Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 550: See Sparrow Cemetery Again!

Chapter 550 See Sparrow's graveyard again!

Hearing what Witt said, Celine knew it was right, but she couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

In response, Witt could only laugh dryly and said nothing.

For Witt, Celine naturally used the strongest healing magic she had mastered, which was also the only high-level magic above 60 nodes she had mastered, the 60-node healing magic - Holy Light Blessing.

The effect was naturally not bad. In just a few words, the originally bloody wounds had been completely healed. Except for the part without dragon scales, there was no sign of injury at all.

However, after healing him, Celine retaliated by poking him with her tail.

Not to mention, it was quite painful without the protection of dragon scales.

Seeing Witt grinning, Celine temporarily let him go.

"Okay, it's about time for us to go deeper. I don't know if the situation inside will be better than outside."

Antawana watched the two dragons fighting and hurried away.

Now is not the time to fight.

We have experienced many dangers along the way, and the Elkin dragon beast just now is just one of them.

The gathering of the power of the abyss beasts has filled the Morton Mountains with a large amount of abyss aura. Although these auras are not as dangerous as the power of the abyss itself, they will make the dragon beasts extremely irritable.

In addition, those flying dragon beasts are basically forced into the air by the abyss beasts, so they have extremely strong hostility towards any creatures passing by.

As for whether it will be better inside than outside...this is not what Antawana said wrong.

When the abyss beast tide broke out in the Morton Mountains, most of the dragon beasts fled to the Morton Mountains, and only a few were infected.

The low intelligence of the dragon beasts does not mean that they react slowly to danger.

On the contrary, the body's instinct will drive them away from dangerous places. Only when the instinct is affected will they make irrational behaviors.

Some dragon beasts have already run away when they sense danger, especially those dragon beasts that cannot fly.

Flying dragon beasts may stay over the Morton Mountains for a while because of their natural advantages, but they generally fly away from the Morton Mountains.

Therefore, flying dragon beasts are often encountered in the periphery, and it will be much better to go deep into the mountains.

Hearing what Antawana said, Witt and Celine looked at each other, a little embarrassed, and then Witt coughed dryly.

"Antawana is right, we should hurry up, this place is not far from Sparrow's cemetery, I hope Poredia is there."

It is said that it is not far from Sparrow's cemetery, but in fact, the nearest to us is still the mine.

From where we are now, we can even see the northern area of ​​the mine, after all, we are flying at high altitude.

When we were above the mine, Witt and the others looked down.

The roughly circular mine looked like a dragon breathing down the ground, and it looked extremely spectacular.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time I've seen a mine from such a high position."

Witt sighed.

"After all, it's the Morton Mountains, and there are dragon beasts. I didn't dare to fly so high before."

As she spoke, Celine frowned.

"It's just that these evil things below are annoying!"

The abyss beasts are everywhere. The mine at this time is not as empty as before. It is crowded with all kinds of abyss beasts, and it does look like some evil dragons.

Witt saw the horn-toothed fish below looking at them, and hurriedly said, "Let's go, we can't be held back by these things."

The mine is not far from the Sparrow Cemetery.

In addition, Witt and his team were flying at high altitude, and soon, the three dragons arrived above the Sparrow Cemetery.

However, the situation in this place seemed a little different from what they imagined.

A green, huge elemental cover, like a dome, covered the entire Sparrow Cemetery.

Outside the elemental cover, there were bustling abyssal beasts all over the mountains, and trees infected by the power of the abyss and showing a twisted and grotesque shape.

Inside the elemental cover, those huge trees were still dense and green!

"This place is actually protected!"

Looking at the elemental cover below, Antawana said with some surprise.

Hearing this, Witt thought about it.

"It's not hard to understand. For the dragons of the Sky City, this is the burial place of heroes. It's normal to be protected.

I'm just a little curious. It looks like this place was protected before the Abyss Beast Tide broke out. Was it set up long ago?"

At this moment, the branches and leaves below moved, and the three dragons suddenly became alert.

Then, a familiar head poked out from the dense branches and leaves.

Wind and Thunder Pterosaur!

After the other party poked out his head, he also looked at Witt and others with caution, but soon, the vigilance in his eyes turned into astonishment.


Hearing the voice, Witt reacted.


Why are you here?"

Hearing this, Oger glanced at Celine and Antawana, and then said: "You come in first, otherwise, the alarm device below will keep ringing!

As for the elemental shield, you don't have to worry about it, the dragons can pass through it at will."

After saying that, Oger's head shrank back again.

Seeing this, the three dragons looked at each other and flew downwards.

After passing through layers of dense branches and leaves and reaching the bottom of the branches and leaves, the situation of Sparrow's cemetery was also revealed to the eyes of the Wittes.

Teams of wind and thunder pterosaurs were patrolling everywhere, and there were also teams of wind and thunder pterosaurs flying in and out below. At the top of Sparrow's cemetery, wind and thunder pterosaurs were constantly clearing the attacking abyss beasts.

It was estimated that there were at least tens of thousands of wind and thunder pterosaurs gathered here.

Noticing the arrival of the Wittes, except for a little nervousness at the beginning, the wind and thunder pterosaurs quickly resumed their previous patrol routes.

Witte turned his head and looked at Oger not far away.

"What's going on?"

Oger motioned for Witt to follow him, and while flying, he said: "As you can see, we are guarding this place. Of course, this was originally just one of the tasks.

Before the Abyss Beast Tide broke out, our mission was to guard the safety of Sparrow's Cemetery and clean up the remnants of the Abyss in the ruins.

When the Abyss broke out, we retreated here.

How come you are here, the troops from the Sky City?"

As they spoke, the dragons flew to the bottom of Sparrow's Cemetery, and after finding a relatively quiet corner, Oger stopped.

Then, Oger looked at Witt with anticipation.

Witt shook his head helplessly.

"The troops are indeed here, but we are still a long way from the Morton Mountains. To advance here... to be honest, it feels very difficult without a month or two!"


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