Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 408 Claude's real secret!

"So, as you can see, that's the purpose of my coming here. I just came out to relax and take a look at Columbine.

As the true creator of Castle in the Sky, I feel she should not be forgotten.

As for why I don’t want you to come over...

Sparrow's Cemetery is the place where the hero sleeps after all, and there are so many dragons here that it's somewhat inappropriate. "

After hearing this, Werther looked at Claude strangely.

"Do you really think so?"

Claude turned to look at Werther in confusion.

"Of course. Is it possible that I have any other ideas?"

Werther sighed, and then pointed at the lush branches and leaves in the center of the large cemetery.

"Look over there first, and then look into my eyes and tell me that what you just said is true!"

Claude realized something, his pupils narrowed, and he quickly looked in the direction where Witte's claws were pointing, only to see the tip of a tail emitting a faint blue light hanging naturally among the dense aerial roots and branches.

As if 놆 felt 누's gaze, the tip of his tail swayed slightly.

After slapping his forehead, Claude let out a long sigh.


You shouldn't have come out this time! "

Naturally, the dragons also paid attention to the small tail.

Due to the lush branches and leaves, the light in Sparrow Cemetery is slightly dim, and the faint blue light is so conspicuous among the green leaves.

Seeing the Wittes staring at them with curious eyes, Claude helplessly turned his head in the direction of the cemetery and shouted: "Mandy, come out, your tail is exposed, hide it next time When the time comes, remember to put your tail back.”

After the words fell, a translucent head of the same faint blue carefully poked out from the dense branches and leaves. There was a trace of curiosity and panic in the golden eyes.

She seemed to be causing trouble for Claude. She could hear the helplessness in Claude's tone.

"Let's go, we need to go under the big cemetery. Mandy doesn't want to leave the area where the big cemetery is. Don't ask me why, I'm not an alchemist who has researched dragon souls."

As he spoke, Claude flew towards the large cemetery.

The Wittes looked at each other, and then hurried to follow. But today they ate a big melon, and Claude was actually raising a dragon outside!

When Werther's attention was focused on Mandy's eyes.

With his knowledge, he can naturally see that Mandy does not have a physical body, but she does not have an elemental dragon, but a separate dragon soul.

Moreover, the appearance of Mandy gave a reasonable explanation to the question that 놛 had been wondering about.

Then, why do dragons’ eyes shine golden!

Witte initially thought it was the concentration of dragon blood.

Because this thing is also an important indicator to distinguish dragons and dragon beasts.

The biggest difference between 땤dragons and 놌dramons is their pupils. If the pupils are golden, they are 놆dragons, and if they are golden, they are 놆dramons.

However, this argument has never been recognized by the Dragon Clan!

The reason lies in the innate dragon beast.

The eyes of the innate dragon beasts are golden, but the concentration of dragon blood in their bodies is extremely high, high enough to use the dragon's origin magic.

But their eyes are golden, and they have no wisdom themselves. They are dragon beasts who only act according to their own instincts.

Now Werther understands.

The eyes of the dragon soul of the dragon clan also shine golden.

In this way, the part about the innate dragon beasts can be explained clearly. The reason why the innate dragon beasts are not the innate dragon beasts is because of their dragon souls.

But, thinking about this, another doubt flashed in Werther's eyes.

The eyes of the dragon soul shine golden. This can only be discovered after a little observation. Why has no dragon put forward this point of view, and no dragon has compared this aspect with the innate dragon beasts of the dragon clan?

Just when Werther was confused, Mandy's figure appeared in 놛's eyes again.

That’s right!

The dragon soul cannot be separated from the dragon body alone. The only result of the separation is that the dragon will die and the soul will disperse!

땤And, this process happens very quickly.

Therefore, those dragons who perform dragon body alchemy are like rats crossing the street.

In other words, this part of the alchemy knowledge already involves dragon body alchemy, so there are very few dragons who study this.

Of course, the most important 놚, 놛 are missing an example!


Without the dragon's body, there would naturally be no dragon blood. Without the dragon's blood, she was completely in the state of a dragon soul, but her eyes were still shining golden.

Such an example is probably the one before us.

Otherwise, what Werther had thought before should have been announced long ago. Even if it was not announced, there should be a similar statement.


Celine's voice brought Werther back from his thoughts.

Only then did 놛 notice that 놛, who was lost in thought, had already distanced himself from the dragons.

He quickly speeded up and flew over. Looking at Mandy flying towards them, Werther looked at Claude.

"Claude, you shouldn't have brought us here!"

Claude was stunned for a moment, then his eyes narrowed.

"What do you mean?"

Werther glanced at Mandy, who was still far away.

"You know, she is special!"

"Of course I know..."

Before Claude could finish speaking, Werther interrupted.

"No, you actually don't know. If you had known, you wouldn't have brought us here..."

With that said, Witte told some things about Dragon Soul Alchemy.

Looking at Claude's increasingly gloomy face, Witte added: "So, Mandy, whose dragon soul form can exist for a long time, some dragons who study dragon soul alchemy, the favorite, uh... please forgive me for using materials. to describe her!"

After Werther's words fell, Antavana's expression suddenly changed, and then she looked at Claude warily. She felt a hint of danger from Claude's body.

Seeing Antavanna's reaction, Werther shook his head, and then looked at Claude.

땤Just when Claude's face was a little uncertain, a voice suddenly sounded in the minds of the dragons.

"Are you arguing?"

Claude turned to look at Mandy, who was already flying not far away. He looked at the worried look on the other person's face, and then gave a wry smile.

"Sorry, I'm so nervous!"

With that, he said to Mandy: "Don't worry, we didn't quarrel, we only had some differences, but there is no problem now.

Let me introduce you to the friends in Sky City that I mentioned to you before.

놛놆Witt, 놆stars over there, that 놆Gedra, they are Celine and Antavanna, you have all heard their names. "

Hearing this, Mandy's eyes lit up, and her blue translucent body began to fly around the Wittes, and a cheerful voice then sounded in the minds of the Wittes.

"Hello, I'm Mandy, and I'm also a friend of Claude. Nice to meet you!"

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