Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 705 Decision!

Witt stared at the lava lake that was gradually shrinking because of the fight against the power of the abyss, but his eyes were empty and dull, obviously thinking about something else.

The flaming dragon Skech stood aside, looking at Witt quietly.

He was waiting for the dragon in front of him to make a decision.

Although the dragon in front of him was powerful, he was still confident if he just wanted to escape.

Even if the two golden dragons were there, it would be the same.

Suddenly, Skech's eyes condensed, and the power of the abyss in his body began to surge.

Skech frowned, and his eyebrows revealed a look of pain, but he still just stood there silently, enduring the pain.

Even if he had to experience it several times a day, this kind of pain was adaptation, because it was pain from the depths of his soul.

Noticing that Witt was looking at him, Skechers asked, "Have you made a decision?"

Witt did not answer the question immediately, but asked, "Is this the price you pay for bearing the power of the abyss?"

Skeechers was silent for a moment, then chuckled.

"This is the price of accepting the power of the abyss!"

Because of the pain, Skechers' laughter was very low, and even the expression on his face was a little distorted.

Witt looked at Skechers like this, and couldn't help asking, "Are you free like this?"

Skeechers shook his head.

"This is a kind of bondage!

However, in addition to freedom, a dragon's life also has other things to pursue.

Since childhood, I have been infected by the power of the abyss, and that damn voice has been constantly echoing and whispering in my ears, but why should I do what a power that hurts me says?

If you want to do it, then resist!

This is a war, a war between me and the power in my body.

Red dragons are born to win!


Speaking of this, Skech was stunned, and then said helplessly: "When I started to call myself the Flame Dragon, I knew that I would not win this battle at all.

But I may not follow its guidance because I won.

It is even more likely that I will continue to pursue freedom by myself, which is a manifestation of cowardice!"

Witt was silent and looked at Skech.

How to say it?

The thoughts revealed by Skech's words are in line with his stereotype of red dragons. This is a red dragon that exudes the breath of red dragons in its bones.

But because of this, Witt looked at the other party's unusually bright golden eyes, sighed, and said helplessly: "I can kill an abyss dragon under the banner of freedom, but there is no way to judge a dragon in the name of freedom."

After a pause, Witt said in a deep voice: "But how can you make me believe that you are just a flaming dragon, not an abyss dragon?"

Hearing this, Skech thought for a moment, and then looked directly at Witt.

"Do you have gold coins on you?"

Witt was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Skech with a vigilant face.

"Why do you ask that?"

Seeing this, Skech grinned.

"Sure enough, you are also a dragon who likes gold coins, the same as me. In this case, how about you give me a gold coin?"

Hearing this, Witt immediately understood Skech's thoughts.

"You want me to monitor your whereabouts?"

Skech nodded, then smiled and said: "It's hard for me to stay in one place for too long. After a day or two, the abyss breath on my body will begin to erode the surrounding environment.

So, I am destined to be a wanderer.

If one day, I suddenly stay in a certain place for a long time, it means that I will either die or lose.

But even if I lose, I will free myself at the last moment.

I need a dragon who knows my whereabouts, and when I die and can't dispose of my body, help me deal with a body."

"This... To be honest, I..."

"I have traveled for many years, and I still have some gold coins."

"Don't refuse!"

When hearing the gold coins, all the reasons for trying to refuse are obstacles on the road to treasure hunting, and for these obstacles, Witt has only one way to deal with them, that is to crush them!

"It's a deal. Even if you die in another unknown continent, I will cross mountains and rivers to properly dispose of your body!"

Witt said that with righteous words.

If you can ignore his shining eyes.

Skechers looked at Witt in front of him, and his mouth twitched uncontrollably. Although he also liked to collect gold coins, the attraction of gold coins to him didn't seem to be that great!

Of course, for him, the more attractive the gold coins were to Witt, the better, and the more likely Witt was willing to spend a lot of effort to find him.

He has been fighting against the infection of the abyss, and naturally hopes that he will become the source of the infection of the abyss after his death.

However, just in case...

"I want to remind you of one thing. The power of the abyss has a small erosion effect on the Dragon Blessing."

Witt was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

No wonder there was no treasure in the treasure ruins of Virgoliu back then. He always thought that Poredia had taken it away. In this case, it is very likely that there is only one gold coin left of the treasure there.

Thinking of this, Witt made up his mind that after returning to the Sky City and explaining the matter of the long-distance teleportation magic circle, he would concentrate on looking for the treasure ruins of Virgoliu.

Don't let the abyss destroy you!

Thinking this in his heart, Witt took out a portable long-distance space magic circle after hearing what Skechers said.

"Here's to you. When you are about to die, press this button and throw this thing out directly."

Although the space anchor point is also OK, it has no protection ability. If it encounters a little external force, the space anchor point will most likely fail.

Just like more than 8,000 years ago, the space anchor points he installed were far more than the teleportation magic circle, but the loss rate was much greater than that of the teleportation magic circle.

And the teleportation magic circle itself has the positioning function of the space anchor point.

Otherwise, it is also possible to teleport back and forth.

While Skechers was curiously studying the portable teleportation magic circle, Witt flew to the lava lake, and then took out the gold coin used for positioning from the stomach of Kamal's body.

After a slight hesitation, Witt erased the space folding magic circle and dragon blessing on it, then remelted it, leaving his own image, and then re-blessed it.

Although full of sacrifice and heartache, Witt still covered his eyes and threw the token to Skechers.

As for why he covered his eyes...

He was afraid that he would see it, but he couldn't help but snatch it back.

Skechers himself is a dragon who likes gold coins. He certainly understands Witt's approach, so as soon as he received the gold coins, he hurriedly put them into his own reverse scale space.

Of course, applying a dragon blessing is also a habitual action for a dragon who likes gold coins. He will definitely be happy because he has a gold coin in hand.

Skechers grinned and thought to himself...

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