Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 390 The dragon of the disgusting dragon, so disgusting!

"Do you want to find the treasure?"

When he turned to the first page of the book, Witt saw this sentence, and only this sentence.


You really attracted my attention!"

Muttering, Witt turned the book to the next page, and there was still only one sentence on it.

"It seems that you want to find it!"

Witt sneered, but continued to turn the page, and he couldn't help but have a hint of expectation in his heart.

The treasure is called "dragon trap" by the dragon clan, which is not just talk.

Even if Witt has not yet left the young dragon stage, he will still react to the word "treasure".

"Turn to the third page, then, you should be a dragon, looking forward to the content inside, very irritable!"

Witt frowned.

He is very irritable now, and he wants to chew and swallow this thing in his hand!

But he is afraid of missing the key information and having to turn it back to read it later.

Although he seems to be quite big now, in fact, this book is still bigger than him, and it is quite troublesome to turn the pages.

Witt had to endure his temper and continued to turn the next page.

"You must be a dragon, otherwise, you should have left after seeing the previous sentence. Fortunately, this is a treasure specially prepared for dragons!"

Witt's face was dark, and he continued to turn the next page.

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry. The treasure I left behind is not so easy to get. Alchemy pursues equal exchange, and the treasure I left behind is naturally like this.

You can only get the treasure by working hard. If you really want the treasure... turn to the next page!"


Looking at the last few words, Witt was silent for a moment, and then the corner of his mouth grinned.

"Virgo, I will remember you!"

As he said, Witt turned the book to the next page.

"I know you miss me now, but unfortunately, when you see this great book of mine, I will have already turned into dry bones. You can't even think of me. Are you angry?"

Witt resisted the urge to close the book and put it back on the bookshelf, and turned to the next page.

"No kidding, the fact that you can read this far at least proves that you are a relatively calm dragon. In the process of searching for the treasure I left behind, calmness is very important.

Because I built ruins full of traps and alchemical creations to protect these treasures and prevent them from being taken away by dragons who don't know the rules."

Seeing this, Witt's eyes condensed, and finally there was something useful.

Ruins full of traps and alchemical creations!

Then, Witt turned to the next page.

"I always feel that the previous part is not enough to get into the dragon mentality. No, guess how many more pages I have to turn to get to the specific content?"

Witt moved his lips, and his sharp lips flashed with a cold light.

Fortunately, the dragon was not in front of him. If he was, even if he was facing a huge dragon, even if his lips would break, he would have to let him see what the real dragon's wrath is!

Then he turned the next page.

"Haha, just kidding, the next page is the text!"


Witt was speechless. Why did he feel that this guy was more powerful than Scott?

Thinking of this, Witt's movements of turning pages were not slow at all, and his face couldn't help but reveal a hint of expectation.


"After seeing this, you still dare to believe my words, sorry, I think too highly of you, you are not calm, but stubborn!"


Witt took a deep breath, and strands of blazing white flames flowed from the corners of his mouth, and the temperature around him immediately rose a little.

But when he saw the bookshelf next to him from the corner of his eyes, he still reluctantly restrained his strength. This is the library, the official territory of the Sky City.

He used his breath here, and he was bound to be fined and warned.

Witt stood up and walked around for a while. After calming down, he turned to the next page again.

"Haha, you must be pissed off!

If you are really pissed off and destroy the book, then you won't be able to read anything I say.

But if you are still calm, then I tell you, you are lucky. Did you see the mark below?

That mark represents me, the great Vergo. Everything with this mark belongs to my treasure. In addition, some mechanisms in the ruins are opened by this mark!"

"Tsk, what a sinister dragon!"

It would be fine if this person really destroyed the book, at least he didn't have that thought. If he turned directly to the content behind, he would be pitted because of this thing!

Witt smacked his lips, and then looked at the mark below.

That flame-shaped mark looked like a burning flame.

Witt wrote down the details of the mark to make sure he would not forget it, and then turned to the next page.

"What a calm dragon!

I forgot to say on the previous page that there are two types of marks. The previous one represents the identity of the great Vergo, and the one below is the mechanism.

If you make a mistake, the dragon will die!"

Witt's face darkened, and then he hurriedly looked at the mark below.

It was the same flame-shaped mark, but this mark had an extra layer of outline on it.

"It's not worth it to kill the dragon!"

Muttering, Witt turned to the next page, which contained a full page of graphic explanations.

Seeing this, Witt finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If this book contains all this kind of content, he will burn it even if he is punished or warned!

However, Witt did not read it carefully, but turned the pages one by one.

The dragon who left this book is obviously a boring dragon. If he wrote down all the contents and left a sentence "This book is made up, don't take it seriously", he would really go crazy!

Fortunately, when he turned to the last page, the words left on the cover comforted him a little.

"I, the great Vergo, have been wandering all my life, searching for treasures everywhere, but now I am not old enough to continue adventures.

Leaving these treasures behind, I only hope that a dragon can take these treasures and complete my great ambition of collecting all the treasures in the world on my behalf.

Uh... Just listen to this, don't take it seriously!

It's easy to be killed by other dragons!

In short, here, I, the great Vergo, swear by my real name that all the treasures in this book are true!

Young and lucky dragon, may the light of freedom shine on you forever!

Great Vergo!"

Seeing this, Witt was delighted.

I found a treasure!

Unexpectedly, under this ordinary metal shell, there is a treasure that dragons yearn for.

Thinking of this, Witt quickly turned to the text and began to memorize it seriously.

With the help of Vitt's peak gold-level spiritual power, the map and text were imprinted in his mind without any error...

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