Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 477 Who will come first?

The vortex of water sealed by ice is like a huge ice flower.

When it shatters, ice crystals and ice mist shoot out in all directions, just like the ice flowers in bloom, so beautiful, but also fleeting and gone in an instant.

Wrapped in it, Sil, wrapped in cold air, rushed out from the large ice crystals.

But she didn't attack Werther immediately, but flew towards the arena below.

As soon as he landed on the ground, the rich thunder element around him turned into a cocoon of purple light, wrapping it up.

Seeing this, Tal and Les stopped quickly.

Seal is about to break through!

Seeing that the two dragons were no longer attacking, Witte fell downwards and looked into the purple light cocoon, but he was not surprised at all.

The opponent was already on the verge of a breakthrough, and the desire to win in the battle accelerated the process. Coupled with the current thunder season and the rich thunder elements around it as a basis, it was time for a breakthrough.

With this thought in his mind, Witte turned his attention to the other two dragons that rushed into the ring.

He is familiar with both ends of the dragon.

A green dragon and a red crystal dragon.

This combination reminded him of Billy and Dinnet. I wonder if those two guys...

Of course, these two dragons are not enough for Werther to admit his mistake.

The body shape just doesn't match.

The length of these two dragons has reached about seventeen meters, and their strength is also at the top level. No matter how well-nourished Billy and Dinnet are, they can't surpass him in size.

Whether she can even surpass Celine in body shape is a question.

Before Witte could observe for long, Syl's purple cocoon of light suddenly shattered, restored to full strength, and broke through to the high level of silver. Syl, looked up to the sky with excitement and roared.

The thunder clouds in the sky also cooperated very well and rained down thunder, adding some power out of thin air.

As long as silver moves from the middle to the high, the breakthrough is quite fast. From start to finish, it only takes an hour or two.

After Silber recovered, Witte said: "Since you have broken through, let's continue fighting!"

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Syl waved his paw casually.

"No fighting, no fighting, I just broke through, but my strength has not improved much, especially in terms of magic. The activity of the elements has increased a little, and the power has become a little bit stronger.

The gap between you and me is too big, and no small improvement can erase it.

This little bit of self-knowledge is still 놆놋놅.

I'm not very interested in a battle that is destined to fail to win. "

With that said, Syl turned to look at Tal and Les flying towards her, and said casually: "By the way, in comparison, they are the ones who want to challenge you the most.

As for me, I still have to wait until I go back to practice, and after my magic has improved further, I will challenge you again!

By the way, you have always been here! "

Werther shook his head.

"In fact, I will only sit here for a few days. I will leave after the situation of the Management Association stabilizes. However, if you want to fight me, come here to find Scott, and he will Pass the message to me 놅.”

Having said this, Witte suddenly became curious and asked: "Speaking of which, what do you think of the Underage Dragon Management Association?"

Hearing this, Syl scratched his head.

"How should I put it? It doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm not too keen on fighting.

As for the management association, it should mainly target the warlike dragons!

As for our side, I don't care about fighting, Les is lazy, and Tal claims to like fighting, but when it comes to critical moments, he gets extremely nervous.

In this way, we are no longer within the management scope of the association, so naturally it doesn't matter.

However, if you have to say something, I still support it.

If you like fighting dragons, just come here. It's easy to find opponents who also like fighting.

If you don't like fighting dragons, you won't come here at all.

In this way, there should be a lot of people who come to challenge dragons. To be honest, we are all quite annoyed by this kind of thing. "

While talking, Tal and Les flew close.

Before they could speak, Ciel smiled and said: "I have already given up. Just in time, don't you want to challenge Werther? I just told him, which one of you will come first?"

Forget it, you can discuss it among yourselves. I'm going to the spectator seats. "

With that said, Ciel turned around and flew towards the spectator seats.

Watching Syl fly away, Tal and Les looked at each other. Didn't Syl just say something very cruel?

At this time, Werther looked at the two dragons.

"Which of you comes first?"

Well, now they confirmed it, Sir really said something very cruel.


"You come first, after all, you are the first to initiate!"

After saying that, Les turned around and flew towards the spectator seats. As soon as he flapped his wings twice, he realized that he couldn't fly. He turned around and glanced at his tail.

"Tal, you stepped on my tail, please move your paw."

Tal rolled his eyes.


By the way, if you don’t want to use Viterbi’s shaping magic, you should do it first! "

With that said, he also flew towards the spectator seats.

But the next second, he was pulled off by Les's tail.

"You have to go first!"

"You first!"

Witte looked at the two dragons flying further and further away, and hesitated for a moment.

"Why don't you guys go together!"


"Not good!"

As they said that, the two dragons flew back with a hint of excitement on their faces.

Witt slapped his head.

Well, he was sure now that these two guys were really shameless!

"Hey, wait a minute, when I said "together", I meant "together" on the stage. The fight must be one-on-one, but the other dragon can only watch from the stage.

By the way, you guys wouldn't be so shameless as to have two high-ranking silver dragons fight against me, a low-ranking silver dragon!"

As soon as these words came out, the smiles froze on the faces of the two dragons, and then...

"You first!"

"You first!"

"Wait a minute, since you are so undecided, I will choose. Green dragon, don't look around. I said it's you, and you said that we are the only dragon here."


Sighing, Les glared at Tal fiercely.

"What are you laughing at? You can't escape!"


Tal's smile just appeared and disappeared.

After a farce, Witt and Les met hundreds of meters away and stood opposite each other.

"Green Dragon, Les!"

"Starry Sky Dragon, Witt!"

After signing up for the standard battle, Les immediately began to chant the spell. As he chanted briefly and powerfully, Les's body began to change.

His wings suddenly stretched out, his claws became longer and sharper, and the dragon scales at the tip of his tail also became slender and sharp, like a spear tip.

In addition, the dragon scales on other parts of his body became larger and thicker.

Witt's eyes lit up when he saw this!

Sure enough, the shaping magic...

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