Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 579 I like this little dragon!

Watching Witt's movements, listening to the other party's speed that was like chanting a spell, and then listening to the meaning of the "spell", Celine's face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The sudden voice made Witt's body stiffen instantly.

Cold sweat instantly flowed out from the gaps between the scales.

It's over!

I have developed a habit and forgot that Celine is next to me.

Slightly stiffly turning his head, Witt looked at Celine with a smile.

"I can explain!"

Celine didn't speak, just looked at Witt coldly.

Witt said hurriedly: "It's not what you think. You don't know that the dragons in the dragon eggs are all inherited by blood and have the ability to distinguish themselves.

Even if it affects her, it will affect her character.

At most, when she heard the name of Boredia, this sentence came to her mind.

The connection between blood is much stronger than words.

Besides, you don't know what kind of relationship I have with Boredia. The mutual insults are just proof of a good relationship. Otherwise, how many dragons can insult Boredia?

What's more, he gave his daughter to me to take care of. How could I fail this trust?

Is it really an experiment with dragon eggs!"

Hearing this, Celine's eyes softened a little.

"Are you really using the dragon egg for experiments?"

Celine was not worried about the dragon egg, she was worried about Witt. She knew that Witt was very smart, but smart dragons could easily go astray, such as alchemy!

Of course, she was also very clear that Witt might use this dragon egg for too many experiments, and Poredia's strength was there.

Even though the other party was sleeping now, as long as the dragon egg had problems, it would take a few breaths for Poredia to appear at the location where the dragon egg had problems.

Don't doubt the speed of a high-ranking legendary thunder dragon.

What Celine was really afraid of was that this was just a test by Witt, and there would be more tests in the future, and in this test, he would break through his bottom line step by step.

On the other hand, Witt also noticed that Celine's emotions were a little too right.

He lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then finally realized something, and said with a bit of a smile: "Are you afraid that I will try to do dragon body alchemy?"

Celine didn't say anything, but this already showed her meaning.

"Don't worry, let me say first that I have no interest in dragon body alchemy. Even if I am interested, if I want to do dragon body alchemy, I will definitely break the bottom line.

In fact, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with dragon body alchemy itself, the problem is those dragons who do dragon body alchemy."

Hearing this, Celine calmed down, and after thinking carefully, Witt is indeed this kind of dragon.


Celine looked at Witt and said speechlessly: "I know you are smart, so when I see you doing this kind of thing, I will subconsciously think of it as an experiment.

Now it seems that you are just being stupid!

If you are being stupid, it is really hard for me to imagine that you would do such a rational thing."

Hearing this, Witt was happy.

"How can it be called rational? You have to understand that the gap between my strength and Poredia's is too big. So, if I want to make the other party happy, I can only do it in a tricky way.

I have been talking about it every five minutes since I moved here. Now many years have passed, and I have left an impression.

I have many requirements.

As long as she thinks of "Poredia is a good thing" when I mention the name of Poredia, it is my victory.

For this reason, even if Poredia pulls out all my dragon scales, I can still face it with a smile.

Because I have already won.

He can only vent his anger by taking the punishment of pulling out scales."


Celin didn't know what to say at once, and after a moment of silence.

"As long as you are happy!"

What else can she say? You stopped a dragon from committing suicide, and you can only watch him commit suicide quietly, and then bear the punishment he deserves.

Forget it, just watch it for fun!

Just as Celine was thinking this, Witt, who had cleared up the misunderstanding, once again lay down in front of the dragon egg and did the final brainwashing.

As Witt was muttering, the dragon egg moved more and more frequently.


With the sound of cracking, the upper end of the dragon egg was scratched by a claw.

Witt first stopped mumbling in his mouth, then looked at the gap on the dragon egg expectantly, and then... a figure made of pure thunder element floated out from the small gap and condensed into a purple little dragon in front of Witt.

Maybe it was just born, and the mastery of form transformation was very complete.

When she condensed into a physical dragon body again, she only condensed half, and then because she didn't use flying magic, she fell directly on the dragon egg and smashed the dragon egg to pieces.

Looking at this scene, Witt's mouth was grinning.

By the way, when Poredia was born, it was also like this, after all, they were all thunder element dragons.

That's right!

It was no big surprise that Poredia's daughter was a giant dragon of the element of thunder.

"Virlett Lightney!"

Just as Witt was composing Poredia in his mind, the newly born dragon crawled up and announced the name given to her by the world in a half-flesh, half-elemental form.

Then she lowered her head and ate the eggshell. The dragon egg's eggshell contained the purest elements when her mother gave birth to her. After swallowing the eggshell, her strength immediately increased to the top of the black iron.

Then she turned her gaze to Witte Celine, her clear eyes, and she paused to measure the two dragons.

Obviously, she knows very well that Werther and Celine are not her parents.

Looking at the newborn dragon in front of him, Witte hesitated for a moment, and then whispered: "Boredia..."

"놊 is a good thing..."

A childish voice followed by Werther's words. As for the content, it can be regarded as blurting out.

Hearing this, the corners of Werther's mouth suddenly lifted up.

The brainwashing effect was better than he imagined. Moreover, looking at the puzzled expression on the other party's face, it was obvious that there was no information about himself in the inheritance that Boredia left to Violet.

This is very comfortable!

Werther was really looking forward to it now, Poreddia's expression when he woke up and saw his daughter.

Of course, this is not a big impact.

When Violet sees Boredia, the blood connection will allow her to immediately understand who Boredia is, and it will also make her aware of Werther's evil intentions.

Although this little guy will definitely not look good when he sees him in the future.

But so what, he needs to please a newborn little one.

"Very good, remember this sentence. When you see a purple dragon in the future, remember to read it out immediately. By the way, my name is Witte. I will take care of you for a long time from now on." "

After hearing Werther's words, Violet nodded seriously with a sullen face.

"I will remember it!"

Werther smiled even more happily, he liked this little dragon!

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