Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 442 Candice comes to visit!

Looking at the metal plate hanging next to Antasha's shop door, Werther moved over curiously.

"For special reasons, the store is closed and the opening time is unknown!"

Werther grinned.

It's really simple enough.

However, this is already quite a face-saving gesture.

After all, according to the dragon's character, most of the cases are inexplicable disappearances without even a single explanation.

But what puzzles Werther is that, according to Antasha's character, if the other party has something to do, why would she have to come to him and complain about it?

How come there was no movement at all this time and it just disappeared?

However, Witte didn't think much, turned around and flew towards his shop.


Hearing the familiar voice, Werther turned around and saw Oldorf flying from his house, flying towards this direction.

"Hey, Oldorf, long time no see. Why, Jacques is willing to let you go here, but then again, can you really learn something from following him?"

Hearing this, Oldorf sighed and looked at Werther with a strange expression.

Werther was stunned for a moment, and then realized something.

"That guy couldn't have kept you by his side just to keep you and me away from him!"

Oldorf nodded helplessly, and then looked at Werther curiously.

"How did you provoke him?"

Werther rolled his eyes.

"How do I know? I asked him to help me find traces of Winters, and then he suddenly lost his temper and drove me, Boredia, away.

Unexpectedly, in order to prevent you from getting close to me, he actually did this step! "

Hearing this, Oldorf scratched his head.

"Actually, it's not just these reasons. Jacques taught me stargazing, and it's normal to watch stars for decades. Although I don't do it to that extent, a lot of theoretical knowledge is required. learned.

Although I have studied for so long, I still don't understand what kind of relationship there is between dragons and the stars in the sky, but it can indeed vaguely perceive some future situations. "

"For example..."

Oldorf scratched his head.

"A big omen...something like that!"

As he said this, his expression was a little strange. If Jacques hadn't really demonstrated it to him, he would have thought that this thing was just a trick.

On the other side, Werther sneered at this.

Because of Jacques, Oldorf has rarely come here in the past fifty years.

When they were sparring with Claude, Claude would go to him, but if Werther went to him, Jacques would get angry.

Therefore, he slowly passed by rarely.

As for Jacques's set of stargazing and divination, in Witt's opinion, it was just to fool the dragon.

"By the way, you haven't said anything yet, why do you have time to come here?"

Oldorf pointed to Antasha's shop next to it, and then said: "Last night, Antasha suddenly ran to the teacher's place and asked me to come and visit the store for a few days, saying that she wanted to relax.

It’s hard for the teacher to refuse. After all, I learned alchemy from Antasha. So, even if you don’t want me to come into contact with you, you can only hold your nose and acquiesce.

When I left, the teacher's face was not good-looking.

Be careful lately.

Although it's a bit uncomfortable to say this, the teacher is really very narrow-minded and he will definitely put this matter on you. "

Werther rolled his eyes.

"He can still beat me. That's not how big bullies bully small ones. I won't go into details. You come over temporarily to check out the store. There are a lot of things you need to get familiar with. I won't bother you. Remember to come and chat when you are bored. .


It's a pity that I have just left the young dragon stage, so it may take me many years to catch up with you in size. "

Oldorf nodded with a strange expression.

Although Witte's last sentence was full of flaws, he accepted it with peace of mind. Witte, who grew faster than other dragons as a young dragon, had no reason to grow slower than other dragons as a juvenile.

With this thought in his mind, Oldorf took out the metal plate, then opened the store door and walked in.

Just as Werther was flying towards his shop, another familiar voice stopped him.


Seeing the coming dragon, Werther scratched his head in confusion.

Is today a special day? Why does it feel like dragons always come to him?

Thinking this in my heart, there was a bit of surprise on my face.


That's right, flying towards him was none other than Candice, whom he hadn't seen for more than fifty years.

Of course, it's not just Candice, Scott, Ling Yan, who I met not long ago, and Chiara who I only met once, but it can be said that except for Ermus, the entire dragon gang is here!

After glancing at the dragons, Witte's expression suddenly became strange.

"Are you here... after fifty years?"

Hearing this, Candice was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately and smiled bitterly.

"I'm not that bored!

Besides, I don’t think I will be your opponent. Sometimes, size doesn’t mean anything.

As for coming here this time, I have something to do.

Chiara always stayed at home and took him around for a while.

As for Scott’s Spiritual Flame…”

Speaking of this, Candice's eyes flashed with something strange.

"They heard that I was coming to the 뀖block and insisted on following me. I don't know why."


Witt looked at Scott with interest.

"You don't want to take revenge, do you?"

Hearing this, Scott walked over with a smile.

"How can that be? I came to you to discuss something serious. Don't listen to Candice's nonsense. It was obviously me who was going to come to you, but he insisted on following me after hearing it.

Really, as the leader of a faction, what's the big deal about running here by yourself?

Alas, it's a good thing that I'm here, otherwise... Hey, why are you pulling my tail!"

Ling Yan couldn't help but lower his head, it was too embarrassing!

Witt smiled, and didn't say anything else. While flying towards his own store, he said: "Since you're here to see me, let's talk inside the store!"

Hearing this, the four dragons of the Dragon Gang looked at each other, and then followed Witt.

After leaving the store, Witt flew over the counter and crouched down, his eyes turned to Candice, with a questioning look in his eyes.

Candice didn't keep the secret and said bluntly: "Let me make it clear first, I'm here to do business, but I don't have a specific target. Since I see you, I'll talk to you first. If you don't agree, I'll find another dragon!"


Candice's words aroused Witt's interest.

"What business?"

"Let me show you something first!"

As he said that, Candice walked in front of Witt, and then a disc-shaped object appeared on his claws.

Candice put the object in front of Witt with a decent smile on his face.

Witt looked down, and then he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment...

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