Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 415 The drawbacks begin to emerge!


Although Celine didn't say anything, her eyes had revealed a lot of things, the most obvious of which was: You've been deceived!

Witt was also a little speechless.

Let's not talk about anything else, just let him build a treasure ruins, the design of the entrance can be a thousand times, ten thousand times better than this thing!

How to say it?

This ruins is like building for fun!

Just casually choose an area, casually find a forest, casually circle a piece of land, and casually build a ruins!

Even the markings outside are so perfunctory.

It's just a matter of leaving a sentence like "I'm just playing with you" on the stone wall next to it, uh... well, people may not even bother to do this!

"What should I do?"

Xingchen asked the thoughts of all the dragons present.

Go back or continue!

Witt glanced at the dragons and then sighed.

"Since we're here, let's continue. We can't come here in vain. Even if he only placed a mechanical puppet inside, I'll carry it back. I'll get something for free!"

The dragons were speechless.

This guy called Vergo is outrageous, and you're even more outrageous. You're still thinking about such a small thing.

However, they couldn't say much.

After all, it wasn't Witt who forced them to come here, but they followed them eagerly. They ordered Lei's dishes themselves, and they had to finish them with tears!

By the way, this is a saying that has been circulating in the Sky City for many years. After Witt came, it was officially carried forward!

"You wait outside first. The entrance is not in the sky, so it can only be on the ground. I'll circle this area first, and then clear a piece of open space."

As he said, Witt raised a gray-white magic circle under his feet.

In the blink of an eye, he turned into a sword dragon.

Seeing this, the other dragons swallowed their words of help.

It seems that Witt is ready to fight quickly!

With this idea in mind, the dragons flew high into the sky.

After Celine and the others left, Witt spread his wings and then flew low around the marked trees.

Facing Witt's sharp wings, the trees, which were as thick as the calves of adult dragons, fell down without any hindrance like straws under a sickle.

The sound of the giant trees falling scared the super-small dragon beasts living around them and made them flee.

Witt ignored this, as they were not the target.

What he didn't notice was that a dragon not much smaller than Claude, took advantage of the complicated sounds of trees falling and many dragon beasts fleeing, and quietly ran out of the "circle" drawn by Witt.

He was really good at hiding, even Celine and the others who were flying in the air didn't notice this.

Soon, after circling around, Witt also flew into the sky above the forest.

Looking at the standard circular forest, Witt was more convinced that this place was the entrance to the ruins.

Thinking of this in his heart, Witt opened his mouth slightly, and a wisp of white flame flew out of his mouth, floating towards the forest.

Seeing the dragons looking at him with doubts, Witt chuckled.

"Show you my new power!"

After hearing this, except for the two dragons of Claude, the other dragons who were close to Witt remembered that Witt's body temperature seemed to be under control!

Although Claude didn't know this, when he extended his spirit to the flame, he felt the breath of Witt in front of him, which was almost the same breath.

Is this the ultimate skill that Witt has mastered!

Claude stared at the white flame closely, as if he wanted to see if his decision to give up magic and go back to the path of tempering the body was correct.

Under the gaze of the dragons, the white flame floated and fell on a leaf.

The moment the flame touched the leaf, the white flame suddenly surged, and within a few breaths, it wrapped up the forest with a diameter of about 100 meters.

Then came a terrifying heat wave, and the extremely high temperature made the dragons couldn't help but raise their bodies.

When they looked at the dragon again, the flaming white flame had been sucked into the belly of Witt.

When the flame was sucked away by Witt and the ground was exposed, the dragons took a deep breath.

In just a few seconds, the whole forest was left with no ash, and the ground even showed signs of melting. The concentration of fire elements in the air increased by more than five times.

Claude stared at the ground, his eyes full of shock and heat. No wonder the angry dragons of the angry dragon clan kept chasing each other even though there was no second Leir.

Although the extreme power is different from the extreme high temperature, it belongs to the same extreme power, how could it be different.

On the other side, Witt also looked at the open space in front of him.

The difference is that there is an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

This is the power of the blazing white divine flame!

This is the path of ultimate improvement that my father taught me!

He only burned a patch of forest, and in just a few seconds, he could feel the obvious improvement of the Blazing White Divine Flame.

What if the surrounding forests were burned?

What if the entire Morton Mountains were burned?


The sound that suddenly came to mind pulled Werther back from his thoughts. After the initial shock, Werther broke out in a cold sweat!

He just had the idea of ​​burning down the Morton Mountains.

Moreover, before hearing Celine's voice, he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

"What's wrong with you, Werther?"

After completely coming back to his senses, Werther turned to look at Celine, saw her looking at him with a worried look on her face, and smiled.

"It's nothing, I just didn't think about it. The power of this flame is so strong. It seems that I have to pay more attention to it in the future. It's not a life and death battle. There is no need to use such power.

Of course, although it looks strong, this is just because the plants and trees that were just ignited are dead things.

If it were a dragon, using the 뇾 element, it could actually be extinguished. "

Speaking of this, Werther couldn't help but think of another of the five-color sacred fire mentioned by his father.

눑 represents the ultimate burning hellfire.

An inextinguishable flame, what kind of power is that!

It's a pity that I didn't live up to my expectations and only inherited one kind.

Thinking about this, Werther laughed and shook his head.

What's the point of so many 꺆 quantities? What's more, the ultimate 껣꺆 is just another path of elements. So, as a path for the development of elements, the law cannot compare to the ultimate 껣꺆.

The law is said to be the end of magic.

In other words, if you take the path of magic, you can also follow in your father's footsteps.

On the other side, Celine breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what 누Witt said.

"I thought you were injured by the flames."

Witte smiled helplessly: "How is it possible? That flame belongs to my power, there is no reason why it can be hurt by the power that I control.

Okay, let’s not talk about this, let’s go see how to do it! "

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