Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 676 Pretending... for five years!

The teleportation array is located in an underground ruin around the City of Life.

As mentioned before, when Witt chose these ruins, he deliberately chose small-scale ruins in order to avoid being targeted by the Abyss.

However, speaking of the Abyss, since coming to the vicinity of the City of Scorching Heat, Witt has not heard of any traces of them. I don’t know if it’s because of the City of Sky or if it’s the original plan.

Of course, Witt doesn’t think this is a good thing.

As the saying goes, a biting dog doesn’t bark. The Dragon Realm, which seems to be peaceful on the surface, may have been undercurrents in some hidden places.

Shaking his head, Witt put these thoughts behind him.

Even now, he still doesn’t think he has much influence on this war of invading the world.

Just like what Celine once said to him, if you don’t have the confidence to surpass Desidero in a short time, don’t worry about it. Uh... is that what you said?

It has been a long time, and my memory is a little fuzzy, but the first half is definitely fine.

Instead of thinking about the abyss, Witt is now more entangled with another thing.

The reason why he spent so much time planning here to contact the teleportation array is because, as long as he contacts this teleportation array, he can know what the other nine surviving points are, and even their specific locations!

The locations of the two teleportation arrays have been mentioned, one is in the Endless Sea near the Fast Continent, and the other is in a small ruins around the Life City.

The other seven points are all space anchors, one in the Endless Sea, one in the Desert City, one on the trade road from the Life City to the Desert City, and the other two are more special.

Witt is entangled with these two space anchors.

One is in Hemerland, and the other is in the laboratory left by Aqfrey around Hemerland.

That's right, Witt was struggling whether to go to Hemerland to take a look.

He could clearly feel that a gold coin that he had blessed was in Hemerland.

For him, it was just over a hundred years, less than two hundred years, but for Hemerland, it was more than eight thousand years.

A legendary high-ranking flying dragon has a lifespan of 10,000 years, but there are very few flying dragons that can grow to this level.

Whether Maier can reach this level, Witt only said that there is little hope.

At this time, the person holding the gold coin he gave to Maier is most likely his descendant.

Go... It's most likely a wasted trip, and it's easy to cause chaos in Hemerland. In addition, he has to walk the road from Hemerland to the City of Life again.

Don't go... What if!

Just like that, Witt returned to his shop in a tangle. He didn't even notice that Neil, who was standing in front of him, bumped into him.

"Hiss, so hard!"

Witt was pulled back to his thoughts by Neil's complaints. Seeing the latter rubbing his stomach constantly, he said helplessly: "What are you doing!"

Neil rolled his eyes.

"I should be the one to ask you this. Why did you come back in a daze after going out? What happened, or..."

As he said that, Neil suddenly thought of something and looked at Witt in a panic.

"Are you going to leave?"

Witt looked at Neil speechlessly after hearing this.

"It's not that I'm going to leave, but your reaction is too big. Didn't I say it a long time ago that I won't stay in the hot city for a long time, just rest here for a while.

Seeing you like this, I don't have the heart to tell you that I will leave in five years."

That's right, Witt is not going to leave now.

Running away immediately after doing something bad is the behavior of children. Adult dragons will return to the scene to pretend to be innocent after doing something bad.

Especially when he is sure that his behavior has not attracted the attention of any dragon.

Pretend to stay for another five years, and then leave naturally.

Thinking of this, Witt couldn't help but sigh that he was really a smart one!

On the other hand, hearing that Witt would not leave, Neil's face suddenly showed a smile, but when he heard that Witt would leave in five years, his face immediately fell.

After a long time, he smiled and asked, "Do you have to leave?"

Witt's face became serious.

"I have reasons to leave, just like you have reasons to stay here."

Witt also gradually understood the reason why Neil stayed in the hot city during their interactions. It was not just because this place was suitable for him to live in, but after leaving here, he didn't know where to go.

He had a deeper reason to stay here. He wanted to see if the dragon that left the dragon egg would come back here.

Unlike dragons born in the wild, they were completely abandoned and left to fend for themselves.

Neil was left in the hot city. He always believed that the other party left only because she had to leave. If that reason no longer existed, maybe she would come back.

Although Witt felt that this possibility was very small, Neil thought so.

"Witt, I think I need to be quiet!"

After that, Neil walked outside.


Hearing Witt's voice, he stopped and turned to look over.

Witt had a helpless look on his face.

"Although I don't like this...

But, in a sense, this is a true portrayal of the dragon.

In a long life, nothing can always be with you. If you have to choose one, then only loneliness will never leave you. You can hate it, but you have to accept it!

Remember, I told you that I have a partner to live with, but because of what I want to do, I have been away from them for more than two hundred years!"

Neil nodded, then turned and left.

Witt sighed, then walked towards the counter. Without Neil, he would have to look after the store by himself...

Witt thought Neil would be entangled for a long time.

But what he didn't expect was that after only one magic hour, Neil brought the spicy grilled Mazer dragon beast they often ate and flew back excitedly.

"I figured it out. Our lives are long. We will meet again, right!"

Witt was stunned for a moment, then said helplessly: "Don't make it seem like I'm leaving tomorrow. There are still five years!"

After a pause, Witt hesitated.

"In fact, after a while, we may meet often."

For Billy and the others, the long-distance teleportation magic circle must be reported to Boredia, or Sky City, on the grounds that it was accidentally discovered in the ruins.

Afterwards, in order to deal with the invasion of the abyss, Sky City will inevitably share this technology with Free City.

And Free City originally had some connection with the Heavy Scale Chamber of Commerce, and the Heavy Scale Chamber of Commerce also had some connection with the Scorching City, Desert City, Life City, etc.

If Libby was willing to build a long-distance teleportation network, these dragon city-states would definitely be connected together!

However, Neil obviously didn't know this and kept asking questions.

Witt didn't reveal anything, but just said that we would know later...

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