Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 559 Return!

The young dragon has a lot of energy, but it represents unlimited energy.

After visiting half of the Free City, Witte and the others finally realized that they had not received news from Boredia for a while.

Werther stood under a huge tree and looked at the highest peak in the mountain range in the distance.

"The sun has risen and set four or five times. Why is there no news at all from Boredia? Do you think he will be regarded as a challenger by Libby..."

Celine and the others understood what Werther meant, and the two dragons could not help but roll their eyes at Werther.

늀When Werther was about to say something more, the air around him suddenly became much heavier.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic dragon roar suddenly sounded.

Witte and the others hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound, which was at the highest point in the City of Freedom.

At this time, a dark green dragon that was estimated to be more than a kilometer tall by visual inspection suddenly rose into the air. The heavy dragon power was like water filling the air, making it difficult for the dragon to breathe.

However, this feeling did not last long, as the other party flew towards the south.

"That should be Libby. Where is he going?"

As soon as Witte finished speaking, another giant purple dragon flew up. Well... At this time, Witte roughly estimated Libby's size, which was about 1,700 meters.

Because the person who just followed Libby and flew away was Boredia.

"This... they will go clean up the power of the abyss around the Free City!"

There was still no answer, but it could be seen from Celine and Antavanna's eyes that they quite agreed with Witte's guess.


"What about us?"

Celine looked at Werther.

After thinking for a moment, Werther flicked his tail.

“Keep shopping and eating!”

He arranged Boredia like that before, so he had no intention of worrying about the other party.

But now it seems that the communication between the free monarch of Boredia is quite smooth, otherwise, the two dragons would not be able to do something together.

Since they don't have to worry about Boredia, they will naturally continue to visit the Free City.

Although they were a little tired, what they saw along the way made them happy, especially the food.

The Starry Night River in the north of Liberty City.

The many aquatic dragon beasts fished out from the Starry Night River are rich in variety, prepared in various ways, and the taste is even better.

This time I go back and think about coming to the City of Freedom again. I don’t know how many years have passed.

So, in this case, of course, you should go shopping and eat.

In Werther's reverse scale space, the magic circle that was originally used as a precaution was taken out and used as funds.

At the end, Werther even had to paint on the spot!

From this aspect, we can see how much fun the three dragons had in the City of Freedom.

After this life continued for another five days, the three dragons who were playing crazy were found by Boredia.

Free City늌!

Boredia, who was far away from the City of Freedom, bumped the three dragons in the cage, and the corner of Boredia's mouth twitched.

"No matter how much you eat, I can clearly feel the changes in your weight. With a mature dragon stomach, you can eat to this extent. You know you have been eating these days!"

Werther, who was obviously more rounded, blushed, but fortunately he was covered by dragon scales...

"It's so easy to come here. There are so many food that I have never seen before. Of course I have to try all kinds of food. By the way, I still have them in the back dimension. Do you want to try them?

Yes, I'm sure I can give you too much to eat. I prepared this for Lin Sida and the others. "

Boredea rolled his eyes.

"I thank you!

After you have used it, you can take it back and give it to them! "

Hearing this, Werther curled his lips, that would be better, save it.

"Speaking of which, are we leaving?"

Boredia nodded.

"After the things are done, of course I have to leave. Is it possible to stay here for how many years after leaving?"

Hearing this, Werther also became serious.

"How did things go?"

Hearing Werther's words, Boredia had a little more smile on his face.

“It went smoother than expected.

On the Free City side, some dragons have long discovered traces of the abyss. However, on the one hand, they know their origins, and on the other hand, they are still relatively far away from the Free City.

Therefore, Libby ignored those guys in the abyss.

After knowing the origin and purpose of Abyss, Libby went directly to find trouble in Abyss. You must have seen this. "

Werther nodded.

"Look, I saw it. Why did it take so long? Did you pass by early?"

Boredia rolled his eyes at Werther.

"Libby is awake most of the time, and awake all the time. Anyway, I dare to wake up a legendary dragon. If you dare, I'll leave it to you next time I encounter such a thing. "

Werther glanced at Boredia angrily.

"Where's the result?"

“All the arrangements of the Abyss around the City of Freedom were wiped clean by Libby.

He also said that he would spread the news about the abyss. Of course, he came in person. Libby cared more about the Free City.

With the abyss glaring at him, he bluntly stated that he would leave the City of Freedom.

But he will let the dragons in the Free City deliver the news of the abyss.

This is enough.

Because of the existence of space ore, the exchanges between the Free City, other dragon city-states, and even the dragon's lair are much more frequent than those in the Sky City.

If something goes wrong, the dragon tribe settlement on the Fast Continent will take precautions and clean up the abyss.

Other continents, that 늀놊 knows.

In addition, Libby gave a batch of space ore as a gift.

The research on space teleportation in Liberty City has been stagnant for a long time. The emergence of the abyss gave Libby the idea of ​​​​restarting the research on space teleportation.

This batch of space ore 늀놆Libby was given to Sky City, hoping that Sky City would also increase funding for this research.

With space teleportation, the connection between city-states can be closer, and they can help each other in the face of abyss invasion.


"What did you do?"

Werther looked at Boredia curiously.

There is nothing wrong with studying space teleportation. The existence of this thing is very necessary, but he saw Boredia's hesitation.

Boredia glanced at Werther.


Only, a flash of worry flashed in his eyes.

Compared with Guluo, Libby is really young. 땤Young늀 represents the other party's high energy. When 놌 communicates with the other party, he can clearly feel Libby's ambition.

The free city he wants seems to be the current free city.

So, the technology of space teleportation helps to deal with the abyss, and it also helps Libby realize his ambition. That's it, but he feels that the latter is more likely.

It seems that after returning, it is necessary to meet Gu Luo...

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