Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 66 The Advantages of Magic Circles!

"It's a nice name!"

After hearing Janis's words, Witt was stunned for a moment, and then he said thank you embarrassedly!

Jannis smiled slightly when he saw this.

"Okay, find a seat you like and sit down!

Uh... let me think about it, the first step is to get to know each other well!

I'm Janis, from the Silver Dragon Clan. For a long time to come, your magic circle will be taught by me. I'm good at water element magic.

What I like to do is sleep, and of course I can also practice!

What about you?"

Jannis's voice, which was originally a little cold, was now a little softer.

Witt and the others couldn't help but relax a lot.

Witt couldn't help but think that, as Boko said, Janis had a good temper.

Thinking this way, Witt chose a seat like the other dragons.

Of course, I still chose to stay by Billy's side. The carving of the magic circle requires some materials, so I have to prevent Billy from secretly putting them in my mouth!

Celine and the others sat together as they did yesterday, while Ao still sat alone in the back.

Speaking of which, the classroom for the magic circle class is almost exactly the same as the classroom for the potion class. There is also a stone platform in front of the Witts for them to operate.

After sitting down, the Witts followed Janis's example and briefly introduced themselves.

After getting to know each other, Janis started the class formally!

"Before the lecture begins, I want to know, what do you think the magic circle is?"

Hearing this, the Witts began to think.

After a moment, Celine, who had the deepest understanding of magic, whispered: "Is the magic circle a derivative of magic?"

Janis nodded.

"If it was before, your statement was correct, and almost all dragons thought so.

But now I want to tell you that this view is wrong!

Because the only reason for this conclusion is that there is no corresponding magic circle for low-level magic, but there is a corresponding magic circle for magic above the middle level.

This shows that the magic circle gradually forms a relatively stable structure due to the increase of element nodes, and this structure can be preserved for a long time.

And using the characteristics of some materials to carve out this structure, it is a magic circle!

But as I said at the beginning, this is a wrong cognition.

In fact, there is also a corresponding magic circle for high-level magic, but the element nodes of high-level magic cannot form a stable structure.

For example..."

Speaking of this, Janis stretched out her fingers and moved them in the air.

And with her movements, a water-blue magic circle gradually took shape.

The magic circle is circular in shape, with a circle of exquisite patterns carved on the edge. If you look closely at those patterns, you will find that they are repeated four times, occupying four areas respectively.

In addition, these patterns are known to Witte and others. They are ancient dragon language, which means "water ball".

Further inside is another circle. In the center of the circle is a water drop-shaped pattern carved by the water element. If you look closely at this pattern, you can find four locations with strong elements on it.

This location is not unfamiliar to Witte.

Not only is he friendly to the two elements of fire and water, but he has also been practicing spiritual magic seriously!

Therefore, he is quite familiar with the four-node magic of the eight attributes.

And these four locations with strong elemental aura, if connected together, are exactly the four-node magic water ball of the water element!

In other words, the magic circle that Janis carved casually is an absolute two-dimensional magic circle!

Of course, the premise is that it can really be used!

Just as Witt was thinking this, the magic circle began to gather the water elements around it, and soon, a huge water ball appeared above the magic circle!

"This is what I studied for a long time, and I used the ancient dragon language as part of the magic circle to stabilize the element nodes that were originally difficult to stabilize due to the small number of element nodes, and thus draw a new magic circle!

The corresponding magic is the water ball!

This is enough to show that the view that there is no corresponding magic circle for the second magic is wrong!

At this Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, I will completely reverse the view that the magic circle is just a derivative of magic.

The magic circle is not a derivative of magic, but an independent way of communicating elements similar to dragon language!"

At this point, Janis' eyes flashed with dazzling brilliance.

The Witts are not stupid, so they can naturally hear that Janis is going to do a great thing that the former dragon has done!

Of course, the Witts don't know what the great way is!

Janis came back to his senses and knew that these were not things that the Witts could touch now. He calmed down and then continued the lecture!

"Okay, let's continue the lecture!

You may be confused by what I said before. In fact, these are indeed not things you can understand, at least not now!

So, you just need to remember that what you are going to learn is not just magic circles, but a new way to communicate with elements!

You may wonder, since the ancient dragon language itself is a way to communicate with elements, then why do you need to learn a new way to communicate with elements.

That's because using Ancient Dragon Language to communicate with elements actually has certain limitations! "

Hearing this, Witte said consciously: "It's elemental affinity!"

Janis glanced at Witt appreciatively.

“That’s right, it’s elemental affinity!

Just like Celine, the elemental affinity of the sacred dragon is light!

Then, even if you use Ancient Dragon Language to communicate with its 놛 element, its 놛 element will rarely respond to your communication.

The manifestation of this magic is that you can only use light element magic.

Even if its elemental magic can be used, it is only a bit of magic with few element nodes.

However, the magic circle is different!

The way the magic circle communicates with the elements does not depend on the type of elements you use when activating the magic circle, but on the materials you use to draw the magic circle!

Suppose that the communication of each magical element requires a specific language.

In dragon language magic, elemental affinity is the language you use to communicate with the elements. This language is innate and cannot be acquired through acquired efforts.

In the magic circle system, the materials used to depict the magic circle are the language you use when communicating with the elements. You can change this language at any time by replacing the materials.

This means that even if you don't have the corresponding element affinity, as long as you can arrange the magic circle, you can use the corresponding magic. "

Hearing this, Witte suddenly thought of another use of the magic circle...

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