Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 575 Help!

"Celine, you said that guy wouldn't forget it, right?"

At Sparrow Cemetery, Claude and Celine got off Tian Zhen's bed. Tian Zhen took a look inside the cemetery and did not see Werther. He lowered his head to look at Celine and couldn't help but open his eyes. 껙 asked.

Hearing this, Celine shook her head.

"You guys said you informed him 꺘months ago. It's been 꺘months, so he probably won't forget it."

Having said this, Celine turned to look at Claude.

"How is Mandy's situation? If it's urgent, you clear the place first and I'll go find Werther."

Claude shook his head and said with a smile: "No need for the time being, Mandy doesn't feel anything yet, and it's not time to break through yet."

Saying that, Claude looked at Tianzhen.

"Sorry to trouble you!"

Tian Zhen nodded, then spread his wings and flew over the Sparrow Cemetery, then unleashed his dragon power with all his strength and roared loudly.

The meaning is simple: don't go near Sparrow's Tomb yet!

눃The dragons living around Sparrow Cemetery were a little strange at first when they felt the might of the adult dragon, but after hearing the roar, they immediately gave up the idea of ​​investigating.

That is an adult dragon with a bad temper. Now the other party seems to be planning to do something over there in the cemetery. If it passes now, it will be ignoring the other party's warning. This is not a big deal for the dragon. A big insult.

Unless they don't want to live anymore, no dragon is willing to try this kind of thing.

As for whether the other party is planning to do something shameful to the dragon in the cemetery, it is basically impossible.

Now around Sky껣 City, no dragon knows that Thunderstorm 놂 originally belongs to Sky껣 City.

The other party has most likely reported it.

Even if the giant dragon comes to do evil things and is ready to do bad things, the managers will come to check, and there is no need for them to interfere.

On the other side, after Tianzhen finished roaring, he saw silence around the cemetery. After nodding with satisfaction, he put away Long Wei.

Of course, he did not put away his mental power. He continued to monitor the area around the cemetery to prevent fools who were not afraid of death from coming and causing trouble.

As for his irregular behavior... Needless to say, he had reported it in advance when he came out.

It's not like you can't see a dragon.

Special dragons need special locations to break through, and Sky City has no reason to refuse.

After landing, Tianzhen looked at Celine and Claude.

"Witt has already come this way. Wait until he arrives and allocate the area before cleaning up."

눃The dragons living around the cemetery are easy to say, and the "face" of the adult dragons is relatively large.

But the dragon beast is different.

As the second residential area of ​​Sky City Ru꿷, although the area is not very big, there are still a few dragons living there.

Under such circumstances, you can't expect the dragon beasts to be very smart if they dare to enter this area.

Although these dragon beasts are not strong, the dragon's power certainly cannot force them away.

If you want them to take the initiative to escape, you must make them really feel that their lives are in danger.

But Tianzhen can't cast a forbidden spell on the cemetery.

This cannot be solved by a report, so Celine and Werther were invited by Claude to clean up the surrounding dragon beasts.

Mandy is different from ordinary dragons.

Who knows whether the existence of the dragon beast will affect her breakthrough, so the best way is to drive away the dragon beast.

Here, as soon as Tian Zhen finished speaking, Celine and the others saw the dragon flying over.

Although she had watched Werther grow so big before her eyes, when Celine saw Werther again after half a year, she still couldn't help but have a flash of resentment in her eyes.

This guy is growing up so fast, everyone obviously came together!

Of course, Celine was thinking about this in her heart.

She wasn't that unreasonable. When she got angry because of her body shape, the main reason was because Werther was trying to grab her food.

After all, the thing about body shape is god damn!

Just like she is naturally bigger than other dragons of the same age, uh... it should be the same!

"Hey, long time no see. Where's Mandy? Isn't she coming out?"

As soon as Werther finished speaking, a figure floated out from the position of Claude's reverse scale.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Although she is about to leave the baby dragon stage, Mandy's voice is as lively as ever, without the calmness that should be expected at this age.

It was obvious that Claude protected her very well.

Werther nodded towards Celine, then poked Claude with his tail.

"Hey, I'm about to share a physical body with Mandy. How do you feel about it?"

Claude rolled his eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense and let's hurry up. Mandy may break through at any time."

Werther did not stop teasing him, and after nodding his head, he said: "Okay, let's get together as a dragon!"

Claude nodded, then looked at Tianzhen.

"Help look after Mandy!"

After that, 꺘long briefly discussed it, and then each flew in the same direction.

Soon, the area around the cemetery became lively. Regardless of whether you were lying on a tree, crawling under a tree, or burying yourself, you were all picked out by dragons and driven away from their habitat. .

Compared with the high-level dragon power, facing the dragon directly is obviously more terrifying. Soon the dragon cleaned up the area around the cemetery.

땤When they returned to the cemetery again, Mandy had already begun to break through.

Entering the cemetery, Werther looked at the colorless and translucent white energy cocoon among the many air roots extending from above, and then turned to look at Claude who looked nervous.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen!"

That's what he said, but Werther knew exactly what Claude was worried about.

Everything about the soul dragon was revealed by Mandy herself. If Mandy hadn't been hatched by Claude personally, it would be difficult for Claude to believe that the soul dragon, which only had the form of a dragon soul, was a kind of giant dragon. .

But now, Mandy is about to break through. Whether the Soul Dragon is a race of dragons will be revealed at this moment. Even if Claude believes in Mandy, he can't help but worry.

What if the soul dragon does not exist and Mandy is just a dragon soul that survived for a special reason?

Such thoughts kept popping up in Claude's mind, and he couldn't get rid of them.

Therefore, when he heard Werther's words, he just nodded subconsciously, but his inner anxiety did not diminish at all.

Seeing this, Werther shook his head helplessly, and then looked at the energy cocoon wrapping Mandy.

Breakthrough quickly!

If we don't make a breakthrough, Claude may cry!

After making some arrangements for Claude in his mind, Werther turned to look at Tianzhen.

"Why didn't Shanyue come this time?"

Hearing this, Tian Zhen looked down at Witte and said with a strange expression: "Shan Yue asked Broken Rock to be Split Mountain's sparring partner. As a result, Broken Rock accidentally hit Split Mountain and seriously injured him. He has to take care of..."

Before he finished speaking, Tian Zhen's eyes narrowed, and then he looked up at Mandy.

Witte felt a violent fluctuation in mental power and quickly looked over. Sure enough, the energy cocoon wrapping Mandy began to move.

A familiar, but much stronger spiritual power than before appeared in Werther's perception.

It’s done!

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