Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 462 You are finally back!

"You're finally back!"

Witt had just entered the house, and before he had time to see what was going on in the store, a colorful figure quickly rushed in front of him.

Witt tilted his head back, and then he could see the big head coming over clearly.

"Scott, why are you here?"

Scott was even more excited when he heard this, and spit out saliva and said: "Why do you say I'm here? I clearly said I would help, but my application was just approved, and you're playing tricks on me.

Fortunately, I was smart and didn't directly announce the establishment of the Underage Dragon Management Association, but chose to get the venue first.

Otherwise, I'm afraid my head would be blown up... by Candice and the others!

You know, I did all this without Candice's knowledge. If he knew the truth, my scales would be plucked off piece by piece!"

Witt took a few steps back.

"Okay, okay, don't get excited first, saliva, watch your saliva, besides, I'm going to do something, the Abyss knows, I'm going to deal with these!"

The topic of the Abyss has never been banned, but in the past few years, few dragons have paid attention to these, and they have been regarded as unreliable rumors.

But now it's not possible.

The Abyss has a lot of arrangements around the Sky City, and the Sky City's top leaders can't solve it alone.

Antasha borrowed his "Abyss Creatures" and said that the top leaders were going to announce the existence of the Abyss Creatures to the dragons living in the Sky City, or in other words, this kind of propaganda has already begun.

But this kind of announcement will not gather all the dragons in the entire city-state.

The deviation of information will make some dragons question the existence of the Abyss Creatures, but there is nothing to be done about it. Even if they are questioned, it is better than knowing nothing!

Moreover, there are many dragons in the Sky City in the Evernight Forest, Morton Veins, etc. These dangerous places are improving themselves and looking for materials. If you encounter them, on the one hand, you can pay more attention, and on the other hand, you can search for the existence of abyssal beasts for the Sky City.

Hearing Witt's words, Scott was stunned for a moment, and then sighed helplessly.

"Since there is something wrong, there is nothing we can do. However, you should have nothing to do next. If you do, the matter of the management association will have to be delayed!"

Hearing this, Witt smiled and said: "Originally there is something to do. This is not considering your problem, so I will temporarily turn it down and wait until I finish dealing with your matter."

Before, Antasa asked Witt whether he wanted to participate in Boredia's follow-up investigation of abyssal creatures, and Witt finally turned it down.

The reason is just as he said, it is for this management association.

Now the Abyss has begun to transform this world, so every bit of energy is precious.

I believe that the top leaders of Sky City will temporarily put aside the management of the young dragons because of this.

But as a giant dragon, Witt knows better that if Sky City doesn't care about those young dragons, it will be like Scott said before, and sooner or later there will be a big mess.

Even some dragons with "wildness" will have the idea of ​​building a "nest in the city"!

If it really develops to that extent, it will not only be an external threat.

Moreover, will Guluo really care about such things?

Even if Guluo cares, the dragons that could have been helpers were expelled from Sky City because of Sky City's indifference, which is a strategy in itself!

In the current situation, without knowing how the outside world has developed, staying in Sky City is the best choice for Witt and his friends.

And to be honest, Witt likes the current Sky City very much.

He will not allow a dragon to destroy the current atmosphere.

Therefore, he is not only helping Scott now, but also preparing for the war with the Abyss that may come in the future, or that will definitely come!

The reason why it is certain is that... the Dragon Realm is too big, and there are too many places where there are no dragons.

Even if the Abyss stands up now and says that they want to infect the world in this way, the dragons in the Dragon Realm have no solution.

This is the reality!

Unless there is a Supreme who is willing to fight against the Abyss and finds this place and stands up.

Of course, the greater possibility is that the Dragon Realm, under the erosion of the Abyss, relies on those top powerhouses to turn this war into a war of attrition.

The world has the ability to recover itself. As long as the world is preserved, there will be hope.

I just don't know whether to summon my old father.

Thinking of this, Witt shook his head and shook this idea out of his head. Putting hope on this is not an idea that a giant dragon should have.

At least, things have not developed to that extent.

Coming back to his senses, Witt was about to say something, and then he saw a shining big head sticking in front of him, with his eyes full of emotion.

Witt pushed the big head away with a look of disgust.

"I told you, stay away from me!"

Although Scott retreated a distance, he still looked at Witt with a touching face.

"A friend in need is a friend indeed. I always thought that you were a useless dragon who did nothing except bullying me. I didn't expect that you were a good dragon!

Sorry, I wronged you before."

Witt smiled and patted Scott's front legs.

"It's okay. As an apology, you can just give me this diamond!"

"Okay, no..."

As he spoke, Scott suddenly realized that something was wrong, and then hurriedly stepped back a long distance with caution.

"What did you just say? I didn't hear it clearly?"

Witt laughed.

"It was just a joke, but you took it seriously. However, I do lack a few containers recently. Look..."

Scott hesitated for a moment after hearing this, and then stretched out his claws.

"This number?"

Witt's eyes lit up.

"Very good, you said it, I didn't force you. You are worthy of being my 'friend', you are so generous. Let's go to the laboratory!"

As he said this, Witt appeared behind Scott, grabbed his tail, and walked towards the laboratory. When passing by the counter, Witt didn't forget to say hello to Gedra who was in a daze on it.

As for Scott, he stared blankly at his four claws. He couldn't figure out what the connection between these four claws and the claws was.

When Witt dragged him into the lab, he finally figured it out.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with his Dragon's thoughts. It's up to Witt to decide how much he wants!

Thinking of this, Scott remained silent and didn't think about resisting.

He's been dragged into the lab, why resist?

Maybe, after resisting, none of the diamonds on his body will remain.

Forget it, resisting is better!

Facing Witt's mining behavior, Scott was completely flat...

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