Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 592 Witt's goal!

Leaving the Sky Plain, heading east, the surrounding scenery is either familiar or unfamiliar.

The dragon has a strong memory!

More than two hundred years have passed, and he has never forgotten that when he was young, he stood on that huge figure and traveled around the world with him. He will never forget the scenery they saw together.

However, time flows, things change, and the scenery seen now is no longer the same as before.

In some places, it can even be said that there is no trace of familiarity.

Having said so much...

That's right!

Witt is indeed returning along the same route!

It is important to find Billy and the others, but it is equally important to find Desidero.

The Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons is the final solution. If there is a chance, the sooner the better.

He doesn't know what the reaction of Desidero is, but he doesn't want to give up every tiny hope.

Warren Rift, he is going to go back and take a look.

What if!

What if a dragon from Desidero comes here!

And Karen, although they live well, he would feel more at ease if he had Desidero's young dragon by his side.

What's more, Karen probably doesn't know what happened to Desidero now!

Finding Billy and the others is destined to be a long process, but it could be a hundred years, hundreds of years, or even years.

The Warren Rift is only a dozen years away from the Sky City, and he can afford to waste it.

As for the Sekent Continent...

The news I got from Poredia before was that I needed to start from the Scorching City.

Regarding the Scorching City, Witt later learned from Poredia that it was in the southwest of Fast Continent.


That's it!

That's all the news.

Because Poredia had never been to the Scorching City either.

Knowing the exact location of the Scorching City, the most direct way is to fly southwest, all the way to the seaside, and then try your luck.

If you are lucky, you will find it quickly. If you are unlucky, you will have to take a lot of detours.

However, Witt has always been cautious, and this way of gambling is not popular with him, especially when he needs to run around in the wild.

Therefore, going to Warren Rift is also related to Witt's subsequent thoughts.

After checking the situation of Warren Rift, his journey will start from there regardless of whether there is a result.

Still go south along the Moon Shadow River, after reaching the Starry Night River, fly downstream along the Starry Night River to the estuary of the Starry Night Plain.

Then travel along the edge of the Endless Sea and Fast Continent.

Although from the result, he is a completely different behavior, but this method is enough to guarantee that he will definitely reach the Scorching City.

There is also a possibility of getting lost.

After sorting out what he was going to do next in his mind, Witt began to worry about another thing.

The Law of Time!

After sleeping for so long, the energy naturally accumulated by the Law of Time during that period could naturally be guided out by him.

He had always kept the Law of Time in a state of being awake.

Because the Law of Time in this state is the easiest to control, it will suddenly pop up and give him a moth.

However, if the Law of Time is always in this state, it is a complete waste.

After learning about Billy's whereabouts, Witt finally made up his mind to completely awaken the Law of Time, otherwise, those few times of time reversal would not be enough.

What's more, that was the real time reversal.

If he met an irresistible strong man, the pirated time reversal would only extend his survival time, and even this point would be a problem.

Considering this point, he chose to sleep and improve his strength, so that the Time Talisman could accumulate energy and wake up completely.

But the development of things was somewhat different from what he imagined.

After waking up from sleep, the Time Talisman, which had accumulated energy for decades, did not wake up. He had no way to use the original time reversal magic.

Moreover, there was no time closed loop.

But for this reason, how could he dare to return to the Sky City without confirming whether the Time Talisman had awakened.

What if the Time Talisman exploded after returning!

Even if there was no great danger, who knew what he would face if the existence of the Time Talisman was exposed under Guluo's eyes.

Even if, as he guessed, Guluo and Desidero had a bad relationship.

But facing the existence of the Time Talisman, the best result is that Gu Luo takes the Time Talisman without harming his life.

Anyway, Witt dares to gamble.

However, at that time, he was actually only a lower gold level, and it would be a bit insufficient to leave like that.

Don’t look at the fact that there is only one small realm between the lower gold level and the middle gold level.

But for a giant dragon, the gap between this small realm is quite large, which contains hundreds of years of cultivation.

So, he only prayed that there would be no problem with the Time Talisman, and continued to practice in Morton’s veins with trepidation. As soon as he broke through the middle gold level, he hurried out.

So, in fact, Celine’s guess was right, and he did say goodbye because of physical problems.

But it is the ultimate, it is the law of time.

With these thoughts in mind, Werther reached out his paw and touched his chest.

Of course, 놊 is intoxicated with his chest muscles, and 땤 wants to understand what is going on with the time symbol 뀗 located in his heart.

But unfortunately, he hasn't figured it out in the past thirty years, and he will figure it out at the moment he leaves.

However, Werther had a good feeling in his heart.

Time Talisman is definitely not holding anything back.

When the time symbol really wakes up, he may have to face a more troublesome situation than the abyss.

Thinking of this, Werther missed his old father who was thousands of years old.

Although the other party came directly to help him, at least it was enough for him to figure out what the current time symbol was.


Sighing, Witte glanced at the forest below, and a gray-white magic circle appeared in front of him.

When the magic circle was broken, he also changed into the form of a velociraptor.

Then, Werther's silver-white body turned into a stream of light and flew towards the distant sky!

Si Kuo is a legendary earth dragon, but he can fly after all.

When encountering some deeper ravines and denser veins, you need to go around them.

In contrast, although Witte is only gold, he can fly and can ignore some terrain problems.

Therefore, it’s really hard to say who is going faster on the journey from Yueying River to Kongzhihara.

But that's ignoring other factors.

Witte is just gold. When facing some powerful territories, he still needs to avoid them. In this way, his speed will naturally not be as fast as Si Kuo.

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