Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 577 Schizophrenia Dragon!

Ancient Dragon Language is a very complicated language. Dragons who have not studied Ancient Dragon Language in depth often only know the meaning of magic spells, and this is still a minority.

꺶Some dragons don't even know what the magic spells they recite mean.

Of course, this does not affect the element of intimacy, or even the perception of rules and laws, because perception itself is a kind of intuitive thing.

Only dragons who deeply study the magic circle and alchemy will study the ancient dragon language in depth.

What a coincidence!

Among the five dragons present, only Witte had studied the ancient dragon language in depth. Therefore, he was the only dragon who understood the meaning of the magic of dragon soul attachment.

녊It was because he understood the meaning of this spell that Werther's expression became so strange.

In addition, he is now certain that this magic will never happen like what Claude said in the past, because this magic...

At this moment, Werther felt the dragon poking him again.

Turning around, it was Celine again.

"Why do you have such a strange expression? It seems like you are not thinking of anything good?"

Werther grinned.

"Watch the show first, and then I'll tell you later."

Going to the theater?

Celine was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Werther, and instantly realized something.

"Did you hear the meaning of that spell?"

Werther nodded.

Seeing this, Celine understood why Werther had such an expression, and her expression became strange.

Celine has never learned Ancient Dragon Language, and knows only a handful of Ancient Dragon Language. The ones she knows are from Witte's teacher Janis, who forced them to learn it in the magic circle class.

Because you can judge what kind of magic circle you encounter through these ancient dragon words.

What element, what type, what function.

If you learn these things, when you are exploring alone, you won't be confused about the functions of a strange magic circle when you see it.

Of course, that's the limit. On the other hand, Celine would never learn Gulong.

The reason is that when Witte just learned some ancient dragon language, he once translated the spell of light element magic for her.

At that time, Witte was the most basic light arrow as an example.

You may think that the magic spell just calls the light arrow's real name, and then the magic is done.

But in fact, the incantation of the light arrow is translated into the current dragon language: illuminate the darkness, ignite hope, the light element that represents eternal glory, in the name of holy light, obey my order, light arrow!

Since then, Celine has never used light arrows again. After knowing the truth, she can no longer chant the incantation of light arrows.

Dragons also have a sense of shame.

Thinking of this, Celine looked at Mandy with pity. The poor little guy will be real soon!

Unfortunately, Mandy couldn't hear Celine's words.

Tian Zhen, who was on the side, looked at Werther with interest. He didn't understand Gulong, but he felt that there was a lot of information behind Werther's expression, so his interest also increased.

On the other side, the spell attached to the dragon soul was actually not very long. When the last syllable fell, Mandy's body began to shrink. In the surprised eyes of Witte and others, a dragon crystal with a special shape condensed.

놌녊Compared with the regular dragon crystal, 꺶小 Basic 녤 is the same, but this dragon crystal has a dragon scale on its surface.

Before Werther and the others could take a closer look, the dragon crystal rushed towards Claude and sank into his head, and then... nothing happened.

Werther looked at Claude with dull eyes. After waiting quietly for a moment, Claude's eyes became alert again.

He turned to look at Werther.


As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes changed, and his curious eyes were full of novelty and excitement.

Werther's mouth twitched.


Claude nodded immediately, and then Mandy's voice sounded.

"Yes, it's me!"

As he said this, Claude, or rather Mandy, had a flash of curiosity in his eyes.

"How did you recognize me?"

Werther said helplessly: "Your eyes, although you didn't do anything, Claude's eyes are firm and domineering, while your eyes are ignorant and helpless... eh!"

Werther turned to look at Celine.


Celine rolled her eyes.

"That's definitely not a good word. How can I let you say it?"

At this time, Claude's eyes changed, and then he nodded, and Claude's voice immediately sounded.

"It's time to hit!"

Skyquake is somewhat novel to Claude.

"Is this considered schizophrenia?"

Werther glanced at Celine Claude speechlessly, and then shook his head.

"It's not schizophrenia, it's community. When it comes to this, I have to mention the dragon soul attachment spell that Mandy just sang. I finally understand your current situation."

Hearing this, Mandy asked curiously: "Witt, do you know the meaning of dragon soul attachment?"

Seeing Mandy's interested look, Celine couldn't bear to look at her.

Another persecuted by Werther.

Fortunately, Mandy mentioned before that the dragon soul is attached to this magic, and the soul dragon can only use it once.

No matter what Celine was thinking, Werther smiled and nodded, and then said: "The spell just now is like this. I once crossed the heights and flew over the river, just to find a future. When I met him, the future Coming in front of me, in the witness of the laws of the world, I am willing to give everything, in the name of love, and promise him that he will never betray him for the rest of his life! "


At that moment, the whole world became quiet.

Celine looked at Werther blankly. She never thought that the dragon soul attachment turned out to be...

Tian Zhen looked at Claude with a strange expression.

Is this considered together?

As for Claude (Mandy), after a moment of silence, a deep voice floated faintly from his mouth.

"Father once said that if you hit a dragon's head with force, there is a certain probability that it will lose the memory of the recent period, well..."

Looking at Claude who seemed to have been spoiled by the game, Werther took a step back consciously.

"Hey, hey, are you kidding me? Not to mention that you have tried to erase my memory a long time ago, but you can't do it at all. Besides, Tianzhen is still here. He heard what he just said clearly. Chu!"


There was another moment of silence.

After a long while, Claude let out a long sigh.

"Don't talk about this matter!"

Werther nodded quickly and patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I'm very strict with my words, not to mention Celine, it's a Tianzhen..."

Tianzhen rolled his eyes, flicked his tail, and knocked Werther to the ground.

"There's nothing good to say from your mouth!"

Werther chuckled, stood up again, and then approached Claude and asked with a smile: "What do you think, suddenly having an extra partner... Oh, seriously!"

Speaking of the latter part, Werther looked at the child that Claude had grabbed, quickly dodged it, and after raising his body, he continued: "Whenever you have thoughts, remember to come to me and share them!"

After that, Werther took off and ran away without a trace...

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