Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 494 Avery's Experience!


Looking at the lifeless Fasridramon, Nuo's eyes flashed with joy, but soon, his brows furrowed.

Turning around to look, I saw that one side of the tail fins on both sides of the slightly stubby tail was torn.

Although 놊놆 is very painful, it will definitely affect your flexibility when flying.

Thinking like this, Nuo took the Fasridramon on the ground into the reverse scale space.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and then he quickly looked towards the bushes behind him. A deep breathing sound came closer and closer as the bushes swayed.

When he saw clearly the dragon beast coming out of the bushes, his expression changed instantly.

Why did these guys come out!

Avery landed on the ground and looked at Werther in front of him, a flash of doubt in his eyes.

"Why are you here and wandering around in boredom again?"

After hearing this, Werther was immediately happy.

"What are you talking about? A dragon like 놖놆 who has nothing to do, come to 놆놋 to get down to business this time!"

What Werther said was so reasonable and strong.

Because he is really on business!

Hearing this, the smile on Avery's face faded slightly, and then he looked around.

"If it's serious business, let's talk in the corner over there!"

As he spoke, Avery led the way.

Soon, they came to a large booth.

Werther looked around curiously.

"What is this place used for?"

Avery smiled proudly.

"This place was built according to the size of an adult dragon. Although the area is too small to live in, it is more than enough to be used as a place to receive guests!

Even if you are an adult, you can still come here as a guest.

놙놊After that, by the time 누 is over, I'm afraid I'm already old. "

Witte was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "If you put it that way, it is indeed too small. Are you considering Linstar and the others?"

Avery rolled his eyes.

"There is no other way. No matter how limited the place is, we can just make do with it.

놊Speaking of this, are you 놊놆놋 on business? "

Werther found a random place, lay down, and then said: "It's nothing important, you should be busy now!"

Avery nodded.

"It's my day off today, it's my 놆time."

"That's great, let's talk while eating!"

With that said, Witte pulled out an adult Capron beast from the reverse scale space, and then began to work.

Although he has left the young dragon stage and no longer eats, Witte still habitually stores some food in his reverse scale space, which is basically raw.

Under Lei's influence, Werther also became particular about eating, as before, eating raw or cooked food was casual.

"Look, come and help!"

Werther's words made Avery respond, and then he flew towards Werter silently.

"You're here to talk business, and you're here to eat. By the way, what's the use of this metal thorn?"

“It’s good to just chat, chatting while eating, how pleasant it is!

As for that metal thorn... don't put it in your mouth, keep it in your mouth. That one is for picking your teeth, and that one is for stringing together pieces of meat.

Today I’ll show you a new way to eat!

Okay, you are responsible for skewering these meats, and I will provide the fire source! "

As he spoke, Witte threw out three metal plates, uh... about one meter thick.

Then Werther took out the enchanted pen and started carving.

Watching Werther begin to carve out the magic circuit, Avery shook his head with a wry smile, and then started to connect.

"One metal thorn and five pieces of meat will be enough!"

"I know, I know!"

In the distance, Avery's clan members looked here curiously, but they knew that where the clan leader discussed important matters with his guests, they could easily watch and see with the corner of their eyes.

Soon, Werther and Avery finished their things.

Witte put the cooked meat on the metal frame he made, and then poured the element into the magic injection port. Then, an adjustable flame rose from the side of the meat.

When the temperature difference was too big, Werther took out the seasonings he had gotten from Lei before, and then started baking.

Soon, the aroma of barbecue began to spread.

Werther added seasonings and asked, "Do you want it spicy?"

Avery shook his head, but then nodded.

"I used to eat 놊, but this time, I feel it for no reason. Make 놊 a little spicy, and I'll eat it to my heart's content. Let's have a little... 놊Yes, you 놊놆 are here to talk about business!"

Werther chuckled.

"Are you ready to ask this question?"

After a pause, Werther's expression became serious.

"Tomorrow Celine and I are planning to go to the Evernight Forest to explore the underground caves there, but we are relatively unfamiliar with the Evernight Forest, so why are we here to find you?"

Hearing this, Avery's face darkened.

"Boredia asked you to go? How could he do this? You are not an adult yet!"

Werther nodded, turning over the meat and said: "It's true that he proposed it, not forced, and went voluntarily. On the one hand, Boredia gave me a reward that was hard to refuse.

On the other hand, this time there is no danger, it is just more troublesome, and Boredia will also provide a guarantee. "

Hearing this, Avery sighed.

"Just think about it!"

After that, he thought for a while, and then said: "To say that you can completely avoid the dangers in the Evernight Forest is definitely unrealistic. After all, no one can guarantee that there are no dragon beasts hiding in the bushes you fly over.

But there are some things that need to be paid attention to."

As he said that, Avery looked at the skewers on the oven, took one skewer, and held it in front of Witt.

"The first thing you need to pay attention to is the smell!

You can be stained with any strong smell, such as blood, spices, etc. Those with particularly sensitive noses will follow these smells to find you!

Of course, you have all gotten rid of your dependence on food, so you only need to clean up the smell on your body when you go in.

If you encounter a situation where you have to fight, fight quickly.

After solving it, leave as soon as possible, and don't forget to clean up the smell on your body."

After saying that, Avery ate the meat on the metal thorns.

As soon as he took a bite, his eyes lit up, and then he grabbed the skewers on the oven again before he finished eating the ones in his claws, and then was patted aside by Witt.

"It's not cooked yet, the taste is still a little worse, don't be anxious, by the way, continue talking!"

Avery smacked his lips and looked away with some regret.

"The first point is elemental fluctuations.

If you can use magic, try to use it. If you can't use it, solve it as soon as possible and leave quickly.

In fact, it's just one truth.

You must expose yourself, because you will never know how strong the dragon beast you attract is!

Are you done?"


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