Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 673 He's here again!

Chapter 673 Here we go again!

"Let's stop here today!"

After hearing what Witt said, Leila breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Witt couldn't help but ask, "Why is it so exaggerated? In total, we only discussed the use of two or three ancient dragons, and it took less than four magic hours."

"That's all?"

Leila rolled her eyes.

"I've talked less than ten times in the past, and if I didn't really need your magic circle, would you care about me...eh?"

As she spoke, Leila suddenly let out a light "eh", and then carefully examined the metal plate in front of her.

"This magic circle..."

Witt saw Leila frowning and asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Lila seemed not to have heard what Witt said, frowning, and then began to search in the Ni Lin space.

"Found it!"

After a long time, Leila exclaimed, then took out a metal plate and placed it next to Witt's metal plate.

Witt curiously stretched his neck over.

Just a glance, and he was stunned for a moment.

The metal plate was a magic circle that looked very similar to the water source magic circle.

Well, saying similar is also an exaggeration for this magic circle.

If you look closely, you will find that the magic circle and the ancient dragon are not used correctly. They are roughly the same as the ancient dragons used in the magic circle, but some words seem to be copied and pasted just to form a complete magic circuit.

Although some ancient dragons are the same as the ancient dragons used in the magic circle, the engraving forms are very different. As a result, the role of the ancient dragons in the magic circle cannot be fully reflected.

If Witt were to evaluate this magic circle, it would be a very clumsy and completely ineffective imitation!

Witt guessed that the dragon who left this magic circle should have seen the magic circle from somewhere, but his own magic circle level was limited, or there was a deviation in his memory, so he made such a weird picture!

Of course, Witt thought so in his heart, but said: "This dragon's magic circle level is limited. Although the idea is similar to mine, the ancient dragon's attainments are quite different from mine.

Where did you get this thing from?"

After hearing Witt's words, Leila glanced at Witt, and then said with nostalgia: "This is left by a friend of mine. She left the hot city a long time ago.

However, you are wrong about one thing. Her magic circle level is still quite good, but she is not very good at studying these unconventional ancient dragons. Less.

She saw that I was not used to living here, so she drew this magic circle for me.

But unfortunately, it didn't work at all.

I remember that she was very embarrassed at that time, and kept saying that there was no problem with the magic circle, and she remembered it wrong.

Later, she recommended me to find the Chonglin Chamber of Commerce, saying that the Chonglin Chamber of Commerce should have the original version of this magic circle.

Chonglin Chamber of Commerce does have this magic circle, although it can be operated, but the effect is not good in the hot city. "

As she spoke, Leila took out another piece of metal plate.

After taking a look, Witt frowned again.

It was another similar magic circle, but it was not the original at all, it could only be said to be a pretty good imitation.

There is nothing wrong with using ancient dragons, but there is something wrong with the writing form of ancient dragons.

The effect of the magic circle will naturally be greatly reduced.

Looking at this magic circle, Witt was a little speechless.

At that time, he traded the magic circle to the Heavy Scale Chamber of Commerce, but now it seems that the magic circle master of the Heavy Scale Chamber of Commerce is not very good.

This level of error is likely to be caused by repeated descriptions and transmissions, resulting in information distortion, and finally such a version was produced.

For example, the Heavy Scale Chamber of Commerce has a device here, but the one used in the Leila shop is made by itself, and the alchemy device of water element needs to be replenished regularly.

It turns out that the original magic circle has been lost.

Of course, Witt can't say that in front of him.

"This is much better than the previous one. The idea is the same as mine. There is no problem with choosing the ancient dragon, but the writing form of the ancient dragon does not try more possibilities."

After a pause, Witt asked curiously: "Where did your friend see this magic circle?"

But the fact is, Witt wanted to know whether the dragon mentioned by Leila could be Winters.

There are too many coincidences here.

Lila lives in the house where Winters once lived, and she has a magic circle she created in her hand. So, if Leila came to the hot city a long time ago, the friend she mentioned could really be Winters.

However, after listening to Witt's words, Leila just shook her head.

"I don't know, she didn't say.

Well, if you don't have anything else to do, I want to take a break. I never thought that I would be tired of talking all day!"

Hearing this, Witt didn't ask any more questions.

After all, this involves the issue of time travel.


"Please hold on. I want to see your products. Maybe there are other uses of ancient dragons that I haven't seen."

Hearing Witt's words, Leila said weakly: "You can look at it casually. Except for the alchemical items on the shelf, each item is Thousand Magic Crystal Coins.

As for the more expensive ones, the prices are marked on the shelves.

I'm going to sleep first! "

After saying that, Leila closed her eyes and started to cry.

Witt looked at her speechlessly.

This is too lazy!

Thinking like this, Witt walked towards the shelf and started to select one by one.

Soon, he found his target. While playing with the mechanical puppet in his hand, he walked to the counter. After leaving enough magic crystal coins, he walked out of the store.

It seemed that he had seen enough, so Witt opened the Ni Lin space and put the things in.

Witt didn't know why, after she left, Leila opened her eyes again, looking at her back, thinking.


Walter was still thinking about how likely it was that Leila and Winters knew each other.

A familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"You finally came out. I've been waiting for you for a long time. If Leila hadn't been too uncomfortable in the alchemy shop, I would have wanted to go in and find you! "

Hearing this, Witt was stunned for a moment, turned around and looked, only to see Neil striding towards him.

"Didn't you leave?"

Neil scratched his head.

"I did leave, but thinking back, you still live here, and it would be boring to stay here as a dragon, so I might as well come to find you.

As for your leaving, that's a matter for the future.

By the way, you've slept for three days, don't you want to feel a little spicy?"

As he said, Neil pointed down.

Witt looked at him speechlessly, and after a long time, he sighed.

"I'll treat you this time!"


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