Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 659 Fast Continent is back!

Time is like a long stream of water, rushing forward incessantly!

On the endless sea, the bright moon hangs low, and the waves are like moths chasing the light, one after another, reaching out towards the bright moon in mid-air to stretch out their hands.

But it is a pity that we will never understand that the seemingly short distance is actually a gap that cannot be shortened forever.

A sea breeze blew, like a pair of gentle hands, smoothing the restless waves.

The shadow of the moon was hazy, a black spot, but it was gradually getting bigger.

Soon, the black dot revealed its true appearance.

The huge body of more than three hundred meters, with silver-white dragon scales shining brightly under the moonlight, and light blue, dreamlike colors, enveloped his body.

The light blue night light on his chest showed his identity.


Witte looked at the endless shadows in front of him, extending infinitely to both sides, and his tired eyes suddenly lit up.

Fast Continent is back!

Today, he is one hundred and twenty years old, with a body length of three hundred and nineteen meters. Of course, the tail thing is definitely not counted.

He Winters traveled more than ten miles in the sea.

In these more than ten years, they have experienced a lot, and nature has shown off its muscles in front of them several times.

Experienced the excitement of chasing and being hunted.

I have seen the beautiful scenery of corals and waves.

Saw the sunrise and watched the sunset!

Countless times, I cursed loudly in the face of strong winds, waves, rainstorms and thunder, and made a vicious oath that I would enter the sea again and hide all my losses.

I have looked at the rare scenery countless times, thinking silently, come back next time!

And now, every step of this process has come to an end with the shadow that appeared in his eyes.

Their cross-sea journey is over!

Thinking of this, Werther's eyes dimmed slightly.

Logically speaking, in an environment like the sea, Werther can basically only rely on his sense of time.

But in fact, Werther knew exactly how long it had been.

꾉Ten/zero two months, plus seven days!

If necessary, Werther can even tell the magical hours, minutes, and seconds.

That's right!

Werther's keen sense of time returned.

Not so long ago.

He knew exactly what this meant.

The time rune is about to stabilize.

And when the time rune is truly and completely stabilized, it is self-evident what will happen.

After all, he was affected by the newly awakened time rune and came to the past time point. Once the time rune is stable, there is no doubt that he will return to his own timeline.

He didn't know when he would leave suddenly.

After being prepared and saying goodbye to Winters properly, he turned around and left under the gaze of the other party, and then hid in a secluded corner alone until he disappeared.

Still in Winters' bewildered eyes, he suddenly disappeared.

Fortunately, it's not all bad news.

He has brought Winters back to Fast Continent.

The route along the way is not too far off, and you only need to search around for a while to find the Blazing City.

Even if he leaves suddenly, with a dragon city-state here, Winters can grow up safely.

Thinking of this, Werther breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he also knew that Winters would be fine.

If there is something wrong, there will not be such a dragon. When facing himself who was just born and poisoned by the knowledge left by his father, he will not tire of it and work tirelessly to correct his three views.

Listening to the steady breathing coming from behind, Werther sighed in his heart, his eyes full of complex colors.

He knew that he could not send Winters back.

The scorching city is the end of their journey.

But the question is, will Winters accept such a result?


With a long sigh, Werther continued flying towards the coastline ahead.

The moon reaches the sky!

Along with a soft sound, a burst of smoke and dust rose from the ground.

Werther stood on the ground, looking at the lush trees and mountains in the distance, and he felt that things were right and people were wrong.

But when he came back to his senses, Werther smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Things have changed and people have changed. This is just the first time he has set foot on this land.

Suddenly, Werther noticed that the breathing on his back gradually slowed down, so he stopped and lay down on the spot.

Not long after, Werther heard an exclamation.

"Yeah, are we here?"

After hearing this, Witte calmed down his emotions for a while, and then said with a smile: "Yes, we are here. Although we don't know where the Blazing City is, we have indeed returned to Fast Continent."

Speaking of this, Witte suddenly remembered something. Earth dragons can't fly, so how did Si Kuo travel between continents?

Uh... Next time you meet someone, you must remember to ask.

On the other side, after hearing Werther's words, Winters's eyes flashed with confusion. Then, she flew down from Werther's back, and then lay down in front of Werther.

The two dragons looked at the sea in front of them quietly, without anyone speaking.

Time passed little by little, and the sky in the east turned white. Then, a huge red sun rose from the sea level in the east.

"You should have something to say to 놖!"

Winters suddenly spoke.

Werther smiled bitterly.

"Have you really noticed? No wonder your words have always been very loud recently."

Winters did not look back and continued to look at the sea.

"Aren't you the same? You are always in a daze and don't know what you are thinking. You..."

Having said this, Winters was silent for a moment.

"Are you leaving?"

Winters' voice was calm, but within the calmness, there was reluctance, confusion, and sadness.

Hearing Winters' words, Werther was stunned for a moment, and then chuckled.

"I thought you would cry and make trouble, but I didn't expect that before I knew it, you had grown up."

"You won't be like that if you don't grow up!"

After a pause, Winters asked again: "Where are you going?"

"have no idea!"

"When are you leaving?"

"have no idea."

"When will you come back?"

"have no idea……"


There was another moment of silence, and Winters forced a laugh.

"I have no idea, do you really just want to leave?"

But this time, Winters got a positive answer from Werther.

“Really just leave.

Although I don’t know where I’m going, I don’t know when I will leave, and I don’t know when I will come back, I am sure that I will definitely come back! "

Hearing this, Winters turned to look at Werther.

"Since you don't know any of this, can you tell me your name?"


Looking at the silent Werther, Winters' eyes flashed with sadness, and then she turned her head to look at the sea again.

"놖It's your turn to speak!"

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