Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 581 Time jumps again!

Will Witt be a good teacher?

Of course!

Although it has not been mentioned much, he taught Antawana, Linsda and Agner the basics of magic.

Of course, only the basics of magic, and only partially.

It's because Witt is stingy, and Antawana and the others have their own ideas, and they don't follow Witt completely.

Although the three dragons are like this, teaching Violet the basics of magic is still a piece of cake for Witt.

So, the magic teacher Witt is online again after a long absence.

Of course, at the beginning, Witt taught more, and the teaching form was closer to storytelling, just like when Winters taught them.

Since he chose to be Violet's teacher, Witt's daily routine naturally needs to change.

It's still a five-day cycle, so in these five days, I work for two days and sleep for three days!

Occasionally, I will take Violet out for a walk to relax.

Violet's element accumulation is quite good.

She has been in her mother's body for decades, uh... Of course, this is Witt's guess.

However, it was wrong.

He and Poredia live next door. For so many years, apart from the influence of the abyss, Poredia's life is actually very regular.

However, in this regular life, there is only one accident.

Back then, Candice asked Witt to cooperate with them to explore the alchemy laboratory left by Aqfrey.

During that time, Boredia once broke into Witt's shop after getting drunk in the morning. This was gossiped by Antasa to Witt after he returned home.

That was the only time Boredia got drunk in the morning.

Moreover, Antasa also revealed that the night before, there was a roar belonging to Anne, which came from Anne's house ten blocks away.

Therefore, it is hard to imagine that Anne might have found out that she was pregnant that day.

The time also just happened to match.

Under normal circumstances, the pregnancy period of a dragon is fifty to one hundred years. If a dragon egg is laid, it can be hatched normally in about ten years in the event of an accident.

This is consistent with the time of Violet's birth.

Therefore, Witt thinks this is the truth.

After staying in Anne's belly for decades, she absorbed thunder elements in the thunderstorm plains after coming out.

Violet's accumulation of elements can be imagined.

So, after one year of teaching by Witte, Violet entered a dormant period.

After a year of dormancy, Violet successfully broke through to the lower bronze level and entered the slowest growth and heaviest learning pressure stage in the life of the dragon race.

Fortunately, Violet was very obedient. She learned whatever Witte taught her without complaint.

Witte's work and rest schedule was also changed from the original five-day cycle to a nine-day cycle. One day was used to teach Violet magic, magic circles, alchemy and potions, and the remaining five days were used to sleep.

The Abyss seemed to have given up on the Sky City. Since the end of the war in the Morton Mountains, the Abyss disappeared and there was no news about them.

However, in Sky City, the book "Abyss Creatures" has been popularized to the point where every dragon has a copy.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Witt.

His life is as regular as it can be.

A regular life can easily make a dragon forget about time. In this way, a hundred years have passed quickly!

Violet stood in front of Witt and pointed at the sharp scales on her chest. Looking at the scales, Witt's eyes were a little dazed.

Then he realized that Violet was about to leave the young dragon stage.

"Teacher! Teacher?"

Violet's voice pulled Witt's thoughts back.

Witt came back to his senses and couldn't help but stretch out his claws, grab Violet, and bring her chest to his eyes.

"How come you have scales? Your body shape hasn't changed much, and you still don't have claws!"

Hearing Witt's muttering, Violet couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Teacher, you are growing while I am growing, and you are growing much faster than me."

Hearing this, Witt was silent for a while, and then sighed.

He who possesses the law of time, how could he know how much time has passed? He just felt a little emotional. A guy who was just born stood in front of him in the blink of an eye to show him his scales.

He now somewhat understood what Lei and Redek meant by those words.

It turns out that a hundred years is really a long time!

Moreover, for Witt, these hundred years have really changed a lot.

Except that his body size has increased from about 17 meters to about 87 meters, his appearance has not changed at all.

Well... well, this change is also considered a change.

In addition, Witt's gains in the past hundred years, in addition to an obedient student, are also obedient Blazing White Divine Flame and High Silver realms.

Putting Violet down, Violet looked at her with a complicated look, and then he sighed.

"Villett, finally say the words that the teacher likes to hear."

Hearing Violet's words, Violet was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Violet in some astonishment.

Witt couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

"Your teacher is a genius with a very high IQ. It's so embarrassing if he can see this after all this time.

Besides, he is your father after all, and your expression when you scold him is still somewhat willing.

But your teacher likes to see this! "

Hearing this, Violet's face darkened. Well, she still underestimated the seriousness of this serious teacher.

"Are you willing to say it? What is the matter? Why do you put on such an expression? Tsk, tsk, just like your father, no sense of humor at all."

After a pause, Witt crouched down, and then looked at Violet curiously.

"Speaking of which, I am very curious about what is in the inherited memory left to you by your father.

He must have told you something, otherwise, when you knew that Poredia was your father, how could you scold him for more than a hundred years according to your request! "

Hearing this, Violet was silent for a moment, then smiled and said: "My father said this: If the first thing you see when you wake up is a dragon with a glowing chest, very much like a silver dragon, then you have to do whatever he says, even if he scolds you, or he will definitely scold you!"


Vette smacked his lips in satisfaction.

Anyone who knows that you want victory is that other dragons have already given it to you, will feel very satisfied.

However, no matter how satisfied you are, you still have to do what you have to do.

Vette stood up and then put his paw in front of Violet.

"Come on! "

Virlet was stunned for a moment, then looked at Witt in astonishment.

Witt smiled and said, "What are you still looking at? You will soon be out of the young dragon stage, which means that you have the ability to take care of yourself.

It's time to take you back to the Sky City."


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