Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 657 It seems I guessed wrong!

Ten days passed in a flash!

The injuries on Witt's body were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not to mention the wound that went through his body, the dragon scales in that place had grown back.

Moreover, Witt made some potions during his free time, and the dragon horns on his head also grew much better with the help of the potions.

Only when he observed carefully did he notice the subtle differences between the new and old dragon horns.

Seeing Witt recovering little by little, Winters was completely relieved.


That day, early in the morning, Witt woke Winters up.

Looking at Winters, who was sleepy, dazed, and looking at him blankly, Witt said helplessly: "Don't look at me like that, didn't we agree yesterday!

We will go to explore the laboratory early in the morning, and leave here directly after finishing the work and continue on the road.

Uh...are you awake a little?"

As soon as the voice fell, Winters nodded and had a tendency to close his eyes again.

Seeing this, Witt sighed, then grabbed Winters, and then flew towards the area where the alchemy puppets were active.

Speaking of that area, I have to mention this island!

Witt had explored this island while recuperating and taking a walk before.

The area of ​​the island is very large, and the widest part is nearly 10,000 meters. The overall shape looks like a regular, round stone.

The island is high in the west and low in the east. There is a beach near the sea on the east side, and then a forest to the west, where Witt and his friends are.

Further west is a mountainous area.

The mountainous area is undulating, and can be called a place with high mountains and dense forests.

There are traces of a waterspout passing by on the island, but it is very small, which shows that when the waterspout passed by, the main body was still quite far away from the island.

Those tattered traces left behind are probably caused by the wind.

As for Witt and his friends, the power of the waterspout should be weakening, and then they were thrown out and landed on this island.

It should be said that their luck is really good.

Not only did they not get hung up when they landed, but the landing point was also a relatively safe place on this island.

It is still quite far away from the alchemy puppet in the west.

Moreover, those alchemical puppets should have been running all the time. Because of this waterspout, the laboratory's protection was activated, and these alchemical puppets were awakened.

Soon, Witt found evidence to support his conjecture.

After cleaning up the patrolling alchemical puppets, Witt quickly found the entrance to the laboratory based on the alchemical puppets that came to support.

It should be said that even though he created a dragon in the big mine in the Morton Mountains, Aqfrey still likes to dig holes.

The entrance to the laboratory is in a cave in the gap between two adjacent mountains.

The gap is very wide, and Witt used his claws to expand it a little, and then he barely squeezed in.

As for how Akefrey got in such a narrow place... Obviously, the two previous laboratories showed that Akefrey didn't mind shrinking his body.

But Witt did!

An adult dragon can shrink his body.

Witt's idea was the same as most dragons. He didn't want to shrink his body at all. He would rather spend a little effort to dig it out in a narrow place.

After entering the cave, a familiar, all-alloy style laboratory appeared in front of Witt.

The metal door of the laboratory was closed, but it was difficult to see that there were new friction marks on the door, and the marks were new and old. Obviously, the door had been opened recently.

This means that the alchemical puppets outside had just gone out recently.

Looking at the metal door in front of him, Witt directly extended a claw finger, which ignited a blazing white divine flame, and easily opened another door on the door.

After entering the laboratory, the scene inside was a little beyond Witt's expectations.

The area of ​​the laboratory was not very large, only about one-third of the laboratory found in the desert.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the test bench in the distance, which indicated that this laboratory did not have a second floor.

There were scattered metal plates all over the ground.

Witt noticed that there were some words on the metal plates.

If he knew clearly that there was a legacy of Aqfrey here, Witt would have thought that there was no laboratory left here.

After all, habits are hard to change.

Judging from the two laboratories he had explored, Aqfrey was used to leaving experimental records in metal books.

This kind of situation, where the experimental records were left on the metal plate, was more like the laboratory that Witt had seen in the past.

It was enough to make Aqfrey change his habits. Obviously, there was something that made him so excited that he could not control himself.

Thinking of this, Witt frowned.

That's right!

The scale of the laboratory is a bit too large.

The size of the test bench is also too large.

The test bench in this laboratory is only more than 200 meters. Obviously, the dragon that had been lying on this test bench was definitely an adult dragon.

The records left in the previous laboratory showed that Aqfrey's alchemical experiment was successful, but this success was based on a giant dragon in its prime.

He also clearly mentioned in the experimental records that all experiments on dragon bodies in their prime failed.

The laboratory in front of me was obviously conducted on a young dragon.

Was the experiment successful?

It feels too similar.

While thinking in his mind, Werther walked towards the pile of scattered metal plates on the ground.

The mechanical puppets have been cleaned up by him, and now he is afraid of the mechanical puppets that suddenly appear and cause trouble.

Just as Witte was about to extend his claws to a metal plate, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the record on another metal plate in the distance.

He's in!

There was only such a sentence, but it was written all over the metal plate, and even overlapped in some places.

The twisted strokes show the excitement of the writing dragon. He seems to be expressing his inner ecstasy through writing. Compared with recording, this is more like the ravings of a madman.

When Witte saw these words, he froze in place.

He realized that his previous guess was wrong. This laboratory was built before and after the one in the desert.

The him here is very likely to be the dragon that has been chasing Akefrey.

So, where did "he went in"?

Stroka alchemical ruins!

The Stroka Alchemy Ruins are in the continent of Sekent, and they are in the Endless Sea. In other words, they are near here!

Thinking of this, Werther's eyes suddenly became complicated.

He now somewhat understood why his father chose to use the Stroka alchemy ruins to remind him of the location of the dragon scale.

When he searched hard, he had no clue.

But when he left it alone, this place frequently appeared in his sight.

It even ran in front of him on its own.

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