Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 409 Things of the past!

Claude watched Mandy and Celine chasing and fighting, and his eyes couldn't help but feel a touch of tenderness.

"How did you meet her?"

Claude turned around and saw Werther walking over and lying down next to him.

"Aren't you afraid that I will bury you here?"

Hearing this, Werther smiled disdainfully.

"I admit that I can't beat you, but if it's a life-and-death battle, I won't be the one who dies. You should have considered this, so you gave up!"

Claude 꺶꺶 nodded squarely.

"Your breathing is very powerful. I don't have the confidence to block it. Besides..."

With that said, Claude turned to look at Celine.

"You are trusted by many dragons. Although we have known each other for only a few dozen years, I am willing to trust you."

Hearing this, Werther smiled.

"A dragon who is trusted by a dragon is not necessarily a good dragon. Time is ruthless and it will change many things, including ideas. Fortunately, I am still young and have not experienced much, so my ideas have not changed yet.

I might as well repay your trust. "

Claude chuckled lightly, and then said: "Actually, it's a special fate. Didn't I run away from home? At first, I didn't go to Yongye Forest.

I came to the Morton Range.

It's ridiculous to say it. I chose this place because my mother often took me here. They took me to exercise my body under Morton Falls.

Of course, if they practice by themselves and I play in the lake.

I was still very happy at that time.

Maybe it’s because I miss the feeling back then, or maybe it’s because I want to get back to them as they were before. In short, I ran away from home and came here again.

Unfortunately, what I met here was not a mother, but a dragon beast!

Between chasing and escaping, I ran into the mine, but I was still caught up.

I have no choice but to fight.

Ironically, what kept me alive was not the magic I insisted on practicing, but the strong body that my mother had trained me since I was a child.

After being injured, I wanted to go back the way I came, but the battle attracted other dragon beasts, so I had no choice but to walk to the dark side and continue north.

Then I came to 깊 and saw 깊..."


"No, it's a dragon egg!"

As he said that, Claude was stunned for a moment. The voice just now didn't seem to belong to Werther.

Sure enough, when he turned around and looked over, he saw a line of people lined up beside Werther, all of them looking at him expectantly.

The corners of Claude's mouth twitched.

"You are so boring!"

But Xingchen answered: "Don't change the subject, talk about this egg in detail!"

Werther glared at the stars, and then looked at Claude.

"Actually, I'm quite curious about this egg. I really didn't expect that Mandy was actually hatched from a dragon egg!"

Claude rolled his eyes, but felt relieved in his heart.

He could see that these dragons were more curious about Mandy than about Mandy itself.

"Okay, let me continue.

What I see here is indeed a dragon egg, a dragon egg floating in the air, with a faint blue color, but it looks a bit illusory.

By the way, you don’t think that I would go hunting for treasures in a place like this, let’s search!

I must have noticed it because the dragon egg was very conspicuous.

I tried to touch the dragon egg, but the dragon egg was just as it seemed. It was indeed illusory, but I could clearly feel that there was a living being pregnant in the dragon egg.

Just as I was looking at her curiously, she was also looking at me curiously.

I'll stay here for about an hour...

I originally planned to stay there forever, but as there were more and more dragon beasts around for me to hunt, I had to hunt further afield.

And in a hunt, I was the prey.

I was chased by it in a panic, and I was in a panic when I ran away. In the end, when I got rid of it, I appeared in the Evernight Forest.

You know, I was planning to look for an area in the Morton Mountains in the Evernight Forest.

The Evernight Forest is much more dangerous than the Morton Mountains, and it was also very difficult for me to find it.

It wasn't until they encountered Tianzhen Mountain and were taken out by them that they realized that the place where they were staying was actually the Evernight Forest. "

Saying that, Claude was also a little bit dumbfounded.

"Later, because I was a young dragon, Tianzhen and the others were more careful and wouldn't let me leave the Sky City. I didn't want to let down their good intentions.

But I will always remember that dragon egg.

When I heard you say that there was an abyss in the Morton Mountains, I was very worried, so I came here.

Unexpectedly, Mandy was born just in time.

And so much time has passed, Mandy still remembers me.

I wanted to take Mandy away from here and return to the Sky City, but she refused to leave the area where the cemetery is.

I just keep her here and come here every once in a while.

Fortunately, Boreidia is here, the Sky City has not appeared for a long time, and the dragon who died fighting to protect the Thunder Sea has no dragons coming here.

Otherwise, Mandy should have been discovered long ago. "

Having said this, a flash of joy flashed in Claude's eyes.

But when Witte heard this, there was a strange look in his eyes.

If his guess was correct, Mandy would have been exposed to some dragons.

A young dragon actually lived in the central area of ​​the Morton Mountains for a long time.

Moreover, the angry dragon had a problem before it left the juvenile stage, that is, the amount of "rage" used was limited. If it exceeded that limit, the angry dragon would completely lose its mind and become a congenital dragon beast.

Living in such a place for a long time, and living in the Evernight Forest for half a year, there was no danger for such a long time, and it did not lose its mind due to excessive use of "rage".

If you say there is no dragon behind him, he will not believe it even if he is beaten to death.

Then, who is this dragon, is there any need to say it!

Thinking of this, Witt looked at Claude again, but finally did not say it.

Maybe Claude had thought of it a long time ago, but he was just unwilling to say it.

"Why are you looking at me like that!"

Witt shook his head, then pointed with his chin at Mandy, who was still playing with Celine.

"I'm wondering what to do with Mandy!

It's definitely not okay to stay here. Just because there were no dragons here before doesn't mean there won't be any in the future.

And Mandy's specialness can be seen at a glance.

If you meet a better dragon, the other party may try to take Mandy away. If you meet a crazy alchemist, the other party will also try every means to take Mandy away, even at all costs.

Will you accept it?"

Claude shook his head.

"But I can't think of any good way. Why do you think I went to the library? I just wanted to find out where this place is and find a way to take Mandy away!"


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