Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 516 I've been waiting for you!

Chapter 516 I've been waiting for you!

Looking at the deep cave and feeling the strong breath of the abyss, Witt's face became better.

The breath of the abyss here is indeed very strong, but it is only a little stronger than the storage room they just cleaned up, which means that this place has been cleaned up once.

It was infected by the power of the abyss again because of other changes.

This made Witt relax a little.

But it is also a little that the abyss seems to be able to sense the situation of the place infected by the power of the abyss through the power of the abyss.

For this, Witt is quite vigilant.

After all, he has been targeted by a legend of the abyss, and the other party is also plotting the ultimate power in him.

If you think about it carefully, the believers of the abyss and the ultimate power are indeed a good match.

The other party can enjoy the pleasure of destroying the world, so he can naturally enhance the power of the ultimate force through destruction without any scruples. After gaining stronger power, he will destroy more worlds.

For Witt, this option is definitely chosen, but for the Abyss believers, it is a daily routine!

In this case, Witt knows very well that the other party will definitely fight to the death for the ultimate power in his body.

However, it is not all bad news.

At least, before the other party feels hopeless, he needs to face other Abyss Legends.

Thinking about this in his heart, Witt took Celine into the cave.

Celine followed behind Witt, and there was a short distance between the two dragons. If Witt, who was walking in front, had an accident, Celine behind him could rescue him in time.

When you need to escape, you may get stuck.

The cave was very small, and Witt's wings could even be stretched out. In this case, the two dragons could walk down.

Fortunately, it was not affected to turn around, so they could not escape.

In comparison, Celine was much more relaxed, as her body was much smaller than Witt.

Witt walked in front, very slowly.

Because he had to clean up the abyss power that had spread all the way.

When being watched, Witt dared to step directly into the area infected by the abyss power.

As for the way to clean up, it was naturally a zero-degree cold current, the kind with permafrost. The gaze of Celine behind him was like a needle tip, pressing against his back.

Of course, the most important thing was that Witt didn't want the permafrost to catch up with the Blazing White Divine Flame too quickly.

Although the Everfreeze Ice can restrain the Blazing White Divine Flame after it becomes stronger, it also means that when he uses the Everfreeze Ice, he needs to consider the control situation, just like the Blazing White Divine Flame now.

Therefore, Witt simply uses the rich elements of the zero-degree cold current to wash and clean the power of the abyss.

The cave here is naturally formed. Unlike the cave No. 1 that is supported by the root shell, the structure is relatively stable. Even if it is impacted by elements, it will collapse if it is slightly controlled.

In this way, it is cleaned all the way and deepened all the way.

It took more than a day, and a huge underground space appeared in front of the two dragons.

The scene in the cave is strange.

There are pieces of depressions like dragon scales on the top of the cave. The depressions look quite smooth, and some places are like a flat cracked rock surface.

A strange color flashed in Witt's eyes.

This is actually a volcanic molten cave, or more accurately, a lava cave, because the outside world has not opened, and the molten magma must have passed through this place, but did not erupt from the outside world.

"I think this place should also be affected by the Lager lava volcano!"

After saying that, Witt's face showed a bitterness.

Looking around, the top of the cave has not been infected by the power of the abyss, and other places are almost all the products of the infection of the power of the abyss, which is enough for Witt and his team to clean up for a while.

In fact, under normal circumstances, this kind of place does not need Witt and his team to clean up. They just need to tell Poredia to let the dragon of the sky city come.

But now it is a special case.

Poredia seems to be willing to let Witt be the bait, ready to catch an abyss believer.

And Witt also wants to do this.

Then, as bait, it is natural to put it down and take it away, so that everything can be caught. He must keep dangling in front of the abyss, showing his presence, and giving the other party a feeling that he has a chance to catch him.

In this way, the abyss believers who have already become vigilant can be seduced.

So, what Witt has to do now is to keep provoking the abyss believers until the other party can't help but jump out!

"Celine, we will take turns to clean up, one is responsible for cleaning up the power of the abyss, and the other is in a safer place to be vigilant about the surrounding situation and provide support when necessary!"

As he said, Witt took the lead in entering the cave and began to clean up the power of the abyss.

At the same time, he also looked at the area covered by the power of the abyss vigilantly, guarding against sudden attacks.

And Celine stood at the entrance of the cave, constantly scanning around Witt.

However, what the two dragons didn't expect was

Witt had just started cleaning when a space crack suddenly appeared in the center of the cave, and then a familiar voice sounded.

"I knew you would appear again, and I have been waiting for you to appear, but I didn't expect you to appear in this place!"

The space rift was far away, and Witt did not flee immediately, but stood there vigilantly, smiling and said: "That's a problem with your brain!

Anyone with a normal brain can see that you are the dragon responsible for cleaning these places.

Where the power of the abyss appears, you will appear there.

So, you don't need to be surprised that you appear here, otherwise you will doubt your IQ."

After a period of silence, a breath that made the dragon cold all over, accompanied by a low voice, gradually permeated the entire underground cave.

"You are looking for death!"

But Witt laughed even more recklessly.

"Looking for death?

You want to invade our world, and you will die anyway, so why should I scold you so much?

Your words have exposed your brain problem.

But it is true, you are all controlled by the power of the abyss, and the problem is only when there is no problem with your brain.

If you want, stick your head out and I will help you heal it?"

Hearing Witt's words, Celine grinned. Why didn't she realize that Witt's mouth was so mean before? But it was refreshing to hear it!

However, after Witt's voice fell, the cold breath suddenly subsided.

Then, the other party's suddenly calmed voice sounded.

"Come out?

Okay, then come out!"

As soon as the voice fell, the space crack suddenly expanded, and a long leg wrapped in armor stretched out from the space crack...

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