Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 383 A young dragon worth challenging!

Chapter 383 It’s worth challenging the young dragon!

Nasha looked at the potion in her claws and felt like crying.

Logically speaking, the management of 꽭空之城놅 is quite strict. The potions sold in the 꽭空之城놅pharmacy store will at least not poison the dragon.

Didn’t that dragon just jump away and leave!

What's more, when they asked for directions, the other party once said that Boredia Pharmacy is the oldest pharmacy in Sky City and has been open for thousands of years.

Such a long time will definitely not harm the dragon.

But as giant dragons, they are more aware of the dragon's character and weird temperament. It is normal for the dragon to add some innocuous things to the potion.

So, now the question is, should I drink the potion after buying it, or should I not drink it?

Drink it, I always feel that the dragon talks a lot about the dragon. If you don’t drink it, buying these potions cost her a lot of money.

With this in mind, magic items appeared out of thin air on Nasha's claws.

"Are these enough?"

Boredia glanced at Nasha with some surprise, and then glanced at the things on the counter.

"Although it's still a little less, but because you're sensible, that's it. Those potions belong to you!"

Hearing this, Nasha put a grimace on her face and put away all the potions.

Seeing this, Boredia couldn't help but ask: "Are you from the Free City?"

Nasha looked at Boredia with some confusion.

"How do you know?"

Boredia nodded.

"Sure enough, although dragon scale space technology is not very rare, it is quite difficult to obtain the materials. Only the ancient dragon nest and the city of freedom can popularize this technology.

The strength of the ancient dragon nest is obtained from the dragon beast materials in the space gate, and the city of freedom has a favorable location.

There is a space stone deposit around the Free City. "

Of course, the most important thing is that the dragon scale space produced by the ancient dragon nest has some spatial fluctuations similar to the reverse scale space. The dragon scale space produced by the Free City is purely spatial fluctuation.

There's a difference here, but I'm too lazy to say it out.


"Why don't you just stay in the Free City and come to the Sky City to feed the dragon beasts on the way..."

As he said that, seeing Nasha preparing to answer, Boredia waved his paw casually.

"Forget it, you don't need to say anything. Just leave as soon as you finish shopping. I still have some things to do!"

As he said that, a cold light flashed in Boredia's eyes!

It seems that 놛놅 has such a good character that he dares to slander 놛놅 potion like this. If I don’t pull out the dragon scales from Werther’s body today, tomorrow he will dare to come and demolish 놛놅’s house!

Nasha looked at the cold look in Boredia's eyes and couldn't help but mourned for the guy just now.

As for how she feels...

It's hard to say.

Most of them are gloating about their misfortune!

However, she can't leave now, the news hasn't been heard yet!

"Wait a minute, we have just arrived here, and we don't know many things. We don't know what the conditions are for staying in the Sky City. You see..."

Hearing this, Boredia glanced at Nasha, and the cold light in his eyes slightly faded.

"It's very simple to stay in the Sky City. As for what conditions are required... let's go out of my store and continue walking down this street.

Across from a shop without a name, there is a group of wind and thunder pterosaurs.

Their leader Avery is one of the managers of Block 6 of Sky City. If you have any questions, you can go to them. "

With that said, Boredia stood up and prepared to leave.

Nasha hurriedly asked: "Then do you know that there is nothing worth challenging the baby dragon around here?"

Upon hearing this, Boredia was stunned for a moment.

"Why do you ask?"

"I am on a trial journey for our tribe, defeating every opponent worth defeating, until I break through to legend!"

"Trial journey?"

Boredia looked at Nasha with some surprise.

"I've never seen a dragon, I've never heard of customs, but..."

Boredia's eyes suddenly lit up.

If you don’t like to trick me, then don’t blame me for tricking you!

Thinking like this, Boredia leaned on the counter again and said with a smile: "If you want to ask this, you are really asking the right dragon. Do you remember the dragon just now?

놛 is actually just a young dragon. Although 놛 has reached more than ten meters in length, he is actually 102 years old and his scales have not yet grown.

Although it is a young dragon, it is quite powerful.

Since it is a trial journey, it must be challenged by a strong person.

놛 definitely meets your 놅 requirements.

Born in the ancient dragon's lair Desedro.

At the peak of bronze, the mental level has reached the peak of gold. He is proficient in three types of shaping magic. The dragon's breath is unprecedented in two kinds, one is zero-degree cold current, and the other is high-temperature blazing white flame.

In addition, although 놛 cannot use magic, 놛 is proficient in all types of magic, and can also master the spiritual magic of Winters, the once famous red dragon sage.

If 놛 is proficient in magic, his dragon will be useless in front of 놛.

Is such a strong person worth challenging?

Plus, 놛 lives next door! "

Nasha was stunned!

Can a young dragon own these things?

Don't tell me, your body shape is outrageous!

The dragons living in the starry sky can grow to the size of a planet, but that is in the late stage. Such a huge body must have grown little by little from the initial one-meter body size when they were young dragons.

The growth time is hundreds of thousands of years!

The growth speed follows the same rules as the dragons in the dragon world.

The magic used is elemental magic.

Just like her, she is sixty years old this year, and her body length is about 2 meters.

Worth challenging?

Just kidding, if she really takes that dragon as a challenge, then she will never leave the Sky City in this life.

Thinking of this, Nasha laughed dryly.

"Sorry to bother you, I'd better go and see how to settle down in the Sky City first!"

Borediya saw Nasha and Otti turn around and fly away. After a moment of hesitation, he touched his chin and thought about it, and then slapped his head!


I shouldn't describe it so terrifyingly.

Who wouldn't run away if they heard such an opponent of the same age!


I'm still not skilled. Next time...

As for this time, let's be more direct!"

Muttering, Borediya stood up and walked outside.


When she arrived outside the store, Nasha turned her head to look at the pharmacy, and then looked at another store in the distance. The disbelief in her eyes slowly turned into curiosity.

"Otti, is what you said true?"

Otti shook his head.

"I can't tell, but the dragon just now flew very fast, and it did give me a dangerous feeling."

As she said that, there was a hint of doubt in her eyes.

Can a real dragon reach that level when it is a young dragon?

Nasha shook her head.

"Forget it, don't think too much, let's go and see how to stay. At least, from your performance, the Sky City does not restrict combat."

As for whether to challenge the dragon, it depends on the situation!


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