Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 487 Research on the Abyss!

"Research on the abyss...what is this?"

Werther looked up at Boredia in astonishment.

Boredia spread his paws.

"As you can see, this is the study of the abyss.

Including the way the abyss appears, that is, space rifts; research on the types of abyssal creatures, currently based on the "Abyssal Creatures" you provided; and the rhythm of the abyss invasion, although it is of little use.

In addition, the most important thing is that there are places where the abyss can appear around the Sky City, covering the Evernight Forest, the Morton Mountains and the inland sea.

Don't worry about the mountains and forests in the east. There are no caves or anything like that down there.

Regarding this, I can rest assured.

Professional dragons were sent over there to explore. If there is no such thing, there will be none, unless after the exploration, the abyssal creatures dig a cave there.

Even so it doesn't matter, the plan is to explore twice a year.

Don't worry about the inland sea in the west. When Lei Ji came to fight that guy before, I told him about the abyss.

Those guys who are separatist in the inland sea attach great importance to their territory and will not allow those inexplicable guys in the abyss to invade their territory.

Therefore, you just need to take a look at the situation in Evernight Forest and Morton Mountains. "

Werther was stunned.

"That's very considerate of you!"

Boredea grinned.


"I'm not praising you!

What do you mean, you want me to help you investigate?

Isn't it compensation?

You are treating me as your subordinate! "

Boredea rolled his eyes.

"If I pull out all my scales, I have to compensate you. If this news gets spread, I won't have to do anything day and night. I'll just lie here and pull out the scales of the dragons waiting in line!"

However, there is compensation, but I am very poor. Apart from potions and materials for refining potions and empty coins, I only have knowledge.

Are you going to choose some potions at random, or are you holding a bunch of potion materials, or are you going to choose empty coins?

You don’t lack these either!

This shows that my compensation is too cheap.

So, do you want my potion notes? "

Hearing these words, the brightness of Werther's eyes was almost as bright as the "big night light" on his chest!


Notes from a Potion Master, who doesn’t want that!

Boredia clicked on the research materials on the abyss on the table.

"Give me a job if you want. When the places in the Evernight Forest and the Morton Mountains that can be occupied by the abyss are cleared, I will hand over the potion notes to you!"

Werther slapped the table.

"If I had said this earlier, it would have been over, but..."

Although happiness came suddenly, Werther still forced himself to calm down.

"My true identity is Bai Yin, the danger in this eternal night forest..."

"It's not like I'm asking you to find trouble with those dragon beasts. Most of the time you're going down caves, and you basically won't encounter dragon beasts that are too powerful.

Also, why do you think I let her be here? "

Antasha grinned and placed a small dragon scale in front of Werther.

Witte grabbed the dragon scale, and a tingling feeling suddenly spread throughout his body.

This is a purple dragon scale the size of his palm, with an alchemical magic circle engraved on it.

"This is……"

"The dragon scales that Boredia lost in the bet, don't look at me like that. They have been specially processed, so they look smaller and smaller.

The magic circle above is used to transmit messages.

놙You need to use any element to open the magic circle..."

As she said that, another dragon scale appeared on Antasha's claws, and then she continued: "The magic circle of this dragon scale will also be activated.

There is an induction between the two magic arrays, and you can judge the location of the other magic array through one of the magic arrays. "

Boredia mentally took the dragon scale from Antasha's claw (the claw was too big), and then said: "I will keep this dragon scale. No matter what problem you encounter, you can use it." This dragon scale comes to contact me.

How about it, are you relieved now? "

Werther looked at Boredia strangely.

"Why are you making it so troublesome? Why don't you just follow me?"

Boredea rolled his eyes.

"If I go, will it be of no use to you and hold you back at the critical moment?

If I have to give an explanation...

I just want to be lazy.

Those guys went too far and left everything related to the abyss to me. It has been more than four months. I started busy before Lei Ji came and I have been busy now.

I have figured it out now, there are some things that cannot be taken over, and once you hold them, you can’t get rid of them! "

Werther was speechless.

"Didn't you dump it on me?"

Boredia glanced at Werther.

"This is not called dumping, this is called trading. You pay for the labor and I will give you what you want. Or are you not prepared to do it?"

Werther quickly shook his head.

"Don't worry, leave it to me. I will do it beautifully for you."

Unexpectedly, Boredia's interest was not very high.

"Don't have too much hope. We have established a stronghold in the Morton Mountains, and the Windy Hills area has been completely cleared. Even if those guys in the abyss have their heads caught by the big stone gate, they may realize that their plan has been exposed.

It's hard to say whether we can catch a living Abyss believer.

However, some of the infection methods they set up still need to be cleaned up, and we are most likely to do these things.

I won't say anymore. I haven't slept for four months. I have to go to sleep.

As for you...

Stay if you want to. See you later!"

After that, Poredia walked out with a three-step stagger.

Witt looked at Antashya in astonishment.

Antasha rolled her eyes.

"Why are you looking at me? There's no need to guess. He must have gone to drink. He doesn't know how long he has been holding it in. It's common sense to drink before going to bed!

I'm leaving too!

By the way, I took these dragon scales of yours. The dragon scales of silver dragons are quite good decorations, and the scales of silver dragons of your size are just right. I don't need to deal with them. "

While speaking, Antasa waved her hand and took away all the dragon scales on the table, and then she left without looking back.

In response, Witt didn't say anything.

Anyway, those dragon scales were not of much use to him.

The dragon scales of a dragon will grow again after a period of time. After all, the growth of the dragon's body size is quite obvious, and the growth of the body size is naturally accompanied by the replacement of dragon scales.

As for the fallen dragon scales, they can be eaten and recycled, or they can be used as the base of the magic circle.

Witt and the others are the latter, who let him open a magic circle store!

Witt put away the research materials of Poredia and began a long wait. He was waiting for the late night...

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