Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 458 The abyss gradually emerges!

"Hey, there's no sun again!"

Billy was lying on the roof, looking at the sky above which was gradually obscured by black mist, with a flash of helplessness in his eyes.

"This Demi Xiu is too knowledgable. When I become stronger, I will drag him out from the Eternal Night Castle and drag him to the sun, where he will be exposed to the sun for dozens or hundreds of years."

Moxi glanced at Billy strangely, then silently moved to the side.

Billy's face turned dark when he noticed this.

"Hey! What do you mean?"

Dinnet glanced at Billy and chuckled.

"Moxi probably just wanted to put some distance between him and you to prevent it from spreading to 놛 when you were shot to death."

After hearing Dinnett's words, Billy smiled bitterly.

"I'm just saying, how could a great being who rules the entire Eternal Night City care about a baby dragon like me? Haha, baby dragon."

Speaking of the baby dragon, Billy's resentment arose again.

Even if it is weak, why does it grow slower than other dragons?


Billy suddenly thought of something, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

Dinnet was stunned for a moment, and then asked curiously: "What are you thinking about? Why are you smiling so happily?"

Billy raised his head proudly.

"It suddenly occurred to me that I am definitely the last one to escape from the young dragon stage. That guy Witte always has problems with his body. Something like leaving the young dragon stage will definitely cause problems.

If it lasts for more than ten or twenty years, then he will definitely be the last one to escape from the young dragon stage!

Ah ha ha ha... cough cough... ha ha..."

The more he spoke, the more sense he felt that it made sense. Billy couldn't help but open his mouth, looked up to the sky and laughed. He choked on his saliva, but it didn't disturb his interest.

When he heard this, Dinnet rolled his eyes.

"Wake up, it's not dark yet, daydreaming has to have a limit. With Werther's growth rate, even if he hasn't left the young dragon stage now, his body length will be more than twice yours.

What's more, it's normal for people to spend two years in the rapid growth period!


It is said that he is definitely out of the young dragon stage now! "


꺶Billy, who was smiling, lost his voice for a moment, and then looked at Dinnett in horror.

"I'll be the last one!"

Dinnit smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, even if you are the last one, you guys know, right?"

Billy thought for a moment and felt that it made sense, and his mood suddenly became better.

Elise, who was lying next to Dinnit, glanced at Billy with a strange expression. Even if the other dragons knew it, you are the last one here!

Of course, she just said this. After all, it could disturb Dinnit's interest.

At this moment, a black flying dragon landed in front of Billy.

"Hey, Billy, you look like you're in the wrong mood!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Billy turned around and saw that it was a familiar voice, with a smile on his face.

"Ze, what are you..."

녊 said, Billy frowned suddenly.

"Why are you hurt?"

Billy is still quite concerned about Ze.

Ze is a dark-winged flying dragon, the guide dragon for them to stay in the City of Eternal Night. He is a commander of the Night Guard and is responsible for leading the Night Guard to guard the City of Eternal Night. He can be regarded as an official.

The Billys were able to successfully settle in the City of Eternal Night without Ze's help.

The dark-winged flying dragon is one of the main dragon species in the City of Eternal Night. Its adult size is about eight meters, but its strength is weak, and the dark element magic is still quite powerful.

As for Ze, it goes without saying that the commander of the Night Guard is not that easy to be, it is really a winner-takes-all approach.

Once the light realm has reached a certain level, the combat effectiveness will be even stronger.

Every night guard commander is the strongest dark-winged flying dragon in the same group.

Therefore, even though Ze is just the peak of Amethyst, in fact he has mastered regular power, and his strength is much weaker than some legends.

Ze, who has such strength, was actually injured!

Hearing Billy's words, Ze lowered his head in embarrassment.

"I was out on patrol before, and on a relatively hidden patrol route, I was attacked by a weird-looking guy.

That guy knows what it is..."

"Hey, it's quite lively!"

Before Ze could finish speaking, a black dragon flew over from a distance.

"You should allow me to come over and join in the fun!"

"Resentment, for a long time... Well, every time I hear your name, I always feel weird. By the way, why have you been 'missing' for so long this time?"

Hearing this, Resentment chuckled.

"This is just for wandering outside. Staying in the City of Eternal Night will lead to mold. I can always go to Demixiu and let the black tide disperse for a few more months every year.

I know what Demixiu is thinking, but some dragons in the City of Eternal Night will drive me out!

They are all guys who have seen the light! "

Ze on the side said helplessly: "There is a guy standing next to you who has seen the light, and he is also the commander of the Night Guard!"

"Hahaha, just kidding, don't be so outspoken!"

He said with resentment and looked at Ze's right wing.

"Hey, are you hurt?"

Ze nodded.

"I was just talking about this. I took a very hidden patrol route before, and a weird guy suddenly appeared and attacked me.

If it's a quick response, Tian Huanzhen will definitely come back.

Her attack has a very strange power, which makes Long Zhong disgusted, and it also tries to infect my mental power. Fortunately, the advanced healing potion is useful.

After using more than ten bottles, I finally got rid of that power, but my injury is still not healed.

Here, I come to take care of your business again!"

As he said, Ze looked at Dinnett, but then he noticed that Dinnett's face was a little ugly.

"What's wrong, don't tell me that there is no advanced healing potion in your store!"

Dinnett shook his head and said in a deep voice: "That weird power, the color is purple and black, the weird guy who attacked you, is it standing on his legs, looks very well-proportioned, and is wearing metal armor?"

Ze's eyes condensed.

"Dinnett, have you seen this thing? "

Ze's question was equivalent to admitting that what Dinnett said was true.

This made Dinnett's face even uglier.

"Very dangerous enemies, they once attacked Desidero, and their power has a great impact on the surrounding environment, and can even turn dragon beasts into their power."

Yuan Nian looked at Dinnett with some curiosity.

"Can you tell me in detail? "

As he said this, he glanced at Billy and Moses, who looked confused. It was obvious that the two dragons didn't know about this.

Seeing this, Dinnet explained: "You two haven't learned about this. I'm afraid that only Celine and I may know something about the lost dragon. The specific situation is as follows..."

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