Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 648 Boring journey!

"Is this thing solid?"

Werther stood under the tower, looking at the tower with doubts in his eyes.

The tower is quite tall, and the fluctuations in the elements on its surface can indeed act as a "desert lighthouse" to guide passing dragons.

However, this tower looks a bit slender. Witte wonders, can this thing withstand a sandstorm?

Hearing Witte's words, Henry said with a smile: "Of course there is no problem. Let's not talk about the magic circle. Just this alloy material was developed by Althea himself. There is absolutely no problem in terms of strength."

Hearing this, Werther nodded.

He didn't really doubt it. After all, this thing had been standing here for a long time without any incident. It had naturally passed the test of sandstorms.

He just felt that this look was a little unreliable.

However, since 놆Alseya's work, it is not difficult to understand.

Regarding this Althea, Werther also learned from Sibel's story that all the houses in the City of Life were planted with the magic seeds she developed.

Witte also specially purchased some magic seeds and used them for research later.

In addition to magic seeds, every biological alchemy in the City of Life has the shadow of Althea.

In addition, even the magic crystal coin was invented by her.

After getting the magic seed, Witte did a little research and came to the conclusion that this dragon's research on biological alchemy is comparable to the teacher's research on magic circles.

Even though a low-level magic circle sounds very low-level, creating it is much more difficult than Witte's creation of the composite magic circle that can be used as a water source in Hemeland.

Otherwise, if it is only slightly difficult, the dragons have existed for countless years, and the dragons have studied magic arrays for countless years, and those low-level magic arrays have long been created.

There is no doubt that this Althea is a master of alchemy.

And for every alchemist, the first thing he comes into contact with is alloys. If he can become an alchemist master, his attainments in alloys will definitely not be low.

While Witte continued to observe the magic array patterns on the tower, Henry saw Witte's interest in the tower, and introduced with a smile: "The role of the desert lighthouse owner is to guide the way, and this is not a place. Residency.

Although the inside of the lighthouse can be entered, it is not prepared for us, but for the dragons who maintain the magic circle.

There are no dragons stationed in this place.

Every once in a while, a dragon who is responsible for managing and maintaining the lighthouse will come to inspect and repair it.

It was built so high, on the one hand, to allow the waves to spread farther, and on the other hand, to prevent the lighthouse from being completely buried by the yellow sand.

After all, the endless sand sea and the sand valley in front of you may not necessarily be conquered by a sand dune overnight.

That's why the map I gave you doesn't have any terrain or other reasons.

The desert terrain is ever-changing and irregular.

The direction can only be judged through the lighthouse, the Dragon Territory, and the oasis.

But don’t believe too much in this.

No matter how high the lighthouse is built, there will still be sand dunes higher than that. If there happens to be no dragon coming for maintenance recently, the lighthouse will be temporarily destroyed.

The dragons in the 꾫dragon territory will also leave, and the oasis will turn into yellow sand.

So, the map I gave you is for reference only. "

Werther nodded.

He knew that Henry was teaching him some traveling skills in the desert.

Uh... It's not as high as the law of survival. After all, no matter dragons or other dragons, life is quite tenacious.

Without outside intervention, at most it would be lost in the endless sea of ​​sand.

It takes a lot of time to find the way back.

If life is in danger, more 놆 will come from dragon beasts or other ferocious dragons.

For example, dragons like Akefrey.

Of course, this kind of dragon is relatively good. After all, if the target of hunting is other dragons, it will easily overturn.

Only those dragons with extremely abnormal psychology, extremely murderous personalities, and extremely confident in their own strength would do such cruel things.

Seeing Werther nodding, Henry smiled.

"We will take a short rest here and then continue on our way. Only those oases are the places where we can really take a good rest."

"Then I'll go take a look around, there should be no problem!"


Hearing this, Witte glanced at the other dragons, then spread his wings and flew around.

There is nothing interesting to see in the desert.

What's more, when Werther and the others rushed to the City of Life, it took them fifteen years.

He said this because he just wanted to get some private space so that he could set up some space anchors.

With enough space ore, Witte naturally cannot be stingy.

Over eight years, who knows what will happen.

Maybe it will be dug out by other dragons, maybe it will be blown out by the sandstorm, maybe it will be affected by the battle happening nearby...

There are too many things that may happen, and all Witt can do is to put in more shots and provide maximum protection.

Of course, it would be impossible to just choose a sandy spot.

A sandstorm alone can make Werther feel the danger of nature, and he can place an anchor point until he has a fixed place.

When Witt saw the tower just now, he noticed that there were some ruins in the northern area of ​​the tower, which might be abandoned ruins.

Such a place can be left alone.

Of course, if there are only ordinary buildings, there is no need to leave it alone.

After arriving at the place, Witt raised his eyebrows.

"Good luck!"

Hearing Witt's words, Winters flew down from Witt's head and got busy.

By the way, she wrote down these locations one by one.

Maybe she will use these space anchors in the future.


After setting up the space anchors, Witt and his team returned to the desert lighthouse.

Coincidentally, Henry and his team were also ready and waiting for them to come back.

A group of dragons set off again!

It was quite boring to travel in the desert.

The unchanging scenery, the terrifyingly quiet atmosphere, and occasionally a sandstorm attack, and more often the flying dragon beasts staring at them.

Of course, most of the time, these guys didn't find the opportunity, didn't launch an attack, and disappeared silently behind the dragons.

The occasional attack became a special diversion for Witt and his team.

Time passed by little by little!

The tension of passing through the dragon territory for the first time, the excitement of arriving at the oasis for the first time, finally turned into numbness in the long journey.

There was no passionate battle as imagined, no desperate guarding as imagined, and the most passionate battle was actually a group of dragons watching a dragon and a dragon beast fighting fiercely.

But think about it carefully, this is the normal situation.

Many chambers of commerce, including the Heavy Scale Chamber of Commerce, will take this path. If there is really an exciting scene, they would have changed the road long ago.

The pursuit of the chamber of commerce is calm and safe.


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