Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 640 Vital!

Witt couldn't tell the direction anymore, he only knew that they were flying downwards.

The slope was not very steep, but after flying for a long time, it was easy to feel the change in the terrain.

The air around was very humid, so humid that it condensed into pieces of mist.

Each of the 10-meter-high trees was a large ecological paradise. For the super-large dragon beasts living on the surface, this tree was their world.

Although the lush branches and leaves blocked most of the sunlight, there would still be a ray of light falling through the gaps. Relying on these leaking lights, the ground in the forest was also lush with vegetation, lush flowers, and rich species.

Regardless of size, various dragon beasts showed their traces in the forest.

In addition, in this huge plant paradise, the most common thing is a variety of tree fruits with a strong aroma of sesame.

After listening to Sibel's introduction, Witt finally knew why the flying dragons here could still grow healthily and their strength steadily improved without meat.

The reason lies in the vegetative fruits that are spread all over the continent of life.

And these fruits are gifts from Gabriella.

At least, that's what Sibel said.

The continent is as its name suggests, with mist and waves, a paradise of life and a miracle blooming in the endless sea of ​​sand.

To be honest, Witt became very interested in Gabriella just by looking at the scenery along the way.

He wanted to know what kind of dragon could create such a magnificent scenery that could be called a miracle in the desert.

But unfortunately, Sibel didn't know either!

In Sibel's words, no dragon knew what kind of dragon Gabriella was, and no dragon had seen her. If they couldn't really feel the breath of Gabriella, the dragons living here would think that the so-called Gabriella was just made up by someone.

Witt also affirmed this point!

He had lived in Desidero, lived briefly in the Falling Dragon Valley, lived in the Sky City, practiced in the Sparrow Cemetery, and traveled in the Free City.

The breath of legends was familiar to him.

The moment he stepped into the Continent of Life, he felt the familiar sense of oppression.

There is no doubt that a legendary being is sleeping here.

Moreover, judging from the sense of oppression she brought him, her strength is better than Guluo, and Desidero is about the same.

I have to say that Gabriella is really mysterious.

In addition to Gabriella, Sibel also told them about the interesting things in the City of Life, uh... it’s interesting, but in fact, it’s the dragons that Sibel met in the City of Life, and what happened between them.

The breath of life is quite rich.

Witt likes it very much.

Even Winters, who has been depressed because of the climate, was attracted by Sibel’s words.

I have to say that Sibel is really a good guide.

Traveling in the dense forest is obviously not a wonderful thing for a big person like Witt, but Sibel successfully covered the bad travel experience with other interesting things.

The Island of Life is really big!

It took a full month for the City of Life to appear in front of Witt.

You read it right, it was a month!

Although there are tall trees and dense forests, Witt has no doubt that the area of ​​this Island of Life is at least twice that of the Sky Plain, or even more!

Of course, these are no longer important to Witt.

He is now attracted by the scene in front of him.

To be impolite, the City of Life gives him a feeling very much like the Sparrow Cemetery.

Uh... Of course, it’s not that it’s dead silent here, like a cemetery, but because the City of Life, like the Sparrow Cemetery, is a large open space covered by trees!

The difference is that the Sparrow Cemetery is a dome woven by many branches, while the City of Life... has only one tree!

Are the trees in the Island of Life big?

Pick one out at random, it is more than 100 meters high and 100 meters thick. Although it is not as big as the Evernight Forest, the trees in the Evernight Forest that are bigger than this are concentrated in the central area.

The trees outside are also similar to the trees in the Island of Life. Even the trees on the outermost edge are not as big as here.

The largest tree Witt has ever seen is the No. 1 cave he once cleaned.

Each of its roots is a winding cave.

It's a pity that the tree is dead.

Now, his memory can be updated. The tree in front of him should be the largest tree he has ever seen!

I don't know how high it is, but it is definitely more than 10,000 meters.

I don't know how thick the trunk is, but the range covered by the roots is the entire City of Life.

How big is the City of Life... At least in Witt's opinion, the City of Life is not bigger than the City in the Sky.

The thick roots, winding and circling, rooted in the earth, just looking at it, make Long feel a little bit ethereal.

The connection between the roots and the trunk looks a bit "broken", and even gives Witt a feeling of air leakage.

The inside of the trunk is empty, and inside is the city of life.

The trunk as a whole gives Long the feeling that only the outer layer of bark is left, and the bark is not complete. Not only the location where the roots are connected, but also the whole tree, can see "broken" areas everywhere.

Logically speaking, such a tree should have died long ago.

But in reality, this tree is alive and well.

Not only is it alive and well, it even provides a place for many lives to live.

The trunk is brown in color, and large areas of moss-like plants are covered on the surface. Witt saw many holes similar to nests.

Uh... well, not similar, that is a nest.

The nests of various dragon beasts.

Further up the trunk are branches that bloom like a huge flower, and the dense branches and leaves cover the entire sky.

But there is no sense of darkness in the City of Life.

This huge tree is emitting a bright green light. It seems a little dim from a distance, but living in it should be no less bright than the sun.


Witt, who was shocked by the scene in front of him, was pulled back to his thoughts by the sudden voice of Sibel.



Siebel repeated what she had just said, with a hint of pride on her face.

Witt reacted and then looked at the tree again.

"Its name?"

Siebel nodded.

"We regard it as the tree of life, and it is true. It carries countless lives, not just that!"

Witt nodded.

This is true, especially from his point of view, there are countless nests in front, and even the entire city of life can be regarded as being carried by it.

Perhaps, the word "can" should be removed.

Because this city of life is located inside the trunk of this big tree...

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