Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 702 Roaring Flames!

Seventy-five node forbidden spell - Flame Roar!

When a rhythmic chant came from the moment, Witt's face became serious, and a name emerged in his mind.

The seventy-five node forbidden spell doesn't sound very strong, but any magic that exceeds seventy nodes, that is, any magic called forbidden spell, has the power to destroy the earth.

Let alone seventy-five, which is the lowest level of seventy-node forbidden spell, compared with sixty-node magic, they are one level lower, there is no comparison at all.

Fortunately, this magic does not affect him who is watching the battle, and Witt looks at the situation below with peace of mind.

Although the flame roar is called roar, except that the method used is similar to breath, it has nothing to do with breath.

Moreover, there is more than one such forbidden spell.

Each element has a roaring forbidden spell, and all of them have 75 nodes. This is a series of magic.

While recalling the information of the roar of flames in his heart, Witt stared at Kamal below and prepared himself secretly.

He knew very well that whether this attack was successful or not, the battle would end.

If it succeeded, Kamal would kill the dragon, and he would have enough rest time (for Kamal). If it failed, he would leave without hesitation and get rid of the dragon's tracking through this attack.

If the dragon did not have a tracking method like Witt, it would be very simple for Kamal to get rid of the dragon if he was determined.

It can be said that the initiator of this battle was Kamal himself.

However, Witt would not miss this opportunity.

Kamal's previous consumption was not small, and now he has to use a forbidden spell. Once this forbidden spell is used, he will fall into a very weak state.

Such a good opportunity is rare.

Under Witt's gaze, Kamal's spell became more passionate, and a dark red magic circle appeared in front of him.

When the last syllable of the spell ended and the magic circle was completely formed, Kamal roared at the dragon, and a dark red flame, like a wave, surged towards the dragon.

Wherever the flame passed, the sand dunes that blocked the path of the flame evaporated out of thin air, and the scorching high temperature burned the space and fluctuated.

With Kamal as the center, the range of thousands of meters on both sides was all covered by the roaring flames.

The reason why the forbidden spell is called the forbidden spell is that once this level of magic is used, it will be a catastrophic blow to the surrounding environment.

Fortunately, this is an endless sea of ​​sand, and the thing that is most abundant is sand.

And the dragon was obviously prepared to face the forbidden spell. As soon as the flames roared, he fled madly.

Kamal was not surprised by this.

He certainly knew that if he dared to confront him head-on, it meant that his opponent had the confidence to avoid his forbidden spell.

But at the same time, he had the confidence to burn the opponent to ashes before he ran out of the forbidden spell range. In this way, it was not about who had more confidence, but who had stronger ability!

It happened in a flash!

The speed of releasing the forbidden spell was much faster than described, and the attack speed of the forbidden spell was much faster than described. The dragon's reaction was fast enough.

In the eyes of the young Witt, it was only a breath of time for the forbidden spell to be released, and then the dark red flames began to sweep the earth.

At the front of the flame wave, the dragon that he couldn't see through was fleeing frantically.

This situation lasted for nearly five minutes.

Five minutes later, the speed of the flame wave slowed down. Although the dragon didn't completely avoid it, it only had half of its tail, so it didn't have much impact on the battle.

When the forbidden spell stopped, the dragon panted violently, turned its head, and looked at the flat lava land behind it with its golden eyes, with a hint of relief and a hint of complacency.

But this emotion came and went quickly. In just a blink of an eye, there was only a dead calmness in the golden eyes.

Looking at Kamal, who had disappeared, his eyes were still the same.

Will he lose it?

He didn't know, maybe he would, maybe he wouldn't.

He was just doing what he thought he should do according to his own ideas. As for the result, it was not very important. He didn't even know how long he could keep his sanity.

Looking at the black aura gradually rising from the lava ground, a hint of helplessness flashed across his eyes. It was really a force that dragons hated!

But his body was cheering and jumping for joy.

When he was about to deal with the battlefield, his pupils suddenly shrank, and two golden dragons, one in front and one behind, surrounded him.


Looking at the speed of the surging fire wave, a strong killing intent flashed across Kamal's dark pupils, but with his eyes, it was impossible not to see that the opponent would definitely be able to avoid this forbidden spell.

Although he wanted to stay and work harder to kill the opponent, he was at risk of being weakened by the opponent.

Not worth it!

Although he had already been killed by the Abyss Dragon, madness and destruction kept surging in his mind, but he still had the ability to recognize the situation.

With that figure imprinted in his mind, Kamal turned around and continued to fly in the original direction.

He knew that he would be relatively quiet for a long time.

Although the consumption was equally large, his own element reserves were much greater than the opponent's, so it was better to run past the opponent's tracking range.

That being said, for some reason, his mind always unconsciously emerged the previous scene, one silver and two gold, three dragons, silently standing on the sand dunes, watching him leave.

And every time this scene appeared in his mind, his mood would become irritable.

Is it a sense of crisis?

Or, just a simple impression?

The scene appeared in his mind again, and this time, Kamal's heart rose with an unprecedented irritability.

This feeling made him quite uncomfortable!


While flying rapidly, Kamal looked around vigilantly.

Will they ambush him again?

Of course he remembered that the silver unknown dragon was carrying the energy hidden in the space. Although he didn't know whether it was its own energy or a magic circle, there was no doubt that it was a very effective ambush method.

It was considered that the enemy had been hiding nearby and watching, so it was difficult for him to find him.

Is he really hiding nearby?

I was careless and shouldn't have started this battle. Just because he didn't show up before doesn't mean he won't show up.

That abyss dragon can track him, so what about the three-headed dragon?

The more he thought about it, the more panicked Kamal became!

But there was no movement around.

Did he guess wrong?

Or was Kamal still waiting for an opportunity?

Suddenly, Kamal's pupils shrank sharply, and that familiar feeling came, and all the elements were rushing towards one direction frantically...

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