Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 561 It turns out that I was the first to leave!

Chapter 561 It turns out that I was the first to leave!

"Is the situation so troublesome?"

That's what he said, but Witt knew very well that the things Redecker just described were very normal.

They have all chosen to launch a massive attack. Naturally, it will be effective as long as it is effective.

If it weren't for the restrictions of the Dragon Realm itself, the other party would have already run in with legends, legends, and myths, and the current invasion would be childish.

This behavior is not just an invasion, but retaliation for their previous cleanup operations.

How long this retaliatory war can last depends not only on the other party, but on when they can clean up all the effects of this war.

As long as there is an area that is not cleared, the opponent will not stop.

With the existence of the Abyss Mother Body, the Abyss side does not lack soldiers at all, and the Abyss side will not say: Hey, I am tired of fighting, so I will stop fighting.

This is impossible!

The Abyss side wishes they could clean up slower. The slower they clean up, the greater the impact the Abyss will have on this side, and it may even develop into an invasion war.

Let those powerful Abyss believers come over.

If there is an Abyss believer who can stop 녢Luo from coming, this place may even become an outpost for the Abyss to invade the Dragon Realm.

Of course, this is the ideal state on the other side of the abyss.

In reality, if you want that level of Abyss believers to come over, you have to have the Morton Mountains, the Inland Sea, the Sky Plains, and the Evernight Forest all fall.

Of course, how could he know the specifics of Witte's guess without being an abyss believer.

But he knew that things would never get to that point.

Because when things get bad enough, 녢罗 will wake up.

The confidence of this city in the sky.


"Speaking of which, the northern part of the Morton Mountains..."

Hearing Witte's words, Redecker said helplessly: "We are not stupid, how could we not respond in those directions? If we really let them spread in any direction, then this war will never end!

Rest assured, Sky City has enough dragons to limit this war to the western region of the Morton Mountains.

In fact, the dragons living in the Morton Mountains have now joined the war after being at a loss at first. For example, the only place occupied by the abyss is the western area of ​​the Morton Mountains. "

"Where's Sparrow's Tomb?"

"There are legendary dragons guarding it, well... more than one."

"Morton River?"

"We can only ensure that the abyss is not allowed to flow downstream. To really solve the problem of the Morton River, we can only solve it from the source after advancing to the Morton Mountains."

At this point, Reddock sighed, then smiled bitterly.

"Who would have thought that things would develop to this extent!"

Werther shook his head.

"I can only say that we will reach this point sooner or later. No one will be immune to this kind of war that invades the world."

"That's right!"

Redecker nodded and then looked at Werther.

"You came to me just to inquire about this information?"

Werther nodded.

"Boledia must be very busy now. Moreover, I don't dare to look for him now. Every time I look for him, I will be dragged into doing things, and there are also some things that I, an adult dragon, should not do. As for the matter, I have no choice but to come to you!"

Redecker rolled his eyes.

"Won't I let you do things?

Don't forget the deal between us, you are getting lazy now.

A few months ago, when I went to pick up the goods from you, I could clearly tell which ones were carved and refined by you, and which ones were made by them.

Compared with you, they are still a little behind. This gap in talent is difficult to make up for through experience.

땤In my opinion, yours is certainly the best.

Now, I don’t expect you to stay in the store every day playing with these things, but at least, provide me with a batch of goods you made every six months.

Not even a year is unacceptable! "

At this point, Redick sighed.

"Just for the sake of you growing up eating the food I provided."

Hearing this, Witte looked at Redek speechlessly.

"No, you're working so hard, you're even playing the emotional card!"

Hearing this, the expression on Redeker's face changed instantly, and he smiled, as obscenely as he wanted.

"Are you making short money? Don't complain!"

Werther nodded.

"Okay, as you said, we all grew up relying on your food, and you have never treated us badly after working together for so many years.

Half a year, every half year I will provide a batch of magic circles and potions that I have personally carved and refined.

Don't come with low-level ones, go straight to high-level magic circles and high-level potions. "

Redecker's eyes lit up, he spread his wings and covered Werther's shoulders, smiling like a flower.

"I knew you would say yes!"

Werther rolled his eyes.

"However, I have to make one thing clear. You can see that sometimes I am gone for more than half a year. In this case, I can only let you bear more."

Redecker smiled and nodded.


It's not like I just started a business. Apart from anything else, I still have some magic circles and potions you made stored in the warehouse for emergencies. "

Werther nodded and hesitated.

"However, there are some things you need to plan for in advance. When I become an adult, I may be away for a long time, and even I am not sure when I can come back."

Hearing this, the smile on Redke's face faded slightly.

"You don't need to tell me, I know, Dragon, the pursuit of freedom is engraved in the deepest part of your soul, and nothing can make you give up the pursuit of freedom.


To a certain extent, you are one that I have watched grow up. Thinking that you will leave in more than a hundred years, I am still a little reluctant to let go. "

Hearing this, Witte looked at Redke with a bit of laughter and tears.

"That's not the case. There are still more than a hundred and close to two hundred years left, and we can't leave immediately!"

Redek said quietly: "Two hundred years is not a long time for me. When I am so busy, hundreds of years have passed by turning around."

Werther was stunned for a moment, then slapped Redecker's wings down and stood up.

"You sincerely don't want to make things easier for me. I originally came to you to hide and relax, but now I'm not in a good mood because of you, so let's go!"

After saying that, Werther flew towards the direction.

Redick looked at Werther's back with a helpless smile on his face.

"Haha, I still have a child!"

After saying that, Redeker turned and walked towards the kitchen. After a while, Redeke's voice came again in the kitchen giving orders.

Walking out of the "Wind Dragon's Dining Table", Werther suddenly thought of something.

He planned to go find Billy when he came of age. He was only about two hundred years away from adulthood, but Lei left around three hundred years ago.

"How dare I leave earlier than Lei!"

Muttering, Werther smiled bitterly and shook his head. If you have time, go and talk to Lei!

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