Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 440 The best way to improve!

Chapter 440 The best way to mention 꿤!

"What's different?"

Celine looked at Werther with some confusion.

Werther smiled arrogantly.

"What else can be different? It's just talent. Do you remember what Winters mentioned about the concentration of dragon blood? I'm much higher than you. Maybe because of this, my strength is so much faster than you.


Don't be envious, this is a natural... Hey, what are you and me doing! "

Celine retracted her tail and rolled her eyes.

"Just waking up some guy who got carried away..."

As she said that, the expression on Celine's face suddenly became serious, and then she stretched out a tail and touched the light blue lines flowing on Werther's chest.

"You have also strengthened the zero-degree cold wave, right? Do you have the ultimate power?"

Hearing this, Werther sighed and smiled bitterly.

"You've seen all this!"

Celine rolled her eyes at Werther.

"To a certain extent, I care about you more than you do yourself. Who made us regard each other as rivals and companions when we were just born!"

After saying that, a flash of worry flashed in Celine's eyes.

"Your blazing white breath was originally a problem, but now you have an extreme power of several opposites. Is there really no problem?"

Witte was stunned for a moment, then said with a dry smile: "What are you talking about? How could there be a problem with the Blazing White Breath? That belongs to me..."

"Still pretending!"

Celine whipped out her tail and hit Werther on the head.

"I don't know you yet?

Don't worry about me. In fact, your reaction makes me even more worried.

The ultimate power, the ultimate, probably refers to more than just the ultimate power. To a certain extent, the so-called ultimate can also be understood as paranoia!

I didn't think so before, but when you burned the forest, I noticed that your mood was not right.

What are you trying to control?

놆That kind of flame will bring 놅side effects!

I should have thought of you earlier. You haven't left the young dragon stage yet, but you have mastered the power beyond the teenage stage. How could you do such a good thing! "

Werther looked at Celine blankly.

"You...you actually..."

Celine rolled her eyes at Werther.

"As I said, we grew up together. You know me and I know you... If possible, I don't want you to carry this alone.

No matter how much time passes, Desidero is waiting for us somewhere in this world.

Just now you were trying to persuade me not to be anxious, so why don't you do the same!

There's no rush, we have plenty of time.

You said, if something happens to you, what do you want me to do, return to Desidero alone? "

Saying that, Celine slowly put her head on Werther's head.

"Promise me that you will not force yourself, you have some dangerous power, and you will not pursue it too much. You are already strong. You can lead us to establish a foothold in the Sky City, and you will be enough to make Winters proud of you!

As for the abyss thing...

If the sky falls, there will be a tall man holding it up. If you don't surpass Desidero's ability in a short time, you don't have to force yourself. You should understand what I mean. "

Werther was silent for a moment, then chuckled.

"Don't worry, I have never forced myself. As for the two extreme powers, they are indeed dangerous, but if they are not used frequently, there will be no problems.

In addition, you don’t just talk about me, but you don’t even mention yourself.

Actually, in terms of strength improvement, you have already gone the wrong way! "

Celine was stunned for a moment, then looked at Werther in astonishment.

"What's the meaning?"

Werther had no choice but to click on Celine.

"Now that we are out of the young dragon stage, we can no longer look at ourselves with the eyes of young dragons. We can no longer only strengthen ourselves by practicing magic.

Magic is only a means of combat, and the realm is the foundation!

땤This method has been ignored by you all the time. It is the best way to grow your strength quickly! "

Upon hearing this, Celine was stunned for a moment, and then slapped her forehead!

"Goodbye, nothing serious, don't bother me, I'll sleep for hundreds of years at a time!"

After saying that, Celine couldn't wait to turn around and leave.

Watching Celine leave, Werther shook his head helplessly.

Hundreds of years...

You really want to sleep, but you can't!

The young dragon has a lot of energy, otherwise, Desidero would not have created a dragon army reserve, which is a place where the young dragon can vent its excess energy.

Not to mention a hundred years, Celine can sleep for more than half a month, and he twists off his head and plays it as a ball!

The best place to sleep in the store is the stars, and you have to sleep for three days and wake up for two days.

But when it comes to sleeping to improve your strength, Witte is right.

The giant dragon 늀놆 enhances its mental power and absorbs 놅꽮su power by sleeping. Therefore, Desidero, 녢罗, etc., these 녢old 놅 giant dragons are all sleeping.

They are not sleeping, but practicing, trying to embark on a stronger path.

It is also because of this that the adult dragon becomes so irritable every time it is woken up.

The 녈duan그 family has cultivated, and only if they are not irritable can there be ghosts!

Thinking like this, Werther lowered his head and looked at his chest. The light blue light belonged to the light of eternal frozen ice.

Seeing the light blue light, a flash of worry flashed in his eyes.

늀Like Celine said, there are also problems with extreme freezing.

The blazing white divine flame tempted him to burn the entire world, while the perpetually frozen ice pulled him to create an eternal world. So, what is eternity? It is eternal when frozen!

Of course, if that were the case, Witt would not be worried. How could a new extreme power that could resist the temptation of the blazing white divine flame affect him?

The real heavy thing is that even if you are in different elements, two extreme powers with completely different properties always try to destroy each other and make yourself the only one.

It should be said that it is worthy of the name of the ultimate power, and it is really domineering.

Witt can still suppress these two powers now, but as they grow, even if he can still suppress them, he will inevitably have to bear the aftermath of the collision of the two powers.

After all, this thing is in his body, and the two spaces are adjacent.

There are only two solutions that Witt can think of for the time being!

The first is the physical body!

A strong physical body can ignore all monsters and demons. As long as the physical body is strong, the two forces can collide directly in the body and can be forcibly carried.

The other is the transparent time rune that has long been created!

Don't forget!

The time rune in Witt's body is now actually maintained in a state of neither sleeping nor waking. Only in this way can it prevent Witt from falling into those strange time loops that make dragons helpless.

But it is obviously not a solution to keep doing this.

For the power of time, this level of temptation is unstoppable, and Witt is naturally no exception.

Moreover, if the Time Rune can wake up completely, he doesn't have to consume a part of the Time Power every once in a while.

At most, the Time Power can completely suppress that kind of extreme power!

Thinking of this, Witt was entangled...

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