Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 484 Magical Reality!

The ignorance of the past has become a stain that cannot be washed away. Witt is helpless about this. Who let this stain be the name of the race!

Moreover, it is meaningless to change it now.

Let's do this!

With this mentality, Witt looked at Nasha and said casually: "Compared to your magical origin, I am different. I am... arranged by fate. I was picked up by Desidero directly."

It was indeed arranged by fate. My father took me directly to the vicinity of Desidero. It was difficult not to be picked up.

Then, Witt recounted his experience.

Maybe they are all dragons from the starry sky. Some things can be said without scruples, such as the abyss.

Including the recent events, Witt also said them all.

"Come to think of it, you don't seem to be planning to stay in Sky City for long. Although the abyss outside is not in a mess now, the abyss hidden in the dark is even more terrifying.

I advise you to stay in Sky City for the time being. With Gu Luo here, things will never develop to the worst situation.

Besides, you two young dragons...

I don't want you to stand on the side of the abyss the next time I see you."

After listening to Witt's words, Nasha was stunned for a moment, and then her face gradually became solemn.

Witt saw this and asked in confusion: "What's wrong with you? Why do you look so ugly?"

"The abyss actually invaded in this way!"

Seeing Witt looking at her in astonishment, Nasha smiled bitterly and said: "I am not unfamiliar with the abyss. The inheritance memory of the Star Dragon mentioned the existence of this danger.

The starry sky is boundless and the dangers are countless. If you don't understand these, how can you travel in the starry sky?

There are two biggest dangers in the starry sky, and the abyss is just one of them.

The other is the existence of the starry sky beast.

I will tell you about this when I have the chance. Now I will talk about the abyss I know!

We are a group of madmen from various races who serve the abyss with the will of the abyss as their starting point. Their goal is to destroy the world.

The abyss walks in the sea of ​​stars. Wherever He passes, everything is annihilated.

It's not that there are no strong people who try to destroy the abyss.

But the fact is that when they see the abyss, they give up directly .

It's not because they are strong, they are just simply unkillable.

What exactly is it, the inheritance does not mention.

What I want to tell you is some things about the Abyss believers. The Abyss believers were actually living spirits in the normal world, but their world was destroyed by the Abyss.

They themselves were also eroded by the Abyss, and the Abyss was enough to magnify the evil thoughts of the spirits.

The world they depend on for survival, the resentment of their homes being destroyed, in the Abyss Down, because of jealousy and hatred for the beautiful world.

Perhaps for them, destroying the beautiful world will give them some comfort and pleasure.

There are many races of Abyss believers, among which there are five dominant Abyss believers, Abyss Dragons, Fallen Angels, Cyclops, Abyss Dwarves and Abyss Elves!

The Abyss Dragon, the most powerful race in the Abyss, is the product of the normal dragon race being infected, but..."

As she spoke, Nasha's eyes looked a little strange.

"You also know what the dragon race is like. The Abyss Dragon after the fall can be said to have magnified the shortcomings of the dragon race to the extreme, tyrannical, greedy, and self-willed.

Although it is powerful, the Abyss Dragon is also a huge trouble for the Abyss believers.

The fallen angels are at the same level as the Abyss Dragon, but they reveal absolute rationality in their madness. Generally, when the Abyss invades the world, it is the fallen angels who lead.

The latter three are powerful races that are only slightly weaker than the dragon race. Fortunately, these three Abyss races are not in harmony, and generally only one of them will appear.

Of course, there will be special circumstances.

In addition to these five, there are two other Abyss strongmen worth noting. One is called Demons, a kind of human.

Abyss demons are special. They have the ability to evolve. When they are weak, they can still distinguish the races. But when they become strong, they have already abandoned their original form in the process of evolution, just to be the strongest.

As for humans...

This race is too complicated. Even after being infected and corrupted by the power of the abyss, they are still the most difficult to understand among the abyss races.

If you have to say, they are very similar to fallen angels, but the blood of fallen angels is more powerful. "

After a pause, Nasha continued: "When I came to this world, I landed on the ice field, so..."

"Wait, the ice field?"

Nasha looked at Witt in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

Witt's mouth twitched.

"I think I can be regarded as one of the witnesses of your coming to this world!"

When traveling with Si Kuo just now, they once witnessed the arrival of a meteor shower together.

The direction of the meteor shower was exactly the Great Icefield, and the time when the meteor shower occurred was just right for Nasha's age.

Seeing Nasha looking at him with a puzzled look, Witt told him about the meteor shower that year.

Nasha looked at Witt in astonishment, and then suddenly laughed.

"It seems that, to some extent, this is also fate!"

Nasha changed the subject.

"But now is not the time to talk about this.

After I landed on the ice field, I was picked up by an ancient dragon named Ace not long after I came out.

My body was injured, and the wound was surrounded by the strong energy of the abyss.

After a difficult communication, I was almost crying because of my stupidity. That guy actually thought that as long as he slept for a while, the energy of the dragon would be automatically cleared.

Fortunately, he met me, otherwise, that guy would definitely become an abyss dragon.

However, my strength was really strong. The energy of the abyss that had stayed in my body for a while was easily removed by me after I explained it clearly.

After another difficult communication, I figured out that the one who attacked me should be a strong man from the fallen angel clan.

That guy had bad luck. When he came to this world, he woke up Ace who was sleeping, and then lost half of his body and fled back to the abyss.

As for Ace's injury, it was not caused by that guy, but when the other party fled back to the abyss, Ace stretched his body into the space crack leading to the abyss, trying to catch him back.

As a result, he almost lost his body in it. "


Hearing this, Witt didn't know what to say for a while.

Sure enough, reality is always more magical than stories.

It's not that I haven't imagined the experience of the great ice tyrant.

But I never thought that the other party was seriously injured for such a ridiculous reason and counterattacked the abyss... How dare you, a legend peak!


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