Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 481 Are you sure you are here to challenge me?

After paying attention to the battle between Nasha and Oti, Witt withdrew his gaze.

There was really nothing to see.

Although he was very powerful among the young dragons, he was only a young dragon, and the excitement of the battle was not even comparable to the battles in other arenas.

However, it was no problem to meet Scott's expectations.

Nasha's magic was enough to dominate the young dragon circle.

Compared with other arenas, the East Arena was extremely miserable.

Since Witt defeated the dragons in a row, no dragon stepped onto the East Arena to challenge Witt.

The point is, Witt can't sleep yet!

He could only lie on the stage in a daze, and occasionally watch the battles in other arenas.

In this way, the time of the day passed in a flash!

During this period, Scott came up to accompany Witt, either to talk to him or to give him psychological counseling, for fear that Witt would be unhappy and run away directly.

But in fact... well, Witt really wanted to run away.

However, it was just a thought. Since I agreed to help Scott, I must not give up halfway.

The situation of the young dragons was already decided. Oti was weaker, and she was basically no match for some dragons close to adolescence.

However, Nasha was strong, and she beat almost all the young dragons.

Then, a wave of young dragons came to the Tenth Block!

Except for a few who were concerned, those young dragons went to the administrative office to handle the moving procedures and moved their nests to the Tenth Block.

With the same age and a suitable fighting place, who would be willing to live in those places that were originally incompatible with them?

As for whether there are so many houses... There are not many young dragons, only a few dozen. Putting them in the Tenth Block, they can't even make a splash.

After all, only a few dragons choose to live in the city-state.

Of course, the above are all told to Witt by Scott as fun stories.

The young dragons are like this, and the young dragons are another.

Witt crouched on the platform and could see the dynamics of the entire management association.

And there are not many young dragons.

So, he can clearly see how many dragons come, how many dragons leave, and how many dragons stay.

Of course, it does not mean that the dragons who stay accept the existence of the management association, and those who leave express dissatisfaction. There is no necessary connection.

Fighting is not all of a dragon. Even if he is warlike, he still has to live his life.

So, the dragons who leave may also need to go back to live their own lives.

Not all of those who stay accept the management association. In fact, most of them are just waiting and watching.

I saw the promotion, so I came. I heard the dragons around talking about the strength of Witt. I was curious and cautious. Then I started to wait and see if there were other dragons to challenge Witt and see Witt's combat power clearly.

Most of the newcomers who have not seen Witt fight have this mentality.

Of course, this is normal.

Not every dragon will stupidly rush to the ring and challenge Witt without thinking.

Witt is not in a hurry about this. When the onlookers find that there are onlookers all around, there will always be dragons who are more interested in Witt's strength and will challenge him.

The longer the time, the more famous he can be in one battle.

Now that more than a day has passed, according to Witt's speculation, he may only need one more battle to get the management association running.

What Witt is struggling with now is what kind of battle he should use to end this final battle.

Witt is belligerent!

However, he is a belligerent who "comes to the fore". After fighting several hearty battles, to be honest, he doesn't want to fight much now.

In this way, in this last battle, he needs to show his crushing ability.

However, since it is a "comes to the fore" type of fighting enthusiasm, it means that he may be ready to fight again at any time.

But if this last battle is too fierce, what if those dragons don't want to fight him in the future?

If you let them go, some dragons might think, "I'm good enough," and then there might be a second or even a third fight.

But he was tired of fighting and didn't want to work overtime!

When he thought of this, Witt felt a headache.

"What should I do?"

At this moment, Witt suddenly heard a commotion from the direction.

Looking down, he saw a dragon standing on the East Arena, but...

"Why does this dragon look a little small? Is it because it's too far away?"

Thinking this in his heart, Witt flew towards the East Arena.

However, the more he flew there, the weirder Witt's face became. When he landed on the arena, he couldn't help but ask, "Are you sure you're here to challenge me?"

It's no wonder Witt asked this. If the size of the dragon in front of him was similar to his, his level was only silver.

As for the other race...

"Faloon, Otis!"

Hearing what Witt said, the other party's eyes fixed, and then uttered a cold word.

For the Faroon, Witt can only say that he is not unfamiliar with it. It is a dragon that is not very powerful, but a bit disgusting.

Of course, it does not mean that it is ugly.

For a giant dragon, beauty and ugliness are not very important. Only some dragons are more obsessed with appearance. Most dragons are actually more concerned about their own deterrence.

People would only feel weird looking at a 꺘-sized person, but looking at a 꺘-sized dragon, dragons would only envy their intimidating power. Just like Cady, their Sonic Flash dragon has two pairs of wings!

What's more, Falong will never be able to hit the ugly bunch.

The dragon scales are golden yellow with red stripes. Although they don't have the metallic luster of a metal dragon, they still look quite noble.

The body shape is neither strong nor slender. Compared with average, Witt prefers to describe this body shape as well-proportioned.

Two pairs of dragon horns snake upward like a crown of thorns.

The wingspan is a bit stretched, only about 1.1 times the body length, but in fact, such dragon wings look more comfortable, uh... although they can't fly very fast.

The legs stand upright, the dragon tail is thick and long, and there is a purple crystal core at the end.

It is worth noting that Falong's elemental affinity depends on his ancestors. The crystal core at the tip of the dragon's tail represents the element he is familiar with, which is similar to the crystal dragon.

But in fact, Falong does not have the blood of the crystal dragon.

The magic dragon is fifty percent golden dragon bloodline, ten percent red dragon bloodline, ten percent silver dragon bloodline, and less than ten percent elemental dragon bloodline.

And this less than 10% elemental dragon bloodline is the key to the dragon's elemental affinity.

I have to say that the dragon's inheritance is truly magical.

Of course, this does not mean that those with these bloodlines must be dragons. To be honest, no one knows what kind of dragon eggs they are laying before they lay them.

It depends on the bloodline of both parents. Dragons with mixed bloodlines will not be surprised to give birth to any dragon eggs. Therefore, as time goes by, there are more and more mutant dragons.

This can be said to be inevitable.

Of course, there is a high probability that the dragon egg that is born will be the one with a high bloodline concentration, and there is a small chance that a heterogeneous dragon such as a magic dragon will appear.

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