the street. The strong possessive eyes are definitely exciting!

Not to mention, Witt really likes this kind of life!


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