Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 427 Poredia is here!

Chapter 427 Poredia is coming!


The black dragon fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily, making a dull sound.

Then, a milky white dragon quickly fell from the sky, one of its front paws pressed on the black dragon's head, and opened its mouth to spit out a stream of light atoms.

But the black dragon seemed to know this move in advance. As soon as the light atom breath was brewing, she turned her head away.

Then, taking advantage of the huge air wave generated by the light atom breath hitting the ground, she raised her head and hit it fiercely. The four sharp dragon horns pointed directly at the neck of the milky white dragon, as if to pierce it through.

But at this moment, a chain of blue water flow appeared out of thin air and directly wrapped around the black dragon's head, and then a larger white dragon appeared.

Needless to say!

The three dragons were naturally the fighting Serin, Gedela and Closhil.

As for the battle situation...

Although Serin and Gedela joined forces, one of them was powerful but had just left the young dragon stage, and the other was just an ordinary sparkling dragon that grew up in the dragon nest and the sky city.

Facing a young dragon that grew up alone in the blood and fire in the wild, although it had the upper hand, it was difficult to take it down.

The battle continued until now. Seeing the opportunity coming, Serin was about to use the most powerful magic she had mastered, when suddenly, the ground under her feet shook violently.

Serin's pupils shrank, and then the spell she chanted changed from the previous attack magic to a binding magic.

At this time, Gedela in the air also used a binding magic.

Closhil, who had just broken free from the chains made of water elements, was hit by two binding magics again.

Just as she was about to continue to struggle, a cold light flashed in Celine's eyes, and two alloy arrows appeared in her claws, stabbing Closhil fiercely.

This was Antawana chasing Closhil, and when they were chasing Antawana, Celine put them into the reverse scale space.

Closhil, who had been following behind Witt and the others, naturally knew what was on the alloy arrows.

He quickly stretched out his claws to block them.

But Gedra's binding magic came again, and a chain made of water elements tightly pulled Closhil's claws.

But Closhil still didn't give up. With her rich combat experience, she took advantage of the situation to spread her right wing and slapped over.

But don't forget, Celine's combat experience is not low.

While the other party was slapping the arrow out of her claws, an arrow appeared on her other claw and stabbed at Closhil's right wing fiercely.

Celine's powerful strength, combined with the penetration of the alloy arrow, pierced Closhil's right wing in an instant and pinned it to the ground.

The severe pain on the right wing aroused Closhil's ferocity.

However, ferocity could not withstand a stick of trouble.

Just when Closhil was about to explode, Gedra's binding magic came again, directly binding her wings, tail and head.

As for the limbs, they were bound before.

Seeing this, Celine had alloy arrows appearing in her hands one after another, and inserted them into Closhil's limbs and wings one by one, and nailed them to the ground.

And as the drunken dragon grass exerted its power, Closhil's resistance became weaker and weaker.

Seeing this, Celine had another arrow in her hand, and she was ready to nail it on Closhil's head and kill the dragon completely.

After all, when the other party attacked her before, he did not hide his murderous intention at all.

However, at this moment, there was another violent vibration under her feet.

Celine's face changed slightly, and then she stopped her movements, and flew towards the entrance of the ruins while shouting: "Gedla, keep an eye on her, something must have happened to Witt."

Hearing this, Gedla subconsciously flew towards the entrance of the ruins, but he suddenly noticed that Closhil, who was lying on the ground powerlessly, had a calm look in his eyes.

In this case, even if he was not panicking, he should have more emotions.

This calm look only appears when he is sure that nothing will happen to him.

Thinking of this, Gedla changed direction and landed beside Closhil, shouting "Don't be impulsive" to Celine while pulling out the arrow from Closhil's body.

Then he used the strongest binding magic he had mastered from the light and water elements to bind Rockhill tightly, and then carried Clohill and chased after Celine.

After Clohill was stunned, his eyes showed a bit of bitterness.

This time he was completely defeated!


Celine flew back to the entrance of the ruins.

Before she could get in, Witt had already flown out, followed by a violent wave of air.

Looking at the pits and pits on Witt's body, with almost no metallic luster, Celine's pupils shrank suddenly, and then she couldn't help but exclaimed.


Hearing Celine's voice, Witt, who had just stabilized his body, was stunned for a moment.

"Why are you still here!"

As soon as the voice fell, a strong breath came out from the entrance of the ruins.

Witt looked down and saw a blood-red eye staring at him from the dark entrance that had lost its light due to the chain explosion of the magic circle.

At the same time, a stream of black and purple light appeared under his body in an instant.

No time to dodge!

Just as Witt was about to resist and then use time to reverse, a huge claw covered with purple dragon scales slapped the light away.

"Leave it to me!"

A familiar voice sounded in Witt's ears, and then a huge purple figure rushed directly into the entrance of the ruins.

Witt was stunned for a moment as he watched the purple figure disappear into the darkness.


But soon, Witt came back to his senses and hurriedly flew down.

"Poredia, don't kill me!"

Celine, who was at the entrance, saw this and hurriedly chased after him.

On the one hand, Poredia and Witt both went down, and on the other hand, the gravity magic circle and element dispersal magic circle in the entrance were destroyed!

She was able to use magic, and she was confident that she would at least not be a drag.

As soon as Gedela, who was carrying Closier, flew over, he saw Celine flying down. Helplessly, he could only carry one dragon and continued to follow.

He saw the figure of Poredia.

But before he went down, he saw Antawana and the others running over.

"Where's Poredia?"

"Where's Celine?"

"Who's the dragon on your shoulder?"

The three dragons spoke at the same time. The magical thing was that the three dragons were not paying attention to the same thing.

Hearing this, Gedela said without further ado: "Both Poredia and Celine are going down. The dragon on their shoulders is the one who followed us before. Vit is down there, alive and kicking. In addition, I'm going to go down!"


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