Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 491 New Red Dragon!

When the wind chimes are blown by the wind, they will make a pleasant sound like a wind chime.

One or two seeds may not be obvious, but when millions or tens of millions of seeds are blown away and fly away into the distance, the continuous pleasant sound of wind chimes forms a beautiful poem. movement.

All dragons living in Sky City know that when the music sounds, it is the time when the thunder season has passed and the wind season has restarted.

If the arrival of Thunder Season is a carnival exclusively for Thunder Dragon, then the restart of Wind Season is a carnival for all dragons except Thunder Dragon.

When Werther and Getra flew out of the shop, there was no sound except the crisp sound of wind chimes.

There are very few dragons on the streets.

However, when Werther looked up at the rooftops, he clicked his tongue in disapproval.

Almost all the dragons were squatting on the roof, waiting quietly.

As time passed, the sound of the wind chimes became louder and louder, gradually covering up the thunder in the sky.

Uh... Of course, the main reason is that the thunder is getting smaller and smaller.

When the thunder completely disappeared and only the crisp sound of wind chimes remained, the Sky City exploded!

Of course, not an explosion!

Countless dragons roared and flew high into the sky. The scattered thunderclouds could not stop their desire for the sky.

When the dragons rushed into the thunderclouds, they were like sharp swords, piercing the dark clouds covering the sky. Rays of sunshine, after four months, shined on this land for the first time in a long time. 눓.

The Dragon Clan is its own race. The existence of the Thunder Sea has deprived all other dragons, except the Thunder Dragon, of the right to fly freely in the sky.

But now that the thunder clouds have dispersed, the dragons finally don't have to worry. When flying in the sky, they can be hit by the thunder that contains the law of thunder at any time.

Of course, this is a bit exaggerated. After all, the sea of ​​thunder has enveloped the entire Sky City. After leaving the Sky City, you can still fly at will.

But this is not enough to stop the other dragons in Sky City, except the Thunder Dragon, from using the Thunder Sea as a shackle to restrain themselves.

And the wind chime symbolizing the arrival of the wind season has naturally become the existence that all non-Thunder Dragons are looking forward to.

Werther was not so excited.

But he quite liked hearing the sound of wind chimes flying by.

Looking at the dragon in the sky that was like a madman, constantly darting left and right, Witte chuckled.

"Dragon clan, my own race!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Werther immediately noticed that dozens of eyes were on him.

He glanced around, and when he saw the dozens of dragons that happened to be passing by, he smiled awkwardly and hurriedly hid back in the store.

I almost forgot that neither Lei Ji nor Feng Ji have much to do with the dragon.

The 그 family can’t fly!

Dragons who are expelled from the dragon class several times every year because they can't fly, what they can't hear the most are what he just said.

Just as Werther was flying towards the store, Gedra's voice suddenly sounded.

"It's him!"

Werther stopped curiously and glanced at Gedela. He looked in the direction he was looking at and saw an extremely strong-looking red dragon walking along the street. Come over.

On 뀘's body, he exuded an aura of indifference, like a dragon should not approach him.

"who is he?"

Hearing Witte's words, Gedra turned and flew towards the store. As he flew, he said to Witte who was following him: "Do you remember 'steam relaxation'? He is the new red dragon."

Hearing this, Werther clicked his tongue.

"It's a shame that Sky City dared to let him in. Just looking at such a dragon from a distance is enough to sense the dangerous aura on him.

And it’s a red dragon! "

De Sedro's book clearly records that the red dragon has a bad temper, is moody, and is a moving active volcano.

A red dragon with a gentle personality like Winters is rare in the world!

"뀫 Xu stayed, there must be a reason why 뀫 Xu stayed. 껩 Xu, he just looks a bit fierce, but once you get to know 껣, he turns out to be a dragon with a good temper!


Saying that, Gedra hesitated for a moment. Boredia didn't seem to be fierce, but he was often drunk.

"Isn't Ilea just an example?"

After thinking about it, Gedela gave an example.

Before he met Ilaya, he always thought that Ilayya was just a dragon with a weird temper and bad temper who would throw customers out of the shop if he disagreed with her.

But in fact, his personality is quite easy-going!

Werther heard this and nodded.

"That's true!"


At this moment, a slightly deep voice sounded from behind Werther.

Witte hurriedly turned around and saw that the red dragon he had seen before had already walked into the shop on his own, his eyes fixed on Getra.

"Do you know Elijah?"


This thought came to Werther's mind involuntarily.

But he quickly dismissed it.

If he was really a grudge, he would not just enter Sky City directly.

But after thinking for a moment, Witte took the initiative and said: "놖We are just young dragons, but we don't have the opportunity to meet adult dragons. By the way, 놖 is the shopkeeper here, Witte.

If there is a need, you can speak up directly. "


As he said that, the red dragon stared at Werther, and then said: "Then do you know where Ilaya lives? I'm her friend. I've been looking for her for a long time!"

Werther pointed to the shop opposite without hesitation.

"That store is the third one to the east. However, that store hasn't been open for a long time."

Ilaya is quite famous in Sky City.

I must have confirmed something, so I came to this street to look for it. If I said I didn't know, it was definitely the three hundred taels of silver.

After hearing what Werther said, he stared at Werther for a short while, then turned around and walked towards him.

When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped and turned to look at Werther.

"If Ilaya comes back, tell her that Xavier is waiting for her in the fifth block. He has been hiding for so many years and there is no point in hiding anymore.

They are all friends who have been through life and death, there is no need to hide like this. "

"But 놖 is not..."


Xavier interrupted Werther, grinning and staring at Werther.

"You know her, you must know her. With your appearance that is very similar to Yinlong, plus your age, it's hard for you not to recognize her.

Don't worry, 놖 has no ill intentions towards her.

It was really just an old friend who came to see her.

What's more, you just don't believe in 놖, so you should believe in Sky City.

Adult giant dragons are not allowed to fight with each other here. "

After saying that, Xavier took a deep look at Werther, and then walked towards the distance step by step...

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