Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 395 When will work start?

Holding the diamonds and dragon eggs in his arms, Witte walked from Lei's shop.

By the way, there is also a gift of 눕 for free.

"You really don't need me to give you a ride?"

Werther shook his head and said with a smile: "There is no danger, the distance is not too far, there are only a few things, I'd better fly back by myself!"

After saying that, Witte turned around and flew towards the central area of ​​the Sky City.

During the flight, Witte bumped into the gray-white acceleration magic circle, and his body turned into the form of a velociraptor.

Otherwise, although it wouldn't be as time-consuming as when we came here, we would have to go back in the evening.

By the way, when they came here, because Nasha and Oti were curious about the shops on both sides of the street, they arrived at the central area of ​​Sky City at midnight.

껩Fortunately, there is not much difference between day and night for the Dragon Clan.

The reason why Werther and the others were relatively regular and differentiated between day and night was because they were young dragons.

At the very least, after Celine and Antavanna left the young dragon stage, their energy far exceeded that of Werther. It was just meaningless to stay awake for days and nights.

놇After leaving childhood, the function of sleep has changed from restoring energy to improving strength.

Of course, this refers to the improvement of hard power, which refers to the realm.

Including 꽮 element storage and mental strength 놅 improvement.

Therefore, Witte is really looking forward to getting rid of the young dragon stage.

녦Unfortunately, the growth of the reverse scale is not strong!

Looking at the diamonds and dragon eggs on his claws, Witte couldn't help but look at his chest, then sighed, and his flying speed accelerated a lot.

Nothing unexpected happened along the way, and I didn't meet any familiar dragons, such as Celine or Antavanna when I returned.

When he returned to the street where his shop was located, the sun was still halfway up in the sky, and there was at least one or two magic hours before evening.

However, when passing by the "Wind Dragon Dining Table", Werther's stomach suddenly started to growl.

After stopping to take a look at his own belly, and then at the shop next to him, Werther raised his eyebrows, and without saying a word, he turned around and flew in.

Although it’s not yet dinner time and I had a full meal at Lei’s place in the morning, flying back all the way was still very tiring. No, I’m already hungry!

It seemed that he had sensed Werther's aura. Before Werther could fly to the door of the store, Redecker came to greet him.

After seeing Werther, Redecker's face was full of helplessness.

"Needless to say, two menus and food, I understand. When Boredia came to my place for a drink three days ago, he mentioned that you had not left the young dragon stage. I knew that this would happen sooner or later.

The inside has already been done.


By the way, when do you plan to stand in front of the test bed again?

Although Linstar Potion and Gedra Magic Circle are both pretty good, their success rate is too low compared to yours.

Also, aren’t high-level magic potions and level five magic circles still okay? "

However, after hearing this, Witte's focus was...

"Two menus, uh... okay, I'll be 80% full after eating."

Redek's face darkened.

Fifty years have passed, and his menu must have added many more dishes. As a result, the other party's appetite increased faster than he could add new dishes to his menu.

"You'd better get out of the young dragon stage as soon as possible. If you continue to eat like this, I don't need to open this shop. I'll leave all the ingredients to you!"

Hearing this, Werther was helpless.

"I want to get out of the young dragon stage as soon as possible, but it doesn't allow it!"

As he spoke, Werther pointed to the 놅께 inverse scale on his chest.

However, Redeker's attention was focused on Witte's claws and the dragon egg.

"This is... the Eramovi Dragon Beast egg, where did it come from?"

"Thunder send 놅!"

While they were talking, the two dragons had already arrived at Witte's exclusive table.

After hearing what Witte said, Redek suddenly understood.

It's no wonder, he just remembered that Werther and Ray were meant to be in love.

"By the way, speaking of this, there should be a lot of leftover meat in your store every day!"

Redecker nodded.

"The clan has raised a few Eramovi dragon beasts. Of course, I understand what you mean. This is all a question. When did they break out of their shells? Just tell them and I will find a dragon to send you some every day. "

Witte chuckled and put the diamonds and dragon eggs on the table.


Redecker rolled his eyes.

"If you really want to thank me, just stand in front of the test bench for a little longer. Then I will have to thank you!"

Werther, however, waved his paw.

"I've been working for decades, and you won't let me be lazy for a few years. It's too much!"

Hearing this, Redek was relieved.

"It's just a few years of rest. I still want to hand over the business to Linstar and Gedra for you in the future. That's fine. I can afford to wait for decades, not to mention a few years."

Werther smiled.

"Don't worry, this is our old profession, what's the point of losing? We can't lose these two things.

That’s right!

You just said that Boredia came to your place for a drink, so what do you think of his mood? "

Hearing this, Redecker gave Witte a strange look.

"I don't know how you feel, but cursing you is quite vicious. What did you do to him?"

Werther just laughed and didn't answer.

He really needs to be beaten up for his face-saving personality.

He finally got back from the disaster, so he should take it easy.

Redek curled his lips when he saw Witt didn't say anything.

"Okay, forget it, but you don't have to worry about Witt getting in trouble recently."

Witt was stunned for a moment.

"What's wrong?

Is it related to that Governor Anne?"

Redek shook his head, frowned (although it was not very visible), and said uncertainly: "It's hard to say now. Some strange phenomena have appeared in the Morton Mountains.

The dragon over there is suspected to be related to the power of the abyss.

And Witt is the dragon who is most familiar with the power of the abyss in the entire Sky City, so the governor sent Witt to investigate the situation.

He will definitely not be back for a while!"

Witt's face tightened.

"Why is it the power of the abyss again?"

Redek spread his paws and said helplessly: "Who knows, that thing is very strange, even if it comes from a very far place, to be honest, I don't care at all."

Witt nodded and said nothing.

He thought about the information his father left before.

Perhaps, the abyss has changed its plan and carried out a large-scale infection because the decapitation operation did not go smoothly.

In this way, it will be like Redek said, and the source of infection will not be found at all, and the area infected by the power of the abyss can only be dealt with passively.

To be honest, this way of invasion is really disgusting.

Witt now only hopes that the situation in the infected area will not be too serious...

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