Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 401 You follow me and I follow you!

After saying goodbye to Og, Claude continued to fly towards the Morton Mountains, but his brows couldn't help but wrinkled.

A dragon affected by the power of the abyss appeared in the Morton Mountains!

He didn't know much about the power of the abyss. After all, he spent most of his time training, and he didn't know much about what happened in the Sky City.

However, Og just said that the power of the abyss is a highly contagious evil force. Once infected, it will turn into a crazy and chaotic monster that only knows killing.

"It should be fine!"

As he murmured, a flash of worry flashed in Claude's eyes.

Suddenly, Claude stopped and slapped himself on the forehead.

"You should ask Og where that dragon is active!"

With that said, Claude turned around and prepared to return.

But then, he froze.

"Witt, Xingchen and Getra, why are the three of them here? It was clear before..."

At this point, Claude suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"These three guys won't follow me all the way here!"

Thinking of this, Claude scratched his chin, and then continued to fly towards the Morton Mountains, but part of his attention was placed behind him.


Werther motioned for Og to keep his voice down, and then pointed in the direction of Claude's departure with a strange smile.

Seeing this, Oge was stunned for a moment, and then said helplessly: "You are so boring!"

Werther chuckled.

"It just happened to happen. We met him on the way. It would be boring to fly all the way there anyway. Maybe we can have fun following Claude."

Og nodded.

"I don't know if it's fun or not, but the recent unrest in the Morton Range is real.

A dragon infected by the power of the abyss came to the Morton Mountains. It might be a young dragon or a young dragon. It should still be awake.

Anyway, Sark's tribe has not been able to find this dragon so far. His anti-tracing ability is very strong. "

As he said that, Og saw the blank expressions on the faces of the three dragons of Witte, and then continued: "The eldest son of Sackredek built a dragon nest in the Morton Mountains with a wind dragon.

The Lord helped Redecker collect various materials. Of course, the Lord also alchemy materials.

The mineral deposits in the Morton Mountains are quite rich.

The traces of this dragon were also discovered by Dasak's tribe, and he reported it to the Sky City.

After Boredia Pavilion came to investigate, he notified Sky City to restrict the road to the Morton Mountains.

Of course, basically it’s just a reminder, not a mandatory requirement.

Things over there haven't gotten out of hand yet. As far as you're concerned, although your strength is enough, this is my responsibility and I cannot lack the reminders I should have. "

Werther was helpless.

There was really nothing missing. Before he even asked, Oge had already told everything.

Fortunately, there are not many things!

뀞꿗Thinking like this, he said with a smile on his face: "We already know the matter, let it go, we will pay attention to it, don't say it anymore, let's go, it's time for Claude to fly away, then, come back See!"

After hearing this, Oge, who originally wanted to persuade him a few more words, nodded helplessly.

"be safe!"

Before he finished speaking, the three dragons disappeared in front of him.

Of course, it’s only superficial dissipation...

"Don't stare at me. I know you haven't left. No matter how strong the wind is, it can't blow away the breath so quickly!"

After hearing Oger's words, Werther and the others laughed a few times, and then continued to chase Claude.

When he noticed the three auras following him, Claude's face darkened.

"As expected, these guys are so idle!"

He said this, but on his face, Claude grinned, without showing any trace, and continued to fly towards the Morton Mountains with his head covered.

In fact, this is not bad!

Thinking that the three guys behind him didn't know that 껥 had been exposed and followed him stupidly, Claude was secretly happy, and the originally boring traveling time became more interesting.

The last three thought that they were not exposed, and they were equally happy.

Time passes little by little, and even after fifty years of growth, the distance between the Morton Mountains and the City in the Sky is still so far.

They both enjoyed themselves secretly for ten days, and now they arrived at the Morton Mountains.

And since Claude knew that there were three tails behind him, it was naturally impossible for him to go to his destination.

He headed straight towards a place not far away. After the three rivers merged into one and became the real Morton River, on the outskirts of the Morton Mountains, a large waterfall formed by free fall - Morton Falls.

Soon, an endless lake appeared in front of the four dragons.

In the distance, the Morton River crashed down from a thousand-meter cliff, and the continuous sound echoed in the mountains, deafening!

With a subtle glance behind him, Claude sneered, then flew towards the waterfall...a smaller waterfall next to it.

Although the water flowed from the same height of 1,000 meters, the volume of water in that waterfall was far less than that of Morton Falls, and it was barely within his tolerance.

Then, he stood at the waterfall and tempered his body.

"Uh... So, he traveled for more than ten days just to use the waterfall to temper his body?"

Saying that, Xingchen looked at Werther with a strange expression.

And Werther slapped his forehead.

"Okay, it's my fault. I shouldn't have hoped that Claude would do something out of the ordinary. With his personality, this kind of thing is the most normal!

Let's go. Let's go to the mine first. Celine and the others should still be there. Let's go meet them first."

Gedla also looked bored.

I waited all the way in vain.

The result... is this!

But the three dragons who left didn't notice that a figure was following them from a distance.


"Follow me, huh, now it's my turn to see what you are doing here!"

Although he said that, Claude's eyes flashed with tension.

Because he found that the direction that Witt and the others were moving in was the same as the direction he was originally going to go!

"I hope not, otherwise...I don't know if the method that my father taught me when I was a child to make dragons remember is useful..."

Mumbling, Claude continued to track Witt and the others' movements.

As for the tracking method...

He doesn't know magic, but the five senses of the angry dragon are extremely strong. Just by smelling the breath of Witte and others, Claude can easily keep up with the three dragons!

So, a new round of tracking began!

The original "hunter" became the "prey", and the original "prey" became a more experienced "hunter".


Witte and others could not imagine that Claude had already discovered them.

At this time, the three dragons were still discussing with a smug look on their faces. After returning, they would tell Claude about this matter and then enjoy the shocked expressions of the two.

Although the result was not very good, the process was still quite good...

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